
[hare] The Hare programming language
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+test.ha (28015B)

      1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
      2 // (c) Hare authors <https://harelang.org>
      4 use fmt;
      5 use strings;
      6 use types;
      8 type matchres = enum { MATCH, NOMATCH, ERROR };
     10 fn run_find_case(
     11 	expr: str,
     12 	string: str,
     13 	expected: matchres,
     14 	start: int,
     15 	end: int
     16 ) void = {
     17 	const re = match (compile(expr)) {
     18 	case let re: regex => yield re;
     19 	case let e: error =>
     20 		if (expected == matchres::MATCH) {
     21 			fmt::errorln(e)!;
     22 			fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to match string \"{}\", but it errored",
     23 				expr, string)!;
     24 			abort();
     25 		};
     26 		if (expected == matchres::NOMATCH) {
     27 			fmt::errorln(e)!;
     28 			fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to not match string \"{}\", but it errored",
     29 				expr, string)!;
     30 			abort();
     31 		};
     32 		return;
     33 	};
     35 	if (expected == matchres::ERROR) {
     36 		fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to have error caught during compilation, but it did not",
     37 			expr)!;
     38 		abort();
     39 	};
     40 	defer finish(&re);
     42 	const result = find(&re, string);
     43 	defer result_free(result);
     44 	if (len(result) == 0) {
     45 		if (expected == matchres::MATCH) {
     46 			fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to match string \"{}\", but it did not",
     47 				expr, string)!;
     48 			abort();
     49 		};
     50 		return;
     51 	} else if (expected == matchres::NOMATCH) {
     52 		fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to not match string \"{}\", but it did",
     53 			expr, string)!;
     54 		abort();
     55 	};
     57 	if (start: size != result[0].start) {
     58 		fmt::errorfln("Expected start of main capture to be {} but it was {}",
     59 			start, result[0].start)!;
     60 		abort();
     61 	};
     62 	if (end: size != result[0].end) {
     63 		fmt::errorfln("Expected end of main capture to be {} but it was {}",
     64 			end, result[0].end)!;
     65 		abort();
     66 	};
     67 };
     69 fn run_submatch_case(
     70 	expr: str,
     71 	string: str,
     72 	expected: matchres,
     73 	targets: []str
     74 ) void = {
     75 	const re = compile(expr)!;
     76 	defer finish(&re);
     78 	const result = find(&re, string);
     79 	defer result_free(result);
     80 	assert(len(result) == len(targets), "Invalid number of captures");
     81 	for (let i = 0z; i < len(targets); i += 1) {
     82 		assert(targets[i] == result[i].content, "Invalid capture");
     83 	};
     84 };
     86 fn run_findall_case(
     87 	expr: str,
     88 	string: str,
     89 	expected: matchres,
     90 	targets: []str
     91 ) void = {
     92 	const re = match (compile(expr)) {
     93 	case let re: regex => yield re;
     94 	case let e: error =>
     95 		if (expected != matchres::ERROR) {
     96 			fmt::errorln(e)!;
     97 			fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to compile, but it errored",
     98 				expr)!;
     99 			abort();
    100 		};
    101 		return;
    102 	};
    103 	defer finish(&re);
    105 	if (expected == matchres::ERROR) {
    106 		fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to have error caught during compilation, but it did not",
    107 			expr)!;
    108 		abort();
    109 	};
    111 	const results = findall(&re, string);
    112 	if (len(results) == 0 && expected == matchres::MATCH) {
    113 		fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to match string \"{}\", but it did not",
    114 			expr, string)!;
    115 		abort();
    116 	};
    117 	defer result_freeall(results);
    119 	if (expected == matchres::NOMATCH) {
    120 		fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to not match string \"{}\", but it did",
    121 			expr, string)!;
    122 		abort();
    123 	};
    124 	if (len(targets) != len(results)) {
    125 		fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to find {} results but found {}",
