
[hare] The Hare programming language
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+openbsd.ha (12422B)

      1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
      2 // (c) Hare authors <https://harelang.org>
      4 use errors;
      5 use rt;
      6 use unix;
      8 // Requests that [[sig::ALRM]] is delivered to the calling process in (about)
      9 // "sec" seconds. Returns the number of seconds until the previously scheduled
     10 // alarm, or zero if none was scheduled.
     11 export fn alarm(sec: uint) uint = {
     12 	return rt::alarm(sec);
     13 };
     15 // Configures a new signal handler, returning the old details (which can be
     16 // passed to [[restore]] to restore its behavior).
     17 export fn handle(
     18 	signum: sig,
     19 	handler: *handler,
     20 	flags: flag = flag::NONE,
     21 	mask: nullable *sigset = null,
     22 ) sigaction = {
     23 	flags |= rt::SA_SIGINFO: flag;
     24 	let mask = match (mask) {
     25 	case null =>
     26 		yield newsigset();
     27 	case let set: *sigset =>
     28 		yield *set;
     29 	};
     31 	let new = rt::sigact {
     32 		sa_sigaction = handler: *fn(int, *rt::siginfo, *opaque) void,
     33 		sa_mask = mask,
     34 		sa_flags = flags,
     35 	};
     36 	let old = rt::sigact {
     37 		sa_sigaction = null: *fn(int, *rt::siginfo, *opaque) void,
     38 		...
     39 	};
     40 	match (rt::sigaction(signum, &new, &old)) {
     41 	case let err: rt::errno =>
     42 		abort("sigaction failed (invalid signal?)");
     43 	case void => void;
     44 	};
     45 	return old;
     47 };
     49 // Restores previous signal behavior following [[handle]].
     50 export fn restore(signum: sig, action: *sigaction) void = {
     51 	match (rt::sigaction(signum, action: *rt::sigact, null)) {
     52 	case rt::errno =>
     53 		abort("sigaction failed (invalid signal?)");
     54 	case void => void;
     55 	};
     57 };
     59 // Unregisters signal handlers for the specified signal.
     60 export fn reset(signum: sig) void = {
     61 	handle(signum, rt::SIG_DFL: *handler);
     62 };
     64 // Unregisters all signal handlers.
     65 export fn resetall() void = {
     66 	// sig::KILL and sig::STOP deliberately omitted; see sigaction(2)
     67 	reset(sig::HUP);
     68 	reset(sig::INT);
     69 	reset(sig::QUIT);
     70 	reset(sig::ILL);
     71 	reset(sig::TRAP);
     72 	reset(sig::ABRT);
     73 	reset(sig::EMT);
     74 	reset(sig::FPE);
     75 	reset(sig::BUS);
     76 	reset(sig::SEGV);
     77 	reset(sig::SYS);
     78 	reset(sig::PIPE);
     79 	reset(sig::ALRM);
     80 	reset(sig::TERM);
     81 	reset(sig::URG);
     82 	reset(sig::TSTP);
     83 	reset(sig::CONT);
     84 	reset(sig::CHLD);
     85 	reset(sig::TTIN);
     86 	reset(sig::TTOU);
     87 	reset(sig::IO);
     88 	reset(sig::XCPU);
     89 	reset(sig::XFSZ);
     90 	reset(sig::VTALRM);
     91 	reset(sig::PROF);
     92 	reset(sig::WINCH);
     93 	reset(sig::INFO);
     94 	reset(sig::USR1);
     95 	reset(sig::USR2);
     96 };
     98 // Prevents given signal from arriving to the current process.
     99 // One common use case is to ignore SIGCHLD to avoid zombie child processes.
    100 export fn ignore(signum: sig) void = {
    101 	handle(signum, rt::SIG_IGN: *handler);
    102 };
    104 // Adds the given list of signals to the process's current signal mask,
    105 // returning the old signal mask. This is a convenience function around
    106 // [[setprocmask]].
    107 export fn block(signals: sig...) sigset = {
    108 	let new = newsigset(signals...);
    109 	return setprocmask(how::BLOCK, &new);
    110 };
    112 // Removes the given list of signals from the process's current signal mask,
    113 // returning the old signal mask. This is a convenience function around
    114 // [[setprocmask]].
    115 export fn unblock(signals: sig...) sigset = {
    116 	let new = newsigset(signals...);
    117 	return setprocmask(how::UNBLOCK, &new);
    118 };
    120 // Sets the process's signal mask, returning the previous mask.
