1 The time::chrono module provides timescale utilities, and the foundations for 2 chronology with the [[moment]] type, an abstract, extendable date/time object. 3 For the Gregorian chronology, see the [[time::date::]] module. 4 5 Hare defines a chronology as a system for naming and ordering moments in time. 6 In practice, it is the combination of a calendar and wall clock. This module 7 implements a simple date & time chronology with [[moment]], which observes 8 certain chronological values according to its [[locality]]. The observer 9 functions [[daydate]], [[daytime]], and [[mzone]] obtain these values. 10 Use [[in]] to localize a moment to another [[locality]]; consult [[tz]]. 11 12 The [[timescale]] interface facilitates leap-second aware [[convert]]ion of 13 [[time::instant]]s. The [[tai]] timescale is the default intermediary timescale.