    126 			expr, len(targets), len(results))!;
    127 		abort();
    128 	};
    129 	for (let i = 0z; i < len(results); i += 1) {
    130 		if (results[i][0].content != targets[i]) {
    131 			fmt::errorfln("Expected submatch of expression /{}/ to be {} but it was {}",
    132 				expr, targets[i], results[i][0].content)!;
    133 			abort();
    134 		};
    135 	};
    136 };
    138 fn run_replace_case(
    139 	expr: str,
    140 	string: str,
    141 	target: str,
    142 	n: size,
    143 	expected: (str | void),
    144 ) void = {
    145 	const re = match (compile(expr)) {
    146 	case let re: regex => yield re;
    147 	case let e: error =>
    148 		fmt::errorln(e)!;
    149 		fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to compile, but it errored",
    150 			expr)!;
    151 		abort();
    152 	};
    153 	defer finish(&re);
    155 	match (replacen(&re, string, target, n)) {
    156 	case let e: error =>
    157 		if (expected is str) {
    158 			fmt::errorln(e)!;
    159 			fmt::errorfln("expr=/{}/ string=\"{}\" target=\"{}\" n={} expected=\"{}\"",
    160 				expr, string, target, n, expected as str)!;
    161 			abort();
    162 		};
    163 	case let s: str =>
    164 		defer free(s);
    165 		if (expected is void) {
    166 			fmt::errorln("Expected replace to fail, but it did not")!;
    167 			fmt::errorfln("expr=/{}/ string=\"{}\" target=\"{}\" n={} return=\"{}\"",
    168 				expr, string, target, n, s)!;
    169 			abort();
    170 		};
    171 		if (expected as str != s) {
    172 			fmt::errorfln("expr=/{}/ string=\"{}\" target=\"{}\" n={} expected=\"{}\" return=\"{}\"",
    173 				expr, string, target, n, expected as str, s)!;
    174 			abort();
    175 		};
    176 	};
    177 };
    179 fn run_rawreplace_case(
    180 	expr: str,
    181 	string: str,
    182 	target: str,
    183 	n: size,
    184 	expected: str,
    185 ) void = {
    186 	const re = match (compile(expr)) {
    187 	case let re: regex => yield re;
    188 	case let e: error =>
    189 		fmt::errorln(e)!;
    190 		fmt::errorfln("Expected expression /{}/ to compile, but it errored",
    191 			expr)!;
    192 		abort();
    193 	};
    194 	defer finish(&re);
    196 	const s = rawreplacen(&re, string, target, n);
    197 	defer free(s);
    198 	if (expected != s) {
    199 		fmt::errorfln("expr=/{}/ string=\"{}\" target=\"{}\" n={} expected=\"{}\" return=\"{}\"",
    200 			expr, string, target, n, expected, s)!;
    201 		abort();
    202 	};
    203 };
    205 @test fn find() void = {
    206 	const cases = [
    207 		// literals
    208 		(`^$`, "", matchres::MATCH, 0, 0),
    209 		(``, "", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    210 		(`abcd`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    211 		(`abc`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, 3),
    212 		(`bcd`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 1, 4),
    213 		(`^abc$`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    214 		(`^abc$`, "axc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    215 		// .
    216 		(`^.$`, "x", matchres::MATCH, 0, 1),
    217 		(`^.$`, "y", matchres::MATCH, 0, 1),
    218 		(`^.$`, "", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 1),
    219 		// +
    220 		(`^a+$`, "a", matchres::MATCH, 0, 1),
    221 		(`^a+$`, "aaa", matchres::MATCH, 0, 3),
    222 		(`^a+$`, "", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    223 		(`^(abc)+$`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, 3),
    224 		(`^(abc)+$`, "abcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, 6),
    225 		(`^(abc)+$`, "", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    226 		// *
    227 		(`^a*$`, "", matchres::MATCH, 0, 0),
    228 		(`^a*$`, "aaaa", matchres::MATCH, 0, 4),
    229 		(`^a*$`, "b", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    230 		(`^(abc)*$`, "", matchres::MATCH, 0, 0),
    231 		(`^(abc)*$`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, 3),
    232 		(`^(abc)*$`, "abcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, 6),
    233 		(`^(abc)*$`, "bbb", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 3),
    234 		// ?
