
[hare] The Hare programming language
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keys.ha (9044B)

      1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
      2 // (c) Hare authors <https://harelang.org>
      4 use bytes;
      5 use crypto::bigint;
      6 use crypto::math::*;
      7 use endian;
      8 use errors;
      9 use io;
     10 use memio;
     11 use types;
     13 // The default bit size of RSA keys is 4096-bit. Used as base for buffer sizes.
     14 export def BITSZ: size = 4096;
     16 // The minimum bit size of RSA keys used only for validation during key init.
     17 // The default value is 1024-bit.
     18 export def MINBITSZ: size = 1024;
     20 // RSA key parameters for initializing public keys with [[pubkey_init]].
     21 export type pubparams = struct {
     22 	// Modulus in big-endian order
     23 	n: []u8,
     25 	// Public exponent in big-endian order
     26 	e: []u8,
     27 };
     29 // RSA key parameters for initializing private keys with [[privkey_init]]. If
     30 // the private exponent d is available, [[privkey_initd]] may be used, which
     31 // derives 'dp' and 'dq'. All big integer values are in big-endian order.
     32 export type privparams = struct {
     33 	// Bit length of the modulus n. If unknown, the modulus can be provided
     34 	// to the init function, which derivces the length.
     35 	nbitlen: size,
     37 	// First prime factor.
     38 	p: []u8,
     40 	// Second prime factor
     41 	q: []u8,
     43 	// First exponent. dp = d mod (p - 1) where d is the private exponent.
     44 	// May be omitted on [[privkey_initd]].
     45 	dp: []u8,
     47 	// Second exponent. dq = d mod (q - 1) where d is the private exponent.
     48 	// May be omitted on [[privkey_initd]].
     49 	dq: []u8,
     51 	// Coefficient. iq = q^-1 mod p.
     52 	iq: []u8,
     53 };
     55 // Size required to store a public key of [[BITSZ]] length.
     56 export def PUBKEYSZ: size = 5 + 2 * (BITSZ >> 3);
     58 // Initializes a public key from given [[pubparams]] 'x'. The data format
     59 // of 'pubkey' is subject to change and must not be used to serialize the key.
     60 // [[PUBKEYSZ]] defines the required size to store a key of [[BITSZ]].
     61 //
     62 // If given key does not fit into 'pubkey' or is too small, [[errors::overflow]]
     63 // is returned. Returns [[errors::invalid]], if given key parameters are
     64 // invalid. Returns the number of bytes written to 'pubkey' on success.
     65 export fn pubkey_init(pubkey: []u8, x: pubparams) (size | error) = {
     66 	let e = ltrim(x.e);
     67 	let n = ltrim(x.n);
     69 	if (len(pubkey) < pubkey_len(n, e) || len(n) > types::U16_MAX
     70 			|| len(e) > types::U16_MAX) {
     71 		return errors::overflow;
     72 	};
     74 	// Very basic key checks that only catch obvious errors.
     75 	if ((len(e) == 1 && e[0] == 1) || len(e) > len(n)) {
     76 		return errors::invalid;
     77 	};
     78 	if (bitlen(n) < MINBITSZ) {
     79 		return errors::invalid;
     80 	};
     82 	let w = memio::fixed(pubkey);
     84 	let s = 0z;
     85 	s += writeslice(&w, e)!;
     86 	s += writeslice(&w, n)!;
     87 	return s;
     88 };
     90 // Returns the length of the modulus 'n' of given public key.
     91 export fn pubkey_nbitlen(pubkey: []u8) size = {
     92 	let p = pubkey_params(pubkey);
     93 	return bitlen(p.n);
     94 };
     96 // Returns the length the public key would require in its encoded form.
     97 fn pubkey_len(n: []u8, e: []u8) size = 1z + 2 + len(n) + 2 + len(e);
     99 // Returns the slice without preceeding zeroes.
    100 fn ltrim(s: []u8) []u8 = {
    101 	for (len(s) > 0 && s[0] == 0) {
    102 		s = s[1..];
    103 	};
    104 	return s;
    105 };
    107 fn writeslice(dest: io::handle, a: []u8) (size | io::error) = {
    108 	let lenbuf: [2]u8 = [0...];
    109 	endian::beputu16(lenbuf, len(a): u16);
    110 	let s = io::write(dest, lenbuf)?;
    111 	s += io::write(dest, a)?;
    112 	return s;
    113 };
    115 // Counts the bits for given slice 'n'.
