
[hare] The Hare programming language
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memstream.ha (8861B)

      1 // License: MPL-2.0
      2 // (c) 2022 Alexey Yerin <yyp@disroot.org>
      3 // (c) 2021 Bor Grošelj Simić <bor.groseljsimic@telemach.net>
      4 // (c) 2021 Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com>
      5 // (c) 2021 Ember Sawady <ecs@d2evs.net>
      6 use bytes;
      7 use io;
      8 use strings;
      9 use errors;
     11 export type memstream = struct {
     12 	stream: io::stream,
     13 	buf: []u8,
     14 	pos: size,
     15 };
     17 const memstream_vt_r: io::vtable = io::vtable {
     18 	seeker = &seek,
     19 	copier = &copy,
     20 	reader = &read,
     21 	...
     22 };
     24 const fixed_vt_w: io::vtable = io::vtable {
     25 	seeker = &seek,
     26 	copier = &copy,
     27 	writer = &fixed_write,
     28 	...
     29 };
     31 const fixed_vt_rw: io::vtable = io::vtable {
     32 	seeker = &seek,
     33 	copier = &copy,
     34 	reader = &read,
     35 	writer = &fixed_write,
     36 	...
     37 };
     39 // Creates a stream for a fixed, caller-supplied buffer. All fixed streams are
     40 // seekable; seeking a write stream will cause subsequent writes to overwrite
     41 // existing contents of the buffer. The program aborts if writes would exceed
     42 // the buffer's capacity. The stream doesn't have to be closed.
     43 export fn fixed(in: []u8, mode: io::mode) memstream = {
     44 	let s = memstream {
     45 		stream = &memstream_vt_r,
     46 		buf = in,
     47 		pos = 0,
     48 	};
     49 	if (mode & io::mode::RDWR == io::mode::RDWR) {
     50 		s.stream = &fixed_vt_rw;
     51 	} else if (mode & io::mode::WRITE == io::mode::WRITE) {
     52 		s.stream = &fixed_vt_w;
     53 	} else if (mode & io::mode::READ == io::mode::READ) {
     54 		s.stream = &memstream_vt_r;
     55 	};
     56 	return s;
     57 };
     59 fn fixed_write(s: *io::stream, buf: const []u8) (size | io::error) = {
     60 	if (len(buf) == 0) {
     61 		return 0z;
     62 	};
     63 	let s = s: *memstream;
     64 	if (s.pos >= len(s.buf)) {
     65 		abort("bufio::fixed buffer exceeded");
     66 	};
     67 	const n = if (len(buf) > len(s.buf[s.pos..])) {
     68 		yield len(s.buf[s.pos..]);
     69 	} else {
     70 		yield len(buf);
     71 	};
     72 	s.buf[s.pos..s.pos+n] = buf[..n];
     73 	s.pos += n;
     74 	return n;
     75 };
     77 const dynamic_vt_w: io::vtable = io::vtable {
     78 	seeker = &seek,
     79 	copier = &copy,
     80 	writer = &dynamic_write,
     81 	closer = &dynamic_close,
     82 	...
     83 };
     85 const dynamic_vt_rw: io::vtable = io::vtable {
     86 	seeker = &seek,
     87 	copier = &copy,
     88 	reader = &read,
     89 	writer = &dynamic_write,
     90 	closer = &dynamic_close,
     91 	...
     92 };
     94 // Creates an [[io::stream]] which dynamically allocates a buffer to store
     95 // writes into. Subsequent reads will consume the buffered data. Upon failure to
     96 // allocate sufficient memory to store writes, the program aborts.
     97 //
     98 // Calling [[io::close]] on this stream will free the buffer. If a stream's data
     99 // is transferred via [[buffer]], the stream shouldn't be closed as long as the
    100 // data is used.
    101 export fn dynamic(mode: io::mode) memstream = dynamic_from([], mode);
    103 // Like [[dynamic]], but takes an existing slice as input. Writes are appended
    104 // to it and reads consume bytes from the initial buffer, plus any additional
    105 // writes. Like [[dynamic]], calling [[io::close]] will free the buffer.
