
[hare] The Hare programming language
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time.ha (851B)

      1 // License: MPL-2.0
      2 // (c) 2021-2022 Byron Torres <b@torresjrjr.com>
      3 use errors;
      4 use time;
      6 // Calculates the wall clock (hour, minute, second, nanosecond),
      7 // given a time since the start of a day.
      8 fn calc_hmsn(t: time::duration) (int, int, int, int) = {
      9 	// TODO: Special case for leap seconds, 61st second?
     10 	const hour = (t / time::HOUR): int;
     11 	const min = ((t / time::MINUTE) % 60): int;
     12 	const sec = ((t / time::SECOND) % 60): int;
     13 	const nsec = (t % time::SECOND): int;
     14 	return (hour, min, sec, nsec);
     15 };
     17 // Calculates the time since the start of a day,
     18 // given a wall clock (hour, minute, second, nanosecond).
     19 fn calc_time__hmsn(
     20 	hour: int,
     21 	min: int,
     22 	sec: int,
     23 	nsec: int,
     24 ) (time::duration | invalid) = {
     25 	const t = (
     26 		(hour * time::HOUR) +
     27 		(min * time::MINUTE) +
     28 		(sec * time::SECOND) +
     29 		(nsec * time::NANOSECOND)
     30 	);
     31 	return t;
     32 };