    116 fn bitlen(s: []u8) size = {
    117 	for (s[0] == 0) {
    118 		s = s[1..];
    119 	};
    121 	return countbits(s[0]) + 8 * (len(s) - 1);
    122 };
    124 fn countbits(x: u8) size = {
    125 	let k: u32 = nequ32(x, 0);
    126 	let c: u32 = 0;
    128 	c = gtu32(x, 0x0f);
    129 	x = muxu32(c, x >> 4, x): u8;
    130 	k += c << 2;
    132 	c = gtu32(x, 0x03);
    133 	x = muxu32(c, x >> 2, x): u8;
    134 	k += c << 1;
    136 	k += gtu32(x, 0x01);
    138 	return k;
    139 };
    141 @test fn countbits() void = {
    142 	assert(countbits(0xf0) == 8);
    143 	assert(countbits(0x70) == 7);
    144 	assert(countbits(0x30) == 6);
    145 	assert(countbits(0x10) == 5);
    146 	assert(countbits(0x08) == 4);
    147 	assert(countbits(0x04) == 3);
    148 	assert(countbits(0x03) == 2);
    149 	assert(countbits(0x01) == 1);
    150 	assert(countbits(0x00) == 0);
    151 };
    153 // Returns the public key parameters, borrowed from given 'pubkey'.
    154 export fn pubkey_params(pubkey: []u8) pubparams = {
    155 	let keybuf = pubkey;
    156 	return pubparams {
    157 		e = nextslice(&keybuf),
    158 		n = nextslice(&keybuf),
    159 	};
    160 };
    162 fn nextslice(key: *[]u8) []u8 = {
    163 	const l = endian::begetu16(key[..2]);
    164 	let s = key[2..2 + l];
    165 	*key = key[2 + l..];
    166 	return s;
    167 };
    169 // Size required to store a private key of [[BITSZ]] length.
    170 export def PRIVKEYSZ: size = 13 + (MAXFACTOR >> 3) * 5;
    172 fn privkey_len(x: *privparams) size =
    173 	13z + len(x.p) + len(x.q) + len(x.dp) + len(x.dq) + len(x.iq);
    175 // Initializes the private key 'privkey' using the values from 'x'. 'nbitlen' of
    176 // 'x' may be omitted, if the modulus 'n' is passed. All other values of 'x'
    177 // must be present. If 'x' is missing 'dp' and 'dq' use [[privkey_initd]].
    178 //
    179 // In case of invalid parameters or if the key is too small, [[errors::invalid]]
    180 // is returned. If the key does not fit 'privkey', [[errors::overflow]] is
    181 // returned. On success the number of bytes written to 'privkey' is returned.
    182 export fn privkey_init(privkey: []u8, x: privparams, n: []u8...) (size | error) = {
    183 	privkey_normalize(privkey, &x)?;
    185 	if (len(x.dp) == 0 || len(x.dq) == 0) {
    186 		return errors::invalid;
    187 	};
    189 	let s = privkey_writehead(privkey, &x, n...)?;
    190 	let w = memio::fixed(privkey[s..]);
    192 	s += writeslice(&w, x.dp)!;
    193 	s += writeslice(&w, x.dq)!;
    195 	s += writeslice(&w, x.iq)!;
    196 	s += writeslice(&w, x.p)!;
    197 	s += writeslice(&w, x.q)!;
    198 	return s;
    199 };
    201 // Trims key parameters and also does basic key checks.
    202 fn privkey_normalize(privkey: []u8, x: *privparams) (void | error) = {
    203 	x.p = ltrim(x.p);
    204 	x.q = ltrim(x.q);
    205 	x.dp = ltrim(x.dp);
    206 	x.dq = ltrim(x.dq);
    207 	x.iq = ltrim(x.iq);
    209 	if (len(privkey) < privkey_len(x)
    210 			|| len(x.p) > types::U16_MAX
    211 			|| len(x.q) > types::U16_MAX
    212 			|| len(x.dp) > types::U16_MAX
    213 			|| len(x.dq) > types::U16_MAX
    214 			|| len(x.iq) > types::U16_MAX) {
    215 		return errors::overflow;
    216 	};
    218 	if (len(x.p) == 0 || len(x.q) == 0 || len(x.iq) == 0
    219 			|| !isodd(x.p) || !isodd(x.q)) {
    220 		return errors::invalid;
    221 	};
    222 };
    224 fn isodd(x: []u8) bool = {
    225 	assert(len(x) > 0);
    226 	return x[len(x)-1] & 1 == 1;
    227 };
    229 fn privkey_writehead(
    230 	privkey: []u8,
    231 	p: *privparams,
    232 	n: []u8...
