
[hare] The Hare programming language
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stack.ha (4994B)

      1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
      2 // (c) Hare authors <https://harelang.org>
      4 use bytes;
      5 use strings;
      7 // Appends path elements onto the end of a [[path]] buffer.
      8 // Returns the new string value of the path.
      9 export fn push(p: *path, items: str...) (str | error) = {
     10 	for (let item .. items) {
     11 		let elem = strings::toutf8(item);
     13 		for (true) match (bytes::index(elem, SEP)) {
     14 		case void =>
     15 			p.end = appendnorm(p, elem)?;
     16 			break;
     17 		case let j: size =>
     18 			if (j == 0 && p.end == 0) {
     19 				p.buf[0] = SEP;
     20 				p.end = 1;
     21 			} else {
     22 				p.end = appendnorm(p, elem[..j])?;
     23 			};
     24 			elem = elem[j+1..];
     25 		};
     26 	};
     27 	return string(p);
     28 };
     30 const dot: []u8 = ['.'];
     31 const dotdot: []u8 = ['.', '.'];
     33 // append a path segment to a [[path]], preserving normalization.
     34 // seg must not contain any [[SEP]]s. if you need to make the path absolute, you
     35 // should do that manually. returns the new end of the [[path]].
     36 // x    +    => x
     37 // x    + .  => x
     38 // /    + .. => /
     39 //      + .. => ..
     40 // x/.. + .. => x/../..
     41 // x/y  + .. => x
     42 // x    + y  => x/y
     43 fn appendnorm(p: *path, seg: []u8) (size | error) = {
     44 	if (len(seg) == 0 || bytes::equal(dot, seg)) return p.end;
     45 	if (bytes::equal(dotdot, seg)) {
     46 		if (isroot(p)) return p.end;
     47 		const isep = match (bytes::rindex(p.buf[..p.end], SEP)) {
     48 		case void => yield 0z;
     49 		case let i: size => yield i + 1;
     50 		};
     51 		if (p.end == 0 || bytes::equal(p.buf[isep..p.end], dotdot)) {
     52 			return appendlit(p, dotdot)?;
     53 		} else {
     54 			return if (isep <= 1) isep else isep - 1;
     55 		};
     56 	} else {
     57 		return appendlit(p, seg)?;
     58 	};
     59 };
     61 // append a segment to a [[path]], *without* preserving normalization.
     62 // returns the new end of the [[path]]
     63 fn appendlit(p: *path, bs: []u8) (size | error) = {
     64 	let newend = p.end;
     65 	if (p.end == 0 || isroot(p)) {
     66 		if (MAX < p.end + len(bs)) return too_long;
     67 	} else {
     68 		if (MAX < p.end + len(bs) + 1) return too_long;
     69 		p.buf[p.end] = SEP;
     70 		newend += 1;
     71 	};
     72 	p.buf[newend..newend+len(bs)] = bs;
     73 	return newend + len(bs);
     74 };
     77 @test fn push() void = {
     78 	let p = init()!;
     79 	assert(string(&p) == ".");
     81 	// current dir invariants
     82 	assert(push(&p, "")! == ".");
     83 	assert(push(&p, ".")! == ".");
     85 	// parent dir invariants
     86 	assert(push(&p, "..")! == "..");
     87 	assert(push(&p, "")! == "..");
     88 	assert(push(&p, ".")! == "..");
     89 	assert(push(&p, local("/"))! == "..");
     91 	assert(set(&p)! == ".");
     92 	// root dir invariants
     93 	assert(push(&p, local("/"))! == local("/"));
     94 	assert(push(&p, "")! == local("/"));
     95 	assert(push(&p, ".")! == local("/"));
     96 	assert(push(&p, "..")! == local("/"));
     97 	assert(push(&p, local("/"))! == local("/"));
     99 	assert(set(&p)! == ".");
    100 	// regular path and parent
    101 	assert(push(&p, "foo")! == "foo");
    102 	assert(push(&p, ".")! == "foo");
    103 	assert(push(&p, local("/"))! == "foo");
    104 	assert(push(&p, "..")! == ".");
    106 	// multiple segments
    107 	assert(push(&p, "a", "b")! == local("a/b"));
    108 	assert(push(&p, "..", "c")! == local("a/c"));
    109 	assert(push(&p, "..")! == "a");
    110 	assert(push(&p, local("/d"))! == local("a/d"));
    111 	assert(push(&p, "..", "..")! == ".");
    113 	// multiple segments, absolute
    114 	assert(push(&p, local("/"), "a", "b")! == local("/a/b"));
    115 	assert(push(&p, "..", "c")! == local("/a/c"));
    116 	assert(push(&p, "..")! == local("/a"));
    117 	assert(push(&p, local("/d"))! == local("/a/d"));
    118 	assert(push(&p, "..", "..", "..")! == local("/"));
    119 };
    121 // Examine the final path segment in a [[path]].
    122 // Returns void if the path is empty or is the root dir.
    123 export fn peek(p: *const path) (str | void) = split(p).1;
    125 // Remove and return the final path segment in a [[path]].
    126 // Returns void if the path is empty or is the root dir.
    127 export fn pop(p: *path) (str | void) = {
    128 	const (end, res) = split(p);
    129 	p.end = end;
    130 	return res;
    131 };
    133 // helper function for pop/peek, returns (new end of [[path]], result)
    134 fn split(p: *path) (size, (str | void)) = {
    135 	if (p.end == 0 || isroot(p)) return (p.end, void);
    136 	match (bytes::rindex(p.buf[..p.end], SEP)) {
    137 	case void =>
    138 		return (0z, strings::fromutf8_unsafe(p.buf[..p.end]));
    139 	case let i: size =>
    140 		return (
    141 			if (i == 0) 1z else i,
    142 			strings::fromutf8_unsafe(p.buf[i+1..p.end]),
    143 		);
    144 	};
    145 };
    147 @test fn pop() void = {
    148 	// empty
    149 	let p = init()!;
    150 	assert(pop(&p) is void);
    151 	assert(string(&p) == ".");
    153 	// root dir
    154 	p.end = 0;
    155 	push(&p, local("/"))!;
    156 	assert(pop(&p) is void);
    157 	assert(string(&p) == local("/"));
    159 	// relative file
    160 	p.end = 0;
    161 	push(&p, "foo")!;
    162 	assert(pop(&p) as str == "foo");
    163 	assert(string(&p) == ".");
    165 	// abs file
    166 	p.end = 0;
    167 	push(&p, local("/foo"))!;
    168 	assert(pop(&p) as str == "foo");
    169 	assert(string(&p) == local("/"));
    170 };
    172 // Returns the parent directory for a given path, without modifying the [[path]].
    173 // If the path is the root directory, the root directory is returned. The value
    174 // is either borrowed from the input or statically allocated; use
    175 // [[strings::dup]] to extend its lifetime or modify it.
    176 export fn parent(p: *const path) (str | error) = {
    177 	const newend = appendnorm(p, dotdot)?;
    178 	if (newend == 0) return ".";
    179 	return strings::fromutf8_unsafe(p.buf[..newend]);
    180 };