
[hare] Hare compiler, written in C11 for POSIX OSs
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abort.ha (800B)

      1 export @noreturn @symbol("rt.abort") fn _abort(msg: str) void = {
      2 	const prefix = "Abort: ";
      3 	write(2, constchar(prefix), len(prefix));
      4 	write(2, constchar(msg), len(msg));
      5 	write(2, constchar("\n"), 1);
      6 	kill(getpid(), SIGABRT);
      7 };
      9 // See harec:include/gen.h
     10 const reasons: [_]str = [
     11 	"slice or array access out of bounds",	// 0
     12 	"type assertion failed",		// 1
     13 	"out of memory",			// 2
     14 	"static append exceeds slice capacity",	// 3
     15 	"unreachable code",			// 4
     16 ];
     18 export @noreturn fn abort_fixed(loc: str, i: int) void = {
     19 	const prefix = "Abort: ";
     20 	const sep = ": ";
     21 	write(2, constchar(prefix), len(prefix));
     22 	write(2, constchar(loc), len(loc));
     23 	write(2, constchar(sep), len(sep));
     24 	write(2, constchar(reasons[i]), len(reasons[i]));
     25 	write(2, constchar("\n"), 1);
     26 	kill(getpid(), SIGABRT);
     27 };