    121 export fn setprocmask(how: how, mask: *sigset) sigset = {
    122 	let old: sigset = 0;
    123 	rt::sigprocmask(how, mask: *rt::sigset, &old)!;
    124 	return old;
    125 };
    127 // Gets the current process's signal mask.
    128 export fn getprocmask() sigset = {
    129 	let old: sigset = 0;
    130 	rt::sigprocmask(how::SETMASK, null, &old)!;
    131 	return old;
    132 };
    134 // Defines the modes of operation for [[setprocmask]].
    135 export type how = enum int {
    136 	// Adds the given set of signals to the current mask.
    137 	BLOCK = rt::SIG_BLOCK,
    138 	// Removes the given set of signals from the current mask.
    139 	UNBLOCK = rt::SIG_UNBLOCK,
    140 	// Sets the process mask to the given set.
    141 	SETMASK = rt::SIG_SETMASK,
    142 };
    144 export type sigaction = rt::sigact;
    145 export type sigset = rt::sigset;
    147 // Creates a new signal set filled in with the provided signals (or empty if
    148 // none are provided).
    149 export fn newsigset(items: sig...) sigset = {
    150 	let set: sigset = 0;
    151 	rt::sigemptyset(&set);
    152 	sigset_add(&set, items...);
    153 	return set;
    154 };
    156 // Sets a [[sigset]] to empty.
    157 export fn sigset_empty(set: *sigset) void = {
    158 	rt::sigemptyset(set: *rt::sigset);
    159 };
    161 // Adds signals to a [[sigset]].
    162 export fn sigset_add(set: *sigset, items: sig...) void = {
    163 	for (let i = 0z; i < len(items); i += 1) {
    164 		rt::sigaddset(set: *rt::sigset, items[i])!;
    165 	};
    166 };
    168 // Removes signals from a [[sigset]].
    169 export fn sigset_del(set: *sigset, items: sig...) void = {
    170 	for (let i = 0z; i < len(items); i += 1) {
    171 		rt::sigdelset(set: *rt::sigset, items[i])!;
    172 	};
    173 };
    175 // Adds all platform-defined signals to a [[sigset]].
    176 export fn sigset_fill(set: *sigset) void = {
    177 	rt::sigfillset(set: *rt::sigset)!;
    178 };
    180 // Returns true if the given signal is a member of this [[sigset]].
    181 export fn sigset_member(set: *sigset, item: sig) bool = {
    182 	return rt::sigismember(set: *rt::sigset, item)!;
    183 };
    185 // Waits for a signal among the given [[sigset]] to be delivered, then returns
    186 // the signal number.
    187 //
    188 // If a signal is received while waiting, [[errors::interrupted]] is returned.
    189 // Most consumers of this function will likely wish to block all signals and
    190 // handle them exclusively through [[wait]] et al, in which case this error
    191 // cannot occur.
    192 export fn wait(set: *sigset) (sig | errors::interrupted) = {
    193 	let signal = 0i;
    194 	match (rt::sigwait(set: *rt::sigset, &signal)) {
    195 	case let err: rt::errno =>
    196 		assert(err == rt::EINTR);
    197 		return errors::interrupted;
    198 	case void =>
    199 		return signal: sig;
    200 	};
    201 };
    203 // Provides additional information about signal deliveries. Only the members
    204 // defined by POSIX are available here; cast to [[rt::siginfo]] to access
    205 // non-portable members.
    206 export type siginfo = struct {
    207 	// The signal number being delivered.
    208 	signo: sig,
    209 	// The signal code, if any.
    210 	code: code,
    211 	// The errno, if any, associated with this signal. See
    212 	// [[errors::errno]] to convert to a Hare-native error.
    213 	errno: rt::errno,
    214 	union {
    215 		union {
    216 			struct {
    217 				// Process ID of the sender.
    218 				pid: unix::pid,
    219 				// Real user ID of the sending process.
    220 				uid: unix::uid,
    221 			},
    222 			struct {
    223 				// Address of the faulting instruction.
    224 				addr: *opaque,
    225 			},
    226 		},
    227 		// Pads the structure out to the length used by the kernel; do not use.