    235 		(`^a?$`, "", matchres::MATCH, 0, 0),
    236 		(`^a?$`, "a", matchres::MATCH, 0, 1),
    237 		(`^a?$`, "b", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    238 		(`^(abc)?$`, "", matchres::MATCH, 0, 0),
    239 		(`^(abc)?$`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, 3),
    240 		(`^(abc)?$`, "bbb", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    241 		// ^ and $
    242 		(`^a*`, "aaaa", matchres::MATCH, 0, 4),
    243 		(`a*$`, "aaaa", matchres::MATCH, 0, 4),
    244 		(`^a*$`, "aaaa", matchres::MATCH, 0, 4),
    245 		(`a*`, "aaaa", matchres::MATCH, 0, 4),
    246 		(`b*`, "aaaabbbb", matchres::MATCH, 4, 8),
    247 		(`^b*`, "aaaabbbb", matchres::MATCH, 0, 0),
    248 		(`b*$`, "aaaabbbb", matchres::MATCH, 4, 8),
    249 		// (a|b)
    250 		(`^(cafe|b)x$`, "cafex", matchres::MATCH, 0, 5),
    251 		(`^(cafe|b)x$`, "bx", matchres::MATCH, 0, 2),
    252 		(`^(cafe|b)x$`, "XXXx", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    253 		(`^(cafe|b)x$`, "bx", matchres::MATCH, 0, 2),
    254 		(
    255 			`^(Privat|Jagd)(haftpflicht|schaden)versicherungs(police|betrag)$`,
    256 			"Jagdhaftpflichtversicherungsbetrag",
    257 			matchres::MATCH, 0, -1
    258 		),
    259 		(
    260 			`^(Privat|Jagd)(haftpflicht|schaden)versicherungs(police|betrag)$`,
    261 			"Jagdhaftpflichtversicherungsbetrug",
    262 			matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1
    263 		),
    264 		(
    265 			`^(Privat|Jagd)(haftpflicht|schaden)versicherungs(police|betrag)$`,
    266 			"Jagdversicherungspolice",
    267 			matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1
    268 		),
    269 		(`)`, "", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    270 		// [abc]
    271 		(`^test[abc]$`, "testa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    272 		(`^test[abc]$`, "testb", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    273 		(`^test[abc]$`, "testc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    274 		(`^test[abc]$`, "testd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    275 		(`^test[abc]*$`, "test", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    276 		(`^test[abc]*$`, "testa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    277 		(`^test[abc]*$`, "testaaa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    278 		(`^test[abc]*$`, "testabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    279 		(`^test[abc]?$`, "test", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    280 		(`^test[abc]?$`, "testa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    281 		(`^test[abc]+$`, "testa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    282 		(`^test[abc]+$`, "test", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    283 		(`^test[]abc]$`, "test]", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    284 		(`^test[[abc]$`, "test[", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    285 		(`^test[^abc]$`, "testd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    286 		(`^test[^abc]$`, "test!", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    287 		(`^test[^abc]$`, "testa", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    288 		(`^test[^abc]$`, "testb", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    289 		(`^test[^abc]$`, "testc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    290 		(`^test[^]abc]$`, "test]", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    291 		(`^test[^abc[]$`, "test[", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    292 		(`^test[^abc]*$`, "testd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    293 		(`^test[^abc]*$`, "testqqqqq", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    294 		(`^test[^abc]*$`, "test", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    295 		(`^test[^abc]*$`, "testc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    296 		(`^test[^abc]?$`, "test", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    297 		(`^test[^abc]?$`, "testd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    298 		(`^test[^abc]?$`, "testc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    299 		(`^test[^abc]+$`, "testd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    300 		(`^test[^abc]+$`, "testddd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    301 		(`^test[^abc]+$`, "testc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    302 		(`^test[^abc]+$`, "testcccc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    303 		(`^test[a-c]$`, "testa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    304 		(`^test[a-c]$`, "testb", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    305 		(`^test[a-c]$`, "testc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    306 		(`^test[a-c]$`, "testd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    307 		(`^test[a-c]$`, "test!", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    308 		(`^test[a-c]$`, "test-", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    309 		(`^test[-a-c]$`, "test-", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    310 		(`^test[a-c-]$`, "test-", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    311 		(`^test[a-c]*$`, "test", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    312 		(`^test[a-c]*$`, "testa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    313 		(`^test[a-c]*$`, "testabb", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    314 		(`^test[a-c]*$`, "testddd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    315 		(`^test[a-c]?$`, "test", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    316 		(`^test[a-c]?$`, "testb", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    317 		(`^test[a-c]?$`, "testd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    318 		(`^test[a-c]+$`, "test", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    319 		(`^test[a-c]+$`, "testbcbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    320 		(`^test[a-c]+$`, "testd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    321 		(`^test[^a-c]$`, "testa", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    322 		(`^test[^a-c]$`, "testb", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    323 		(`^test[^a-c]$`, "testc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    324 		(`^test[^a-c]$`, "testd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    325 		(`^test[^a-c]$`, "test!", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    326 		(`^test[^a-c]$`, "test-", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    327 		(`^test[^-a-c]$`, "test-", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    328 		(`^test[^a-c-]$`, "test-", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    329 		(`^test[^a-c-]*$`, "test", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    330 		(`^test[^a-c-]*$`, "test--", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    331 		(`^test[^a-c-]*$`, "testq", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    332 		(`^test[^a-c-]?$`, "test", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    333 		(`^test[^a-c-]?$`, "testq", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    334 		(`^test[^a-c-]?$`, "test-", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    335 		(`^test[^a-c-]+$`, "test", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    336 		(`^test[^a-c-]+$`, "testb", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    337 		(`^test[^a-c-]+$`, "testddd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    338 		(`([a-z][a-z0-9]*,)+`, "a5,b7,c9,", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    339 		// [:alpha:] etc.
