1 #!/bin/sh -eu 2 3 # XXX: technically doesn't work with paths that have newlines in them, but 4 # find -exec doesn't propagate the exit status 5 find . -name '*.ha' | while read -r f; do 6 awk 'BEGIN { state = "start" } 7 /./ { empty = 0 } 8 /^$/ { empty = 1 } 9 /[ \t]$/ { 10 print "trailing whitespace in " FILENAME 11 exit 1 12 } 13 state == "start" { 14 if ($0 !~ /^\/\/ SPDX-License-Identifier: /) { 15 print "missing copyright header in " FILENAME 16 exit 1 17 } 18 state = "author" 19 next 20 } 21 state == "author" { 22 if ($0 != "// (c) Hare authors <>") { 23 print "invalid authorship information in " FILENAME 24 exit 1 25 } 26 state = "comment" 27 next 28 } 29 state == "comment" && $0 !~ /^\/\// { 30 if ($0 != "") { 31 print "missing empty line after copyright header in " FILENAME 32 exit 1 33 } 34 state = "postheader" 35 next 36 } 37 state == "postheader" { 38 if ($0 == "") { 39 print "extra empty line after copyright header in " FILENAME 40 exit 1 41 } 42 state = "body" 43 } 44 END { 45 if (state != "body") { 46 print "incomplete copyright header in " FILENAME 47 exit 1 48 } 49 if (empty) { 50 print "trailing empty line in " FILENAME 51 exit 1 52 } 53 }' "$f" 54 done