
[hare] The Hare programming language
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limit.ha (1895B)

      1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
      2 // (c) Hare authors <https://harelang.org>
      4 export type limitstream = struct {
      5 	vtable: stream,
      6 	source: handle,
      7 	limit: size,
      8 };
     10 const limit_vtable_reader: vtable = vtable {
     11 	reader = &limit_read,
     12 	...
     13 };
     15 const limit_vtable_writer: vtable = vtable {
     16 	writer = &limit_write,
     17 	...
     18 };
     20 // Create an overlay stream that only allows a limited amount of bytes to be
     21 // read from the underlying stream. This stream does not need to be closed, and
     22 // closing it does not close the underlying stream. Reading any data beyond the
     23 // given limit causes the reader to return [[EOF]].
     24 export fn limitreader(source: handle, limit: size) limitstream = {
     25 	return limitstream {
     26 		vtable = &limit_vtable_reader,
     27 		source = source,
     28 		limit = limit,
     29 	};
     30 };
     32 // Create an overlay stream that only allows a limited amount of bytes to be
     33 // written to the underlying stream. This stream does not need to be closed, and
     34 // closing it does not close the underlying stream. Writing beyond the given
     35 // limit causes the writer to return short writes (as few as zero bytes).
     36 export fn limitwriter(source: handle, limit: size) limitstream = {
     37 	return limitstream {
     38 		vtable = &limit_vtable_writer,
     39 		source = source,
     40 		limit = limit,
     41 	};
     42 };
     44 fn limit_read(s: *stream, buf: []u8) (size | EOF | error) = {
     45 	let stream = s: *limitstream;
     46 	if (stream.limit == 0) {
     47 		return EOF;
     48 	};
     49 	if (len(buf) > stream.limit) {
     50 		buf = buf[..stream.limit];
     51 	};
     52 	match (read(stream.source, buf)) {
     53 	case EOF =>
     54 		return EOF;
     55 	case let z: size =>
     56 		stream.limit -= z;
     57 		return z;
     58 	};
     59 };
     61 fn limit_write(s: *stream, buf: const []u8) (size | error) = {
     62 	let stream = s: *limitstream;
     63 	if (stream.limit == 0) {
     64 		return 0z;
     65 	};
     66 	let slice = if (len(buf) > stream.limit) {
     67 		yield buf[..stream.limit];
     68 	} else {
     69 		yield buf[..];
     70 	};
     71 	const z = write(stream.source, slice)?;
     72 	stream.limit -= z;
     73 	return z;
     74 };