
[hare] The Hare programming language
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longjmp.s (915B)

      1 /* Copyright 2011-2012 Nicholas J. Kain, licensed under standard MIT license */
      3 .section ".text.rt.longjmp","ax"
      4 .global rt.longjmp
      5 .type rt.longjmp,@function
      6 rt.longjmp:
      7 	/* no endbr64 here to avoid exploitation - this function cannot be the
      8 	 * result of an indirect branch.
      9 	 */
     10 	xor %eax,%eax
     11 	cmp $1,%esi             /* CF = val ? 0 : 1 */
     12 	adc %esi,%eax           /* eax = val + !val */
     13 	mov (%rdi),%rbx         /* rdi is the jmp_buf, restore regs from it */
     14 	mov 8(%rdi),%rbp
     15 	mov 16(%rdi),%r12
     16 	mov 24(%rdi),%r13
     17 	mov 32(%rdi),%r14
     18 	mov 40(%rdi),%r15
     19 	mov 48(%rdi),%rsp
     20 	/* IBT: we cannot directly jump to the saved adress since this might be
     21 	 * in the middle of the function where we are not going to have an
     22 	 * endbr64. instead, we push the address to the stack and return to it
     23 	 * in order to avoid an indirect branch.
     24 	 */
     25 	push 56(%rdi)           /* goto saved address without altering rsp */
     26 	ret