    228 		_si_pad: [29]int,
    229 	},
    230 };
    232 export type code = enum int {
    233 	NOINFO = rt::SI_NOINFO, // no signal information
    234 	USER = rt::SI_USER, // user generated signal via kill()
    235 	LWP = rt::SI_LWP, // user generated signal via lwp_kill()
    236 	QUEUE = rt::SI_QUEUE, // user generated signal via sigqueue()
    237 	TIMER = rt::SI_TIMER, // from timer expiration
    239 	ILLOPC = rt::ILL_ILLOPC, // sig::ILL: illegal opcode
    240 	ILLOPN = rt::ILL_ILLOPN, // sig::ILL: illegal operand
    241 	ILLADR = rt::ILL_ILLADR, // sig::ILL: illegal addressing mode
    242 	ILLTRP = rt::ILL_ILLTRP, // sig::ILL: illegal trap
    243 	PRVOPC = rt::ILL_PRVOPC, // sig::ILL: privileged opcode
    244 	PRVREG = rt::ILL_PRVREG, // sig::ILL: privileged register
    245 	COPROC = rt::ILL_COPROC, // sig::ILL: co-processor
    246 	BADSTK = rt::ILL_BADSTK, // sig::ILL: bad stack
    248 	INTDIV = rt::FPE_INTDIV, // sig::FPE: integer divide by zero
    249 	INTOVF = rt::FPE_INTOVF, // sig::FPE: integer overflow
    250 	FLTDIV = rt::FPE_FLTDIV, // sig::FPE: floating point divide by zero
    251 	FLTOVF = rt::FPE_FLTOVF, // sig::FPE: floating point overflow
    252 	FLTUND = rt::FPE_FLTUND, // sig::FPE: floating point underflow
    253 	FLTRES = rt::FPE_FLTRES, // sig::FPE: floating point inexact result
    254 	FLTINV = rt::FPE_FLTINV, // sig::FPE: invalid floating point operation
    255 	FLTSUB = rt::FPE_FLTSUB, // sig::FPE: subscript out of range
    257 	MAPERR = rt::SEGV_MAPERR, // sig::SEGV: address not mapped to object
    258 	ACCERR = rt::SEGV_ACCERR, // sig::SEGV: invalid permissions
    260 	ADRALN = rt::BUS_ADRALN, // sig::BUS: invalid address alignment
    261 	ADRERR = rt::BUS_ADRERR, // sig::BUS: non-existent physical address
    262 	OBJERR = rt::BUS_OBJERR, // sig::BUS: object specific hardware error
    264 	BRKPT = rt::TRAP_BRKPT, // sig::TRAP: breakpoint trap
    265 	TRACE = rt::TRAP_TRACE, // sig::TRAP: trace trap
    267 	EXITED = rt::CLD_EXITED, // sig::CHLD: child has exited
    268 	KILLED = rt::CLD_KILLED, // sig::CHLD: child was killed
    269 	DUMPED = rt::CLD_DUMPED, // sig::CHLD: child has coredumped
    270 	TRAPPED = rt::CLD_TRAPPED, // sig::CHLD: traced child has stopped
    271 	STOPPED = rt::CLD_STOPPED, // sig::CHLD: child has stopped on signal
    272 	CONTINUED = rt::CLD_CONTINUED, // sig::CHLD: stopped child has continued
    273 };
    275 export type flag = enum int {
    276 	NONE = 0,
    277 	// For use with sig::CHLD. Prevents notifications when child processes
    278 	// stop (e.g. via sig::STOP) or resume (i.e. sig::CONT).
    280 	// For use with sig::CHLD. Do not transform children into zombies when
    281 	// they terminate. Note that POSIX leaves the delivery of sig::CHLD
    282 	// unspecified when this flag is present; some systems will still
    283 	// deliver a signal and others may not.
    285 	// Uses an alternate stack when handling this signal. See
    286 	// [[setaltstack]] and [[getaltstack]] for details.
    287 	ONSTACK = rt::SA_ONSTACK,
    288 	// Do not add the signal to the signal mask while executing the signal
    289 	// handler. This can cause the same signal to be delivered again during
    290 	// the execution of the signal handler.
    291 	NODEFER = rt::SA_NODEFER,
    292 	// Restore the signal handler to the default behavior upon entering the
    293 	// signal handler.
    295 	// Makes certain system calls restartable across signals. See signal(7)
    296 	// or similar documentation for your local system for details.
    297 	RESTART = rt::SA_RESTART,
    298 };
    300 // All possible signals.