    340 		(`^test[[:alnum:]]+$`, "testaA1", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    341 		(`^test[[:alnum:]]+$`, "testa_1", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    342 		(`^test[[:alpha:]]+$`, "testa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    343 		(`^test[[:alpha:]]+$`, "testa1", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    344 		(`^test[[:blank:]]+$`, "testa", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    345 		(`^test[[:blank:]]+$`, "test ", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    346 		(`^test[^[:blank:]]+$`, "testx", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    347 		(`^test[[:blank:]]+$`, "test ", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    348 		(`^test[^[:cntrl:]]+$`, "testa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    349 		(`^test[[:digit:]]$`, "test1", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    350 		(`^test[[:digit:]]$`, "testa", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    351 		(`^test[[:graph:]]+$`, "test\t", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    352 		(`^test[[:lower:]]+$`, "testa", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    353 		(`^test[[:lower:]]+$`, "testA", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    354 		(`^test[[:print:]]+$`, "test\t", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    355 		(`^test[[:punct:]]+$`, "testA", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    356 		(`^test[[:punct:]]+$`, "test!", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    357 		(`^test[[:space:]]+$`, "test ", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    358 		(`^test[[:upper:]]+$`, "testa", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    359 		(`^test[[:upper:]]+$`, "testA", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    360 		(`^test[[:xdigit:]]+$`, "testCAFE", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    361 		// range expressions
    362 		(`[a-z]+`, "onlylatinletters", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    363 		(`[x-z]+`, "xyz", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    364 		(`[x-z]+`, "wxyz", matchres::MATCH, 1, 4),
    365 		(`[a-e]+`, "-abcdefg", matchres::MATCH, 1, 6),
    366 		(`[a-z]`, "-1234567890@#$%^&*(!)-+=", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    367 		(`[0-9]+`, "9246", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    368 		// # Cyrillic
    369 		(`[а-я]+`, "кирилица", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    370 		(`[а-д]`, "е", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    371 		(`[я-ф]`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, -1),
    372 		(`[А-Я]+`, "АБВГд", matchres::MATCH, 0, 4),
    373 		// because Macedonian uses cyrrilics, the broad range does
    374 		// not include special symbols
    375 		(`[а-ш]+`, "ѓљњќ", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    376 		// # Polish Alphabet
    377 		(`[a-ż]+`, "polskialfabet", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    378 		(`[a-ż]+`, "źśółęćą", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    379 		// because Polish alphabet uses Latin with special characters,
    380 		// other characters can be accepted
    381 		(`[a-ż]+`, "englishspeak", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    382 		(`[a-ż]+`, "{|}~", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    383 		// # Thai Alphabet
    384 		(`[ก-ฮ]+`, "ศอผจข", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    385 		// [:alpha:] etc. plus extra characters
    386 		(`^test[[:digit:]][[:alpha:]]$`, "test1a", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    387 		(`^test[[:digit:]][[:alpha:]]$`, "testa1", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    388 		(`^test[[:alnum:]!]+$`, "testa!1", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    389 		(`^test[@[:alnum:]!]+$`, "testa!@1", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    390 		// Escaped characters such as \+
    391 		(`^a\+b$`, "a+b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    392 		(`^a\?b$`, "a?b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    393 		(`^a\*b$`, "a*b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    394 		(`^a\^b$`, "a^b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    395 		(`^a\$b$`, "a$b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    396 		(`^a\[b$`, "a[b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    397 		(`^a\]b$`, "a]b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    398 		(`^a\(b$`, "a(b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    399 		(`^a\)b$`, "a)b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    400 		(`^a\|b$`, "a|b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    401 		(`^a\.b$`, "a.b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    402 		(`^a\\b$`, "a\\b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    403 		(`^x(abc)\{,2\}$`, "xabc{,2}", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    404 		(`^x(abc)\{,2\}$`, "xabcabc{,2}", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    405 		(`^[\\]+$`, "\\", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    406 		(`^[\]]+$`, "]", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    407 		(`^[A-Za-z\[\]]+$`, "foo[bar]baz", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    408 		// {m,n}
