commit 0dd718a611563ccad036e98a99159056a2945a90
Author: Drew DeVault <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 17:24:38 -0500
Initial commit
This includes a slightly more fleshed out runtime than harec provides,
and a little os module.
10 files changed, 803 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
+the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
+License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
+ 0. Additional Definitions.
+ As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
+General Public License.
+ "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
+other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
+ An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
+by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
+Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
+of using an interface provided by the Library.
+ A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
+Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
+with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
+ The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
+Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
+for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
+based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
+ The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
+object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
+and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
+Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
+ 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
+without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ 2. Conveying Modified Versions.
+ If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
+facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
+that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
+facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
+ a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
+ ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
+ function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
+ whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
+ b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
+ this License applicable to that copy.
+ 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
+ The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
+a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
+code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
+material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
+layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
+(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
+ Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ 4. Combined Works.
+ You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
+taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
+portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
+the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
+ the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
+ execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
+ these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
+ copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
+ d) Do one of the following:
+ 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
+ License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
+ suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
+ recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
+ the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
+ manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
+ Corresponding Source.
+ 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
+ a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
+ system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
+ of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
+ Version.
+ e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
+ be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
+ GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
+ necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
+ Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
+ Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
+ you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
+ the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
+ Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
+ Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
+ for conveying Corresponding Source.)
+ 5. Combined Libraries.
+ You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side by side in a single library together with other library
+facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
+License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
+choice, if you do both of the following:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
+ on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
+ conveyed under the terms of this License.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
+ is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
+ accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
+versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
+applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that published version or of any later version
+published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
+received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
+whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
+apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
+permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the
diff --git a/os/+linux/exit.ha b/os/+linux/exit.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+use rt;
+// Exit the program with the provided status code.
+export @noreturn fn exit(status: int) void = rt::exit(status);
diff --git a/rt/+linux/abort.ha b/rt/+linux/abort.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export @noreturn @symbol("rt.abort") fn _abort(msg: str) void = {
+ const prefix = "Abort: ";
+ write(2, prefix: *const char, len(prefix));
+ write(2, msg: *const char, len(msg));
+ write(2, "\n": *const char, 1z);
+ kill(getpid(), SIGABRT);
diff --git a/rt/+linux/env.ha b/rt/+linux/env.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export let argc: size = 0z;
+export let argv: *[*]*char = null: *[*]*char;
+export let envp: *[*]nullable *char = null: *[*]nullable *char;
diff --git a/rt/+linux/errno.ha b/rt/+linux/errno.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+export def EPERM: int = 1;
+export def ENOENT: int = 2;
+export def ESRCH: int = 3;
+export def EINTR: int = 4;
+export def EIO: int = 5;
+export def ENXIO: int = 6;
+export def E2BIG: int = 7;
+export def ENOEXEC: int = 8;
+export def EBADF: int = 9;
+export def ECHILD: int = 10;
+export def EAGAIN: int = 11;
+export def ENOMEM: int = 12;
+export def EACCES: int = 13;
+export def EFAULT: int = 14;
+export def ENOTBLK: int = 15;
+export def EBUSY: int = 16;
+export def EEXIST: int = 17;
+export def EXDEV: int = 18;
+export def ENODEV: int = 19;
+export def ENOTDIR: int = 20;
+export def EISDIR: int = 21;
+export def EINVAL: int = 22;
+export def ENFILE: int = 23;
+export def EMFILE: int = 24;
+export def ENOTTY: int = 25;
+export def ETXTBSY: int = 26;
+export def EFBIG: int = 27;
+export def ENOSPC: int = 28;
+export def ESPIPE: int = 29;
+export def EROFS: int = 30;
+export def EMLINK: int = 31;
+export def EPIPE: int = 32;
+export def EDOM: int = 33;
+export def ERANGE: int = 34;
+export def EDEADLK: int = 35;
+export def ENAMETOOLONG: int = 36;
+export def ENOLCK: int = 37;
+export def ENOSYS: int = 38;
+export def ENOTEMPTY: int = 39;
+export def ELOOP: int = 40;
+export def ENOMSG: int = 42;
+export def EIDRM: int = 43;
+export def ECHRNG: int = 44;
+export def EL2NSYNC: int = 45;
+export def EL3HLT: int = 46;
+export def EL3RST: int = 47;
+export def ELNRNG: int = 48;
+export def EUNATCH: int = 49;
+export def ENOCSI: int = 50;
+export def EL2HLT: int = 51;
+export def EBADE: int = 52;
+export def EBADR: int = 53;
+export def EXFULL: int = 54;
+export def ENOANO: int = 55;
+export def EBADRQC: int = 56;
+export def EBADSLT: int = 57;
+export def EBFONT: int = 59;
+export def ENOSTR: int = 60;
+export def ENODATA: int = 61;
+export def ETIME: int = 62;
+export def ENOSR: int = 63;
+export def ENONET: int = 64;
+export def ENOPKG: int = 65;
+export def EREMOTE: int = 66;
+export def ENOLINK: int = 67;
+export def EADV: int = 68;
+export def ESRMNT: int = 69;
+export def ECOMM: int = 70;
+export def EPROTO: int = 71;
+export def EMULTIHOP: int = 72;
+export def EDOTDOT: int = 73;