    301 export type sig = enum int {
    302 	HUP = rt::SIGHUP, // Hangup.
    303 	INT = rt::SIGINT, // Terminal interrupt.
    304 	QUIT = rt::SIGQUIT, // Terminal quit.
    305 	ILL = rt::SIGILL, // Illegal instruction.
    306 	TRAP = rt::SIGTRAP, // Trace/breakpoint trap.
    307 	ABRT = rt::SIGABRT, // Process abort.
    308 	EMT = rt::SIGEMT, // Emulate instruction executed.
    309 	FPE = rt::SIGFPE, // Erroneous arithmetic operation.
    310 	KILL = rt::SIGKILL, // Kill (cannot be caught or ignored).
    311 	BUS = rt::SIGBUS, // Access to an undefined portion of a memory object.
    312 	SEGV = rt::SIGSEGV, // Invalid memory reference.
    313 	SYS = rt::SIGSYS, // Bad system call.
    314 	PIPE = rt::SIGPIPE, // Write on a pipe with no one to read it.
    315 	ALRM = rt::SIGALRM, // Alarm clock.
    316 	TERM = rt::SIGTERM, // Termination.
    317 	URG = rt::SIGURG, // High bandwidth data is available at a socket.
    318 	STOP = rt::SIGSTOP, // Stop executing (cannot be caught or ignored).
    319 	TSTP = rt::SIGTSTP, // Terminal stop.
    320 	CONT = rt::SIGCONT, // Continue executing, if stopped.
    321 	CHLD = rt::SIGCHLD, // Child process terminated, stopped, or continued.
    322 	TTIN = rt::SIGTTIN, // Background process attempting read.
    323 	TTOU = rt::SIGTTOU, // Background process attempting write.
    324 	IO = rt::SIGIO, // I/O now possible.
    325 	XCPU = rt::SIGXCPU, // CPU time limit exceeded.
    326 	XFSZ = rt::SIGXFSZ, // File size limit exceeded.
    327 	VTALRM = rt::SIGVTALRM, // Virtual timer expired.
    328 	PROF = rt::SIGPROF, // Profiling timer expired.
    329 	WINCH = rt::SIGWINCH, // Window resize.
    330 	INFO = rt::SIGINFO, // Status request from keyboard.
    331 	USR1 = rt::SIGUSR1, // User-defined signal 1.
    332 	USR2 = rt::SIGUSR2, // User-defined signal 2.
    333 };
    335 // Returns the human friendly name of a given signal.
    336 export fn signame(sig: sig) const str = {
    337 	switch (sig) {
    338 	case sig::HUP =>
    339 		return "SIGHUP";
    340 	case sig::INT =>
    341 		return "SIGINT";
    342 	case sig::QUIT =>
    343 		return "SIGQUIT";
    344 	case sig::ILL =>
    345 		return "SIGILL";
    346 	case sig::TRAP =>
    347 		return "SIGTRAP";
    348 	case sig::ABRT =>
    349 		return "SIGABRT";
    350 	case sig::EMT =>
    351 		return "SIGEMT";
    352 	case sig::FPE =>
    353 		return "SIGFPE";
    354 	case sig::KILL =>
    355 		return "SIGKILL";
    356 	case sig::BUS =>
    357 		return "SIGBUS";
    358 	case sig::SEGV =>
    359 		return "SIGSEGV";
    360 	case sig::SYS =>
    361 		return "SIGSYS";
    362 	case sig::PIPE =>
    363 		return "SIGPIPE";
    364 	case sig::ALRM =>
    365 		return "SIGALRM";
    366 	case sig::TERM =>
    367 		return "SIGTERM";
    368 	case sig::URG =>
    369 		return "SIGURG";
    370 	case sig::STOP =>
    371 		return "SIGSTOP";
    372 	case sig::TSTP =>
    373 		return "SIGTSTP";
    374 	case sig::CONT =>
    375 		return "SIGCONT";
    376 	case sig::CHLD =>
    377 		return "SIGCHLD";
    378 	case sig::TTIN =>
    379 		return "SIGTTIN";
    380 	case sig::TTOU =>
    381 		return "SIGTTOU";
    382 	case sig::IO =>
    383 		return "SIGIO";
    384 	case sig::XCPU =>
    385 		return "SIGXCPU";
    386 	case sig::XFSZ =>
    387 		return "SIGXFSZ";
    388 	case sig::VTALRM =>
    389 		return "SIGVTALRM";
    390 	case sig::PROF =>
    391 		return "SIGPROF";
    392 	case sig::WINCH =>
    393 		return "SIGWINCH";
    394 	case sig::INFO =>
    395 		return "SIGINFO";
    396 	case sig::USR1 =>
    397 		return "SIGUSR1";
    398 	case sig::USR2 =>
    399 		return "SIGUSR2";
    400 	};
    401 };