
[hare] The Hare programming language
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start+test+libc.ha (819B)

      1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
      2 // (c) Hare authors <https://harelang.org>
      4 @symbol("__test_main") fn test_main() size;
      6 const @symbol("__libc_init_array_start") init_start: [*]*fn() void;
      7 const @symbol("__libc_init_array_end") init_end: [*]*fn() void;
      8 const @symbol("__fini_array_start") fini_start: [*]*fn() void;
      9 const @symbol("__fini_array_end") fini_end: [*]*fn() void;
     11 export @symbol("main") fn start_ha(c_argc: int, c_argv: *[*]*u8) int = {
     12 	argc = c_argc: size;
     13 	argv = c_argv;
     14 	envp = c_envp;
     15 	// we deliberately prevent libc from running @init for us, in order to
     16 	// be able to initialize argc/argv/envp beforehand. we can still get
     17 	// away with just using libc for @fini though
     18 	init();
     19 	const nfail = test_main();
     20 	return if (nfail > 0) 1 else 0;
     21 };
     23 let @symbol("environ") c_envp: *[*]nullable *u8;