    409 		(`^x(abc){2}$`, "xabcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    410 		(`^x(abc){3}$`, "xabcabc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    411 		(`^x(abc){1,2}$`, "xabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    412 		(`^x(abc){1,2}$`, "xabcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    413 		(`^x(abc){1,2}$`, "xabcabcabc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    414 		(`^x(abc){,2}$`, "xabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    415 		(`^x(abc){,2}$`, "xabcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    416 		(`^x(abc){,2}`, "xabcabcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, 7),
    417 		(`^x(abc){,2}$`, "xabcabcabc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    418 		(`^x(abc){1,}$`, "xabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    419 		(`^x(abc){1,}$`, "xabcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    420 		(`^x(abc){3,}$`, "xabcabc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    421 		(`^x(abc){3,}$`, "xabcabcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    422 		(`^x(abc){2,2}$`, "xabcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    423 		(`^x(abc){2,2}$`, "xabc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    424 		(`^x(abc){2,2}$`, "xabcabcabc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, -1),
    425 		(`^x(abc){-1,2}$`, "xabcabcabc", matchres::ERROR, 0, -1),
    426 		(`^x(abc){x,2}$`, "xabcabcabc", matchres::ERROR, 0, -1),
    427 		(`^x(abc){0,-2}$`, "xabcabcabc", matchres::ERROR, 0, -1),
    428 		// various
    429 		(
    430 			`^.(1024)?(face)*(1024)*ca*(f+e?cafe)(babe)+$`,
    431 			"X1024facefacecaaaaafffcafebabebabe",
    432 			matchres::MATCH, 0, -1,
    433 		),
    434 		(
    435 			`.(1024)?(face)*(1024)*ca*(f+e?cafe)(babe)+`,
    436 			"X1024facefacecaaaaafffcafebabebabe",
    437 			matchres::MATCH, 0, -1,
    438 		),
    439 		(
    440 			`^.(1024)?(face)*(1024)*ca*(f+e?cafe)(babe)+$`,
    441 			"1024facefacecaaaaafffcafebabebabe",
    442 			matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0,
    443 		),
    444 		(
    445 			`.(1024)?(face)*(1024)*ca*(f+e?cafe)(babe)+`,
    446 			"1024facefacecaaaaafffcafebabebabe",
    447 			matchres::MATCH, 3, -1,
    448 		),
    449 		(
    450 			`^([a-zA-Z]{1,2}[[:digit:]]{1,2})[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]][a-zA-Z]{2})$`,
    451 			"M15 4QN",
    452 			matchres::MATCH, 0, -1
    453 		),
    454 		(`^[^-a]`, "-bcd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    455 		(`^[-a]`, "-bcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, 1),
    456 		(`[^ac-]`, "bde", matchres::MATCH, 0, 1),
    457 		(`[-ac]`, "foo-de", matchres::MATCH, 3, 4),
    458 		(`[-ac]`, "def", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    459 		(`foo[-ac]bar`, "foo-bar", matchres::MATCH, 0, 7),
    460 		(`[ac-]$`, "bde-", matchres::MATCH, 3, 4),
    461 		(`^[A-Za-z_-]+$`, "foo", matchres::MATCH, 0, 3),
    462 		// tests from perl
    463 		(`abc`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    464 		(`abc`, "xbc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    465 		(`abc`, "axc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    466 		(`abc`, "abx", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    467 		(`abc`, "xabcy", matchres::MATCH, 1, 4),
    468 		(`abc`, "ababc", matchres::MATCH, 2, -1),
    469 		(`ab*c`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    470 		(`ab*bc`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    471 		(`ab*bc`, "abbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    472 		(`ab*bc`, "abbbbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    473 		(`ab{0,}bc`, "abbbbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    474 		(`ab+bc`, "abbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    475 		(`ab+bc`, "abc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    476 		(`ab+bc`, "abq", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    477 		(`ab{1,}bc`, "abq", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    478 		(`ab+bc`, "abbbbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    479 		(`ab{1,}bc`, "abbbbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    480 		(`ab{1,3}bc`, "abbbbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    481 		(`ab{3,4}bc`, "abbbbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    482 		(`ab{4,5}bc`, "abbbbc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    483 		(`ab?bc`, "abbc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    484 		(`ab?bc`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    485 		(`ab{0,1}bc`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    486 		(`ab?bc`, "abbbbc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    487 		(`ab?c`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    488 		(`ab{0,1}c`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    489 		(`^abc$`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    490 		(`^abc$`, "abcc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    491 		(`^abc`, "abcc", matchres::MATCH, 0, 3),