+export def EBADMSG: int = 74;
+export def EOVERFLOW: int = 75;
+export def ENOTUNIQ: int = 76;
+export def EBADFD: int = 77;
+export def EREMCHG: int = 78;
+export def ELIBACC: int = 79;
+export def ELIBBAD: int = 80;
+export def ELIBSCN: int = 81;
+export def ELIBMAX: int = 82;
+export def ELIBEXEC: int = 83;
+export def EILSEQ: int = 84;
+export def ERESTART: int = 85;
+export def ESTRPIPE: int = 86;
+export def EUSERS: int = 87;
+export def ENOTSOCK: int = 88;
+export def EDESTADDRREQ: int = 89;
+export def EMSGSIZE: int = 90;
+export def EPROTOTYPE: int = 91;
+export def ENOPROTOOPT: int = 92;
+export def EPROTONOSUPPORT: int = 93;
+export def ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: int = 94;
+export def EOPNOTSUPP: int = 95;
+export def EPFNOSUPPORT: int = 96;
+export def EAFNOSUPPORT: int = 97;
+export def EADDRINUSE: int = 98;
+export def EADDRNOTAVAIL: int = 99;
+export def ENETDOWN: int = 100;
+export def ENETUNREACH: int = 101;
+export def ENETRESET: int = 102;
+export def ECONNABORTED: int = 103;
+export def ECONNRESET: int = 104;
+export def ENOBUFS: int = 105;
+export def EISCONN: int = 106;
+export def ENOTCONN: int = 107;
+export def ESHUTDOWN: int = 108;
+export def ETOOMANYREFS: int = 109;
+export def ETIMEDOUT: int = 110;
+export def ECONNREFUSED: int = 111;
+export def EHOSTDOWN: int = 112;
+export def EHOSTUNREACH: int = 113;
+export def EALREADY: int = 114;
+export def EINPROGRESS: int = 115;
+export def ESTALE: int = 116;
+export def EUCLEAN: int = 117;
+export def ENOTNAM: int = 118;
+export def ENAVAIL: int = 119;
+export def EISNAM: int = 120;
+export def EREMOTEIO: int = 121;
+export def EDQUOT: int = 122;
+export def ENOMEDIUM: int = 123;
+export def EMEDIUMTYPE: int = 124;
+export def ECANCELED: int = 125;
+export def ENOKEY: int = 126;
+export def EKEYEXPIRED: int = 127;
+export def EKEYREVOKED: int = 128;
+export def EKEYREJECTED: int = 129;
+export def EOWNERDEAD: int = 130;
+export def ENOTRECOVERABLE: int = 131;
+export def ERFKILL: int = 132;
+export def EHWPOISON: int = 133;
diff --git a/rt/+linux/start.ha b/rt/+linux/start.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+@symbol("main") fn main() int;
+const @symbol("__init_array_start") init_start: [*]*fn() void;
+const @symbol("__init_array_end") init_end: [*]*fn() void;
+const @symbol("__fini_array_start") fini_start: [*]*fn() void;
+const @symbol("__fini_array_end") fini_end: [*]*fn() void;
+export fn start_ha(iv: *[*]uintptr) void = {
+ // TODO: Find & parse auxv
+ argc = iv[0z]: size;
+ argv = &iv[1z]: *[*]*char;
+ envp = &iv[1z + argc * size(*char) + 1z]: *[*]nullable *char;
+ const ninit = (&init_end: uintptr - &init_start: uintptr): size
+ / size(*fn() void);
+ for (let i = 0z; i < ninit; i += 1z) {
+ init_start[i]();
+ };
+ main();
+ const nfini = (&fini_end: uintptr - &fini_start: uintptr): size
+ / size(*fn() void);
+ for (let i = 0z; i < nfini; i += 1z) {
+ fini_start[i]();
+ };
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/rt/+linux/start.s b/rt/+linux/start.s
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.text _start
+ xor %rbp, %rbp
+ movq %rsp, %rdi
+ call rt.start_ha
diff --git a/rt/+linux/syscall+x86_64.s b/rt/+linux/syscall+x86_64.s
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+.text rt.syscall0
+ movq %rdi, %rax
+ syscall
+ ret
+ rt.syscall1
+ movq %rdi, %rax
+ movq %rsi, %rdi
+ syscall
+ ret
+ rt.syscall2
+ movq %rdi, %rax
+ movq %rsi, %rdi
+ movq %rdx, %rsi
+ syscall
+ ret
+ rt.syscall3
+ movq %rdi, %rax
+ movq %rsi, %rdi
+ movq %rdx, %rsi
+ movq %rcx, %rdx
+ syscall
+ ret
+ rt.syscall4
+ movq %rdi, %rax
+ movq %r8, %r10
+ movq %rsi, %rdi
+ movq %rdx, %rsi
+ movq %rcx, %rdx
+ syscall
+ ret
+ rt.syscall5
+ movq %rdi, %rax
+ movq %r8, %r10
+ movq %rsi, %rdi
+ movq %r9, %r8
+ movq %rdx, %rsi
+ movq %rcx, %rdx
+ syscall
+ ret
+ rt.syscall6
+ movq %rdi, %rax
+ movq %r8, %r10
+ movq %rsi, %rdi
+ movq %r9, %r8
+ movq %rdx, %rsi
+ movq 8(%rsp), %r9
+ movq %rcx, %rdx
+ syscall
+ ret
diff --git a/rt/+linux/syscallno+x86_64.ha b/rt/+linux/syscallno+x86_64.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+export def SYS_read: u64 = 0u64;
+export def SYS_write: u64 = 1u64;
+export def SYS_open: u64 = 2u64;
+export def SYS_close: u64 = 3u64;
+export def SYS_stat: u64 = 4u64;
