
[hare] The Hare programming language
git clone https://git.torresjrjr.com/hare.git
Log | Files | Refs | README | LICENSE

alpine.yml (2066B)

      1 image: alpine/latest
      2 oauth: pages.sr.ht/PAGES:RW
      3 packages:
      4   - scdoc
      5 sources:
      6 - git://c9x.me/qbe.git
      7 - https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/harec
      8 - https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/hare
      9 triggers:
     10 - action: email
     11   condition: failure
     12   to: "<~sircmpwn/hare-dev@lists.sr.ht>"
     13 tasks:
     14 - environment: |
     15     cd hare
     16     if [ "$BUILD_SUBMITTER" = "git.sr.ht" ]
     17     then
     18       if [ "$GIT_REF" != "refs/heads/master" ]
     19       then
     20           complete-build
     21       fi
     22       if [ "$(git remote get-url origin)" != "https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/hare" ]
     23       then
     24         complete-build
     25       fi
     26     fi
     27 - signoff: |
     28     cd hare
     29     if [ "$BUILD_REASON" = "patchset" ]
     30     then
     31         if ! git log --format='%b' origin/master^^.. | grep 'Signed-off-by' >/dev/null
     32         then
     33             echo "Patch missing Signed-off-by"
     34             exit 1
     35         fi
     36     fi
     37 - qbe: |
     38     cd qbe
     39     make -j2 PREFIX=/usr
     40     sudo make install PREFIX=/usr
     41 - harec: |
     42     cd harec
     43     cp configs/linux.mk config.mk
     44     make -j2
     45     sudo make install
     46 - hare: |
     47     cd hare
     48     cp configs/linux.mk config.mk
     49     make -j2
     50     sudo make install
     51 - check: |
     52     cd hare
     53     make -j2 check
     54 - check_with_libc: |
     55     cd hare
     56     hare test -lc
     57 - parsechk: |
     58     cd hare
     59     hare run cmd/parsechk
     60 - lint: |
     61     cd hare
     62     ./scripts/lint.sh
     63 - bootstrap: |
     64     cd hare
     65     make -j2 bootstrap
     66     if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]
     67     then
     68         echo "bootstrap makefiles out of date, run make bootstrap to regenerate"
     69         exit 1
     70     fi
     71 - genoiddb: |
     72     cd hare
     73     hare run cmd/genoiddb < encoding/asn1/stdoid/db.txt > encoding/asn1/stdoid/db.ha
     74     if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]
     75     then
     76         echo "Either encoding/asn1/stdoid/db.ha is out of date or something broke genoiddb"
     77         exit 1
     78     fi
     79 - docs: |
     80     cd hare
     81     make docs/html
     82     tar -C docs/html -cvz . > docs.tar.gz
     83     if [ $BUILD_SUBMITTER != "git.sr.ht" ]
     84     then
     85         echo "Not uploading docs for non-git.sr.ht build"
     86         exit
     87     fi
     88     acurl -f https://pages.sr.ht/publish/docs.harelang.org -Fcontent=@docs.tar.gz || true