    106 export fn dynamic_from(in: []u8, mode: io::mode) memstream = {
    107 	let s = memstream {
    108 		stream = &memstream_vt_r,
    109 		buf = in,
    110 		pos = 0,
    111 	};
    112 	if (mode & io::mode::RDWR == io::mode::RDWR) {
    113 		s.stream = &dynamic_vt_rw;
    114 	} else if (mode & io::mode::WRITE == io::mode::WRITE) {
    115 		s.stream = &dynamic_vt_w;
    116 	} else if (mode & io::mode::READ == io::mode::READ) {
    117 		s.stream = &memstream_vt_r;
    118 	};
    119 	return s;
    120 };
    122 // Returns the current buffer of a [[fixed]] or [[dynamic]] stream.
    123 export fn buffer(in: *memstream) []u8 = {
    124 	return in.buf;
    125 };
    127 // Resets the dynamic buffer's length to zero, but keeps the allocated memory
    128 // around for future writes.
    129 export fn reset(in: *memstream) void = {
    130 	in.pos = 0;
    131 	in.buf = in.buf[..0];
    132 };
    134 // Truncates the dynamic buffer, freeing memory associated with it and setting
    135 // its length to zero.
    136 export fn truncate(in: *memstream) (void | errors::unsupported) = {
    137 	in.pos = 0;
    138 	delete(in.buf[..]);
    139 };
    141 // Reads data from a [[dynamic]] or [[fixed]] stream and returns a slice
    142 // borrowed from the internal buffer.
    143 export fn borrowedread(st: *memstream, amt: size) ([]u8 | io::EOF) = {
    144 	if (len(st.buf) - st.pos < amt) {
    145 		return io::EOF;
    146 	};
    147 	let buf = st.buf[st.pos..st.pos + amt];
    148 	st.pos += len(buf);
    149 	return buf;
    150 };
    152 fn dynamic_write(s: *io::stream, buf: const []u8) (size | io::error) = {
    153 	let s = s: *memstream;
    154 	insert(s.buf[s.pos], buf...);
    155 	s.pos += len(buf);
    156 	return len(buf);
    157 };
    159 fn dynamic_close(s: *io::stream) (void | io::error) = {
    160 	const s = s: *memstream;
    161 	free(s.buf);
    162 };
    164 fn read(s: *io::stream, buf: []u8) (size | io::EOF | io::error) = {
    165 	let s = s: *memstream;
    166 	if (len(s.buf) == s.pos && len(buf) != 0) {
    167 		return io::EOF;
    168 	};
    169 	const n = if (len(s.buf) - s.pos < len(buf)) {
    170 		yield len(s.buf) - s.pos;
    171 	} else {
    172 		yield len(buf);
    173 	};
    174 	assert(s.pos + n <= len(s.buf));
    175 	buf[..n] = s.buf[s.pos..s.pos + n];
    176 	s.pos += n;
    177 	return n;
    178 };
    180 fn seek(
    181 	s: *io::stream,
    182 	off: io::off,
    183 	w: io::whence
    184 ) (io::off | io::error) = {
    185 	let s = s: *memstream;
    186 	switch (w) {
    187 	case io::whence::SET =>
    188 		if (len(s.buf) < off: size) {
    189 			abort("invalid offset");
    190 		};
    191 		s.pos = off: size;
    192 	case io::whence::CUR =>
    193 		if (s.pos + off: size > len(s.buf)) {
    194 			abort("invalid offset");
    195 		};
    196 		s.pos += off: size;
    197 	case io::whence::END =>
    198 		if (len(s.buf) - (-off): size < len(s.buf)) {
    199 			abort("invalid offset");
    200 		};
    201 		s.pos = len(s.buf) - (-off): size;
    202 	};
    203 	return s.pos: io::off;
    204 };
    206 fn copy(dest: *io::stream, src: *io::stream) (size | io::error) = {
    207 	if (src.reader != &read || src.writer == null) {
    208 		return errors::unsupported;
    209 	};
    210 	let src = src: *memstream;
    211 	return (dest.writer: *io::writer)(dest, src.buf[src.pos..]);
    212 };
    214 @test fn dynamic() void = {
    215 	let s = dynamic(io::mode::RDWR);
    216 	assert(io::writeall(&s, [1, 2, 3]) as size == 3);
    217 	assert(bytes::equal(buffer(&s), [1, 2, 3]));
    218 	assert(io::writeall(&s, [4, 5]) as size == 2);
    219 	assert(bytes::equal(buffer(&s), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
    220 	let buf: [2]u8 = [0...];
    221 	assert(io::seek(&s, 0, io::whence::SET) as io::off == 0: io::off);