    492 		(`^abc$`, "aabc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    493 		(`abc$`, "aabc", matchres::MATCH, 1, -1),
    494 		(`^`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, 0),
    495 		(`$`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 3, 3),
    496 		(`a.c`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    497 		(`a.c`, "axc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    498 		(`a.*c`, "axyzc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    499 		(`a.*c`, "axyzd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    500 		(`a[bc]d`, "abc", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    501 		(`a[bc]d`, "abd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    502 		(`a[b-d]e`, "abd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    503 		(`a[b-d]e`, "ace", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    504 		(`a[b-d]`, "aac", matchres::MATCH, 1, -1),
    505 		(`a[-b]`, "a-", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    506 		(`a[b-]`, "a-", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    507 		(`a[b-a]`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    508 		(`a[]b`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    509 		(`a[`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    510 		(`a]`, "a]", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    511 		(`a[]]b`, "a]b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    512 		(`a[^bc]d`, "aed", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    513 		(`a[^bc]d`, "abd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    514 		(`a[^-b]c`, "adc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    515 		(`a[^-b]c`, "a-c", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    516 		(`a[^]b]c`, "a]c", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    517 		(`a[^]b]c`, "adc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    518 		(`()ef`, "def", matchres::MATCH, 1, -1),
    519 		(`*a`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    520 		(`(*)b`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    521 		(`$b`, "b", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    522 		(`a\`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    523 		(`a\(b`, "a(b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    524 		(`a\(*b`, "ab", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    525 		(`a\(*b`, "a((b", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    526 		(`a\\b`, `a\b`, matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    527 		(`abc)`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    528 		(`(abc`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    529 		(`(a)b(c)`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    530 		(`a+b+c`, "aabbabc", matchres::MATCH, 4, -1),
    531 		(`a{1,}b{1,}c`, "aabbabc", matchres::MATCH, 4, -1),
    532 		(`a**`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    533 		(`)(`, "-", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    534 		(`[^ab]*`, "cde", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    535 		(`abc`, "", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    536 		(`a*`, "", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    537 		(`([abc])*d`, "abbbcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    538 		(`([abc])*bcd`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    539 		(`abcd*efg`, "abcdefg", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    540 		(`ab*`, "xabyabbbz", matchres::MATCH, 1, 3),
    541 		(`ab*`, "xayabbbz", matchres::MATCH, 1, 2),
    542 		(`(ab|cd)e`, "abcde", matchres::MATCH, 2, -1),
    543 		(`[abhgefdc]ij`, "hij", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    544 		(`^(ab|cd)e`, "abcde", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    545 		(`(abc|)ef`, "abcdef", matchres::MATCH, 4, -1),
    546 		(`(a|b)c*d`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 1, -1),