    233 ) (size | error) = {
    234 	assert(len(n) <= 1);
    235 	const nbitlen = if (len(n) == 1) bitlen(n[0]) else p.nbitlen;
    236 	if (nbitlen > types::U16_MAX) {
    237 		return errors::overflow;
    238 	};
    239 	if (nbitlen < MINBITSZ) {
    240 		return errors::invalid;
    241 	};
    243 	let w = memio::fixed(privkey);
    244 	let lenbuf: [2]u8 = [0...];
    245 	endian::beputu16(lenbuf, nbitlen: u16);
    246 	return io::write(&w, lenbuf)!;
    247 };
    249 // Initializes the private key 'privkey' using the values from 'x' and the
    250 // secret exponent 'd'. 'dp' and 'dq' will be derived from 'p' and 'q' of 'x'.
    251 // 'nbitlen' of 'x' may be omitted, if the modulus 'n' is passed. 'x' must
    252 // provide 'iq'.
    253 //
    254 // In case of invalid parameters or if the key is too small, [[errors::invalid]]
    255 // is returned. If the key does not fit 'privkey', [[errors::overflow]] is
    256 // returned. On success the number of bytes written to 'privkey' is returend.
    257 export fn privkey_initd(
    258 	privkey: []u8,
    259 	x: privparams,
    260 	d: []u8,
    261 	n: []u8...
    262 ) (size | error) = {
    263 	privkey_normalize(privkey, &x)?;
    265 	let s = privkey_writehead(privkey, &x, n...)?;
    267 	// the order is important. The dmod operation uses the space for the
    268 	// remaining factors as buffer.
    269 	s += privkey_dmod(privkey[s..], d, x.p);
    270 	s += privkey_dmod(privkey[s..], d, x.q);
    272 	let w = memio::fixed(privkey[s..]);
    273 	s += writeslice(&w, x.iq)!;
    274 	s += writeslice(&w, x.p)!;
    275 	s += writeslice(&w, x.q)!;
    277 	// zero out tail in case the privkey_dmod operation left buffered values
    278 	bytes::zero(privkey[s..]);
    279 	return s;
    280 };
    282 // Calculates 'x' = 'd' mod 'y' - 1 and stores 'x' into 'out' preceeding a
    283 // u16 len. 'out' will also be used as a calculation buffer. 'y' must be odd.
    284 fn privkey_dmod(out: []u8, d: []u8, y: []u8) size = {
    285 	const encwordlen = bigint::encodelen(y);
    286 	const enclen = encwordlen * size(bigint::word);
    287 	const xlen = len(y);
    289 	assert(len(out) >= 2 + xlen + 2 * enclen);
    290 	assert(isodd(y));
    292 	let buf = out[2 + xlen..];
    293 	// XXX: this may be only done once for both dp and dq
    294 	let by = (buf[..enclen]: *[*]bigint::word)[..encwordlen];
    295 	bigint::encode(by, y);
    296 	bigint::decrodd(by);
    298 	let bx = (buf[enclen..2 * enclen]: *[*]bigint::word)[..encwordlen];
    299 	bigint::encodereduce(bx, d, by);
    301 	out[0] = (xlen >> 8): u8;
    302 	out[1] = xlen: u8;
    303 	bigint::decode(out[2..2 + xlen], bx);
    304 	return 2 + xlen;
    305 };
    307 // Returns the private key parameters borrowed from 'privkey'.
    308 export fn privkey_params(privkey: []u8) privparams = {
    309 	let keybuf = privkey[2..];
    310 	return privparams {
    311 		nbitlen = privkey_nbitlen(privkey),
    312 		dp = nextslice(&keybuf),
    313 		dq = nextslice(&keybuf),
    314 		iq = nextslice(&keybuf),
    315 		p = nextslice(&keybuf),
    316 		q = nextslice(&keybuf),
    317 		...
    318 	};
    319 };
    321 // Returns the length of the modulus 'n'.
    322 export fn privkey_nbitlen(privkey: []u8) size = {
    323 	return endian::begetu16(privkey[0..2]);
    324 };
    326 // Returns the number of bytes that are required to store a value modulo 'n'.
    327 export fn privkey_nsize(privkey: []u8) size = {
    328 	return (privkey_nbitlen(privkey) + 7) / 8;
    329 };