    222 	assert(io::read(&s, buf[..]) as size == 2 && bytes::equal(buf, [1, 2]));
    223 	assert(io::read(&s, buf[..]) as size == 2 && bytes::equal(buf, [3, 4]));
    224 	assert(io::read(&s, buf[..]) as size == 1 && buf[0] == 5);
    225 	assert(io::read(&s, buf[..]) is io::EOF);
    226 	assert(io::writeall(&s, [6, 7, 8]) as size == 3);
    227 	assert(bytes::equal(buffer(&s), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]));
    228 	reset(&s);
    229 	assert(len(buffer(&s)) == 0);
    230 	assert(io::writeall(&s, [1, 2, 3]) as size == 3);
    231 	assert(truncate(&s) is void);
    232 	assert(len(buffer(&s)) == 0);
    234 	let sl: []u8 = alloc([1, 2, 3]);
    235 	let s = dynamic_from(sl, io::mode::WRITE);
    236 	assert(io::writeall(&s, [0, 0]) as size == 2);
    237 	assert(io::seek(&s, 0, io::whence::END) as io::off == 5: io::off);
    238 	assert(io::writeall(&s, [4, 5, 6]) as size == 3);
    239 	assert(bytes::equal(buffer(&s), [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]));
    240 	assert(io::read(&s, buf[..]) as io::error is errors::unsupported);
    241 	io::close(&s)!;
    243 	sl = alloc([1, 2]);
    244 	let s = dynamic_from(sl, io::mode::READ);
    245 	assert(io::read(&s, buf[..1]) as size == 1 && buf[0] == 1);
    246 	assert(io::seek(&s, 1, io::whence::CUR) as io::off == 2: io::off);
    247 	assert(io::read(&s, buf[..]) is io::EOF);
    248 	assert(io::write(&s, [1, 2]) as io::error is errors::unsupported);
    249 	io::close(&s)!;
    250 	assert(io::writeall(&s, [1, 2]) as io::error is errors::unsupported);
    251 	io::close(&s)!;
    253 	let in: [6]u8 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    254 	let source = dynamic_from(in, io::mode::READ);
    255 	let sink = dynamic(io::mode::WRITE);
    256 	io::copy(&sink, &source)!;
    257 	assert(bytes::equal(in, buffer(&sink)));
    259 	let in: [6]u8 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    260 	let source = dynamic_from(in, io::mode::READ);
    261 	const borrowed = borrowedread(&source, len(in)-1) as []u8;
    262 	assert(bytes::equal(borrowed, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]));
    263 	let source = dynamic_from(in, io::mode::READ);
    264 	const borrowed = borrowedread(&source, len(in)) as []u8;
    265 	assert(bytes::equal(borrowed, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
    266 	let source = dynamic_from(in, io::mode::READ);
    267 	assert(borrowedread(&source, len(in)+1) is io::EOF);
    268 };
    270 @test fn fixed() void = {
    271 	let buf: [1024]u8 = [0...];
    272 	let stream = fixed(buf, io::mode::WRITE);
    273 	defer io::close(&stream)!;
    275 	let n = 0z;
    276 	n += io::writeall(&stream, strings::toutf8("hello ")) as size;
    277 	n += io::writeall(&stream, strings::toutf8("world")) as size;
    278 	assert(bytes::equal(buf[..n], strings::toutf8("hello world")));
    279 	assert(io::seek(&stream, 6, io::whence::SET) as io::off == 6: io::off);
    280 	io::writeall(&stream, strings::toutf8("asdf")) as size;
    281 	assert(bytes::equal(buf[..n], strings::toutf8("hello asdfd")));
    283 	let out: [2]u8 = [0...];
    284 	let s = fixed([1u8, 2u8], io::mode::READ);
    285 	defer io::close(&s)!;
    286 	assert(io::read(&s, out[..1]) as size == 1 && out[0] == 1);
    287 	assert(io::seek(&s, 1, io::whence::CUR) as io::off == 2: io::off);
    288 	assert(io::read(&s, buf[..]) is io::EOF);
    289 	assert(io::writeall(&s, [1, 2]) as io::error is errors::unsupported);
    291 	let in: [6]u8 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    292 	let out: [6]u8 = [0...];
    293 	let source = fixed(in, io::mode::READ);
    294 	let sink = fixed(out, io::mode::WRITE);
    295 	io::copy(&sink, &source)!;
    296 	assert(bytes::equal(in, out));
    298 	assert(io::write(&sink, [])! == 0);
    299 };