    547 		(`(ab|ab*)bc`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    548 		(`a([bc]*)c*`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    549 		(`a([bc]*)(c*d)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    550 		(`a([bc]+)(c*d)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    551 		(`a([bc]*)(c+d)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    552 		(`a[bcd]*dcdcde`, "adcdcde", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    553 		(`a[bcd]+dcdcde`, "adcdcde", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    554 		(`(ab|a)b*c`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    555 		(`[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`, "alpha", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    556 		(`^a(bc+|b[eh])g|.h$`, "abh", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    557 		(`multiple words of text`, "uh-uh", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    558 		(`multiple words`, "multiple words, yeah", matchres::MATCH, 0, 14),
    559 		(`(.*)c(.*)`, "abcde", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    560 		(`\((.*), (.*)\)`, "(a, b)", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    561 		(`[k]`, "ab", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    562 		(`a[-]?c`, "ac", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    563 		(`.*d`, "abc\nabd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    564 		(`(`, "", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    565 		(`(x?)?`, "x", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    566 		(`^*`, "", matchres::ERROR, 0, 0),
    567 		// Submatch handling
    568 		(`(a|ab)(c|bcd)(d*)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)
    569 		(`(a|ab)(bcd|c)(d*)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)
    570 		(`(ab|a)(c|bcd)(d*)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)
    571 		(`(ab|a)(bcd|c)(d*)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)
    572 		(`(a*)(b|abc)(c*)`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,3)(0,1)(1,2)(2,3)
    573 		(`(a*)(abc|b)(c*)`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,3)(0,1)(1,2)(2,3)
    574 		(`(a*)(b|abc)(c*)`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,3)(0,1)(1,2)(2,3)
    575 		(`(a*)(abc|b)(c*)`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,3)(0,1)(1,2)(2,3)
    576 		(`(a|ab)(c|bcd)(d|.*)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)
    577 		(`(a|ab)(bcd|c)(d|.*)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)
    578 		(`(ab|a)(c|bcd)(d|.*)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)
    579 		(`(ab|a)(bcd|c)(d|.*)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1), // POSIX: (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)
    580 		// whole-expression alternation
    581 		(`ab|cd`, "cd", matchres::MATCH, 0, 2),
    582 		(`ab|cd`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, 2),
    583 		(`ab|cd`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, 2),
    584 		// multiple alternation
    585 		(`a|b|c|d|e`, "e", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    586 		(`(a|b|c|d|e)f`, "ef", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    587 		// TODO: nested capture groups
    588 		(`((a))`, "abc", matchres::ERROR, 0, -1),
    589 		// (`((a))`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    590 		// (`((a)(b)c)(d)`, "abcd", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    591 		// (`(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))`, "effgz", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    592 		// (`(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))`, "ij", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    593 		// (`(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))`, "effg", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    594 		// (`(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))`, "bcdd", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    595 		// (`(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))`, "reffgz", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    596 		// (`((((((((((a))))))))))`, "a", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    597 		// (`(((((((((a)))))))))`, "a", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    598 		// (`(([a-z]+):)?([a-z]+)$`, "smil", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    599 		// (`^((a)c)?(ab)$`, "ab", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    600 		// TODO: multiple simultaneous capture groups
    601 		// (`(a+|b)*`, "ab", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    602 		// (`(a+|b){0,}`, "ab", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    603 		// (`(a+|b)+`, "ab", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    604 		// (`(a+|b){1,}`, "ab", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    605 		// (`(a+|b)?`, "ab", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    606 		// (`(a+|b){0,1}`, "ab", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    607 		// NOTE: character sequences not currently supported
    608 		// (`\0`, "\0", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    609 		// (`[\0a]`, "\0", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    610 		// (`[a\0]`, "\0", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    611 		// (`[^a\0]`, "\0", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    612 		// NOTE: octal sequences not currently supported
    613 		// (`[\1]`, "\1", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    614 		// (`\09`, "\0(separate-me)9", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    615 		// (`\141`, "a", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    616 		// (`[\41]`, "!", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    617 		// NOTE: hex sequences not currently supported
    618 		// (`\xff`, "\377", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    619 		// NOTE: non-greedy matching not currently supported
    620 		// (`a.+?c`, "abcabc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    621 		// (`.*?\S *:`, "xx:", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    622 		// (`a[ ]*?\ (\d+).*`, "a   10", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    623 		// (`a[ ]*?\ (\d+).*`, "a    10", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    624 		// (`"(\\"|[^"])*?"`, `"\""`, matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    625 		// (`^.*?$`, "one\ntwo\nthree\n", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    626 		// (`a[^>]*?b`, "a>b", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    627 		// (`^a*?$`, "foo", matchres::NOMATCH, 0, 0),
    628 		// (`^([ab]*?)(?=(b)?)c`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    629 		// (`^([ab]*?)(?!(b))c`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    630 		// (`^([ab]*?)(?<!(a))c`, "abc", matchres::MATCH, 0, -1),
    631 	];
    633 	for (let (expr, string, should_match, start, end) .. cases) {
    634 		if (end == -1) {
    635 			// workaround to get the length in codepoints
    636 			let runes = strings::torunes(string);
    637 			defer free(runes);
    638 			end = len(runes): int;
    639 		};
    640 		run_find_case(expr, string, should_match, start, end);
    641 	};
    643 	const submatch_cases = [
    644 		// literals
    645 		(`aaa ([^ ]*) (...)`, "aaa bbb ccc", matchres::MATCH,
    646 			["aaa bbb ccc", "bbb", "ccc"]: []str),
    647 	];
    649 	for (let (expr, string, should_match, targets) .. submatch_cases) {
    650 		run_submatch_case(expr, string, should_match, targets);
    651 	};
    652 };
    654 @test fn findall() void = {
    655 	const cases = [
    656 		(`ab.`, "hello abc and abあ test abq thanks", matchres::MATCH,
    657 			["abc", "abあ", "abq"]: []str),
    658 		(`a`, "aa", matchres::MATCH,
    659 			["a", "a"]: []str),
    660 		(`fo{2,}`, "fo foo fooofoof oofoo", matchres::MATCH,
    661 			["foo", "fooo", "foo", "foo"]: []str),
    662 		(``, "abc", matchres::MATCH,
    663 			["", "", "", ""]: []str),
    664 		(`a*`, "aaa", matchres::MATCH,
    665 			["aaa", ""]: []str),
    666 	];
    668 	for (let (expr, string, should_match, targets) .. cases) {
    669 		run_findall_case(expr, string, should_match, targets);
    670 	};
    671 };
    673 @test fn replace() void = {
    674 	const cases: [_](str, str, str, size, (str | void)) = [
    675 		(`ab.`, "hello abc and abあ test abq thanks", `xyz`,
    676 			types::SIZE_MAX, "hello xyz and xyz test xyz thanks"),
    677 		(`([Hh])ello`, "Hello world and hello Hare.", `\1owdy`,
    678 			types::SIZE_MAX, "Howdy world and howdy Hare."),
    679 		(`fo{2,}`, "fo foo fooofoof oofoo", `\0bar`,
    680 			types::SIZE_MAX, "fo foobar fooobarfoobarf oofoobar"),
    681 		(`(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)`, "12345678910", `\10`,
    682 			types::SIZE_MAX, "10"),
    683 		(`...?`, "abcdefgh", `\7\0\8`,
    684 			types::SIZE_MAX, "abcdefgh"),
    685 		(`...?`, "abcdefgh", `\7\0\`, types::SIZE_MAX, void),
    686 		(`ab.`, "hello abc and abあ test abq thanks", `xyz`,
    687 			2, "hello xyz and xyz test abq thanks"),
    688 		(`.`, "blablabla", `x`, 0, "blablabla"),
    689 		(`([[:digit:]])([[:digit:]])`, "1234", `\2`, 1, "234"),
    690 	];
    692 	for (let (expr, string, target, n, expected) .. cases) {
    693 		run_replace_case(expr, string, target, n, expected);
    694 	};
    695 };
    697 @test fn rawreplace() void = {
    698 	const cases = [
    699 		(`ab.`, "hello abc and abあ test abq thanks", "xyz",
    700 			types::SIZE_MAX, "hello xyz and xyz test xyz thanks"),
    701 		(`([Hh])ello`, "Hello world and hello Hare.", `\howdy\`,
    702 			types::SIZE_MAX, `\howdy\ world and \howdy\ Hare.`),
    703 		(`fo{2,}`, "fo foo fooofoof oofoo", `\0bar`,
    704 			types::SIZE_MAX, `fo \0bar \0bar\0barf oo\0bar`),
    705 		(`\\\\`, `\\\\\\\\`, `\00\1`,
    706 			types::SIZE_MAX, `\00\1\00\1\00\1\00\1`),
    707 		(`ab.`, "hello abc and abあ test abq thanks", `xyz`,
    708 			2, "hello xyz and xyz test abq thanks"),
    709 		(`.`, "blablabla", `x`, 0, "blablabla"),
    710 	];
    712 	for (let (expr, string, target, n, expected) .. cases) {
    713 		run_rawreplace_case(expr, string, target, n, expected);
    714 	};
    715 };