+export def SYS_fstat: u64 = 5u64;
+export def SYS_lstat: u64 = 6u64;
+export def SYS_poll: u64 = 7u64;
+export def SYS_lseek: u64 = 8u64;
+export def SYS_mmap: u64 = 9u64;
+export def SYS_mprotect: u64 = 10u64;
+export def SYS_munmap: u64 = 11u64;
+export def SYS_brk: u64 = 12u64;
+export def SYS_rt_sigaction: u64 = 13u64;
+export def SYS_rt_sigprocmask: u64 = 14u64;
+export def SYS_rt_sigreturn: u64 = 15u64;
+export def SYS_ioctl: u64 = 16u64;
+export def SYS_pread64: u64 = 17u64;
+export def SYS_pwrite64: u64 = 18u64;
+export def SYS_readv: u64 = 19u64;
+export def SYS_writev: u64 = 20u64;
+export def SYS_access: u64 = 21u64;
+export def SYS_pipe: u64 = 22u64;
+export def SYS_select: u64 = 23u64;
+export def SYS_sched_yield: u64 = 24u64;
+export def SYS_mremap: u64 = 25u64;
+export def SYS_msync: u64 = 26u64;
+export def SYS_mincore: u64 = 27u64;
+export def SYS_madvise: u64 = 28u64;
+export def SYS_shmget: u64 = 29u64;
+export def SYS_shmat: u64 = 30u64;
+export def SYS_shmctl: u64 = 31u64;
+export def SYS_dup: u64 = 32u64;
+export def SYS_dup2: u64 = 33u64;
+export def SYS_pause: u64 = 34u64;
+export def SYS_nanosleep: u64 = 35u64;
+export def SYS_getitimer: u64 = 36u64;
+export def SYS_alarm: u64 = 37u64;
+export def SYS_setitimer: u64 = 38u64;
+export def SYS_getpid: u64 = 39u64;
+export def SYS_sendfile: u64 = 40u64;
+export def SYS_socket: u64 = 41u64;
+export def SYS_connect: u64 = 42u64;
+export def SYS_accept: u64 = 43u64;
+export def SYS_sendto: u64 = 44u64;
+export def SYS_recvfrom: u64 = 45u64;
+export def SYS_sendmsg: u64 = 46u64;
+export def SYS_recvmsg: u64 = 47u64;
+export def SYS_shutdown: u64 = 48u64;
+export def SYS_bind: u64 = 49u64;
+export def SYS_listen: u64 = 50u64;
+export def SYS_getsockname: u64 = 51u64;
+export def SYS_getpeername: u64 = 52u64;
+export def SYS_socketpair: u64 = 53u64;
+export def SYS_setsockopt: u64 = 54u64;
+export def SYS_getsockopt: u64 = 55u64;
+export def SYS_clone: u64 = 56u64;
+export def SYS_fork: u64 = 57u64;
+export def SYS_vfork: u64 = 58u64;
+export def SYS_execve: u64 = 59u64;
+export def SYS_exit: u64 = 60u64;
+export def SYS_wait4: u64 = 61u64;
+export def SYS_kill: u64 = 62u64;
+export def SYS_uname: u64 = 63u64;
+export def SYS_semget: u64 = 64u64;
+export def SYS_semop: u64 = 65u64;
+export def SYS_semctl: u64 = 66u64;
+export def SYS_shmdt: u64 = 67u64;
+export def SYS_msgget: u64 = 68u64;
+export def SYS_msgsnd: u64 = 69u64;
+export def SYS_msgrcv: u64 = 70u64;
+export def SYS_msgctl: u64 = 71u64;
+export def SYS_fcntl: u64 = 72u64;
+export def SYS_flock: u64 = 73u64;
+export def SYS_fsync: u64 = 74u64;
+export def SYS_fdatasync: u64 = 75u64;
+export def SYS_truncate: u64 = 76u64;
+export def SYS_ftruncate: u64 = 77u64;
+export def SYS_getdents: u64 = 78u64;
+export def SYS_getcwd: u64 = 79u64;
+export def SYS_chdir: u64 = 80u64;
+export def SYS_fchdir: u64 = 81u64;
+export def SYS_rename: u64 = 82u64;
+export def SYS_mkdir: u64 = 83u64;
+export def SYS_rmdir: u64 = 84u64;
+export def SYS_creat: u64 = 85u64;
+export def SYS_link: u64 = 86u64;
+export def SYS_unlink: u64 = 87u64;
+export def SYS_symlink: u64 = 88u64;
+export def SYS_readlink: u64 = 89u64;
+export def SYS_chmod: u64 = 90u64;
+export def SYS_fchmod: u64 = 91u64;
+export def SYS_chown: u64 = 92u64;
+export def SYS_fchown: u64 = 93u64;
+export def SYS_lchown: u64 = 94u64;
+export def SYS_umask: u64 = 95u64;
+export def SYS_gettimeofday: u64 = 96u64;
+export def SYS_getrlimit: u64 = 97u64;
+export def SYS_getrusage: u64 = 98u64;
+export def SYS_sysinfo: u64 = 99u64;
+export def SYS_times: u64 = 100u64;
+export def SYS_ptrace: u64 = 101u64;
+export def SYS_getuid: u64 = 102u64;
+export def SYS_syslog: u64 = 103u64;
+export def SYS_getgid: u64 = 104u64;
+export def SYS_setuid: u64 = 105u64;
+export def SYS_setgid: u64 = 106u64;
+export def SYS_geteuid: u64 = 107u64;
+export def SYS_getegid: u64 = 108u64;
+export def SYS_setpgid: u64 = 109u64;
+export def SYS_getppid: u64 = 110u64;
+export def SYS_getpgrp: u64 = 111u64;
+export def SYS_setsid: u64 = 112u64;
+export def SYS_setreuid: u64 = 113u64;
+export def SYS_setregid: u64 = 114u64;
+export def SYS_getgroups: u64 = 115u64;
+export def SYS_setgroups: u64 = 116u64;
+export def SYS_setresuid: u64 = 117u64;
+export def SYS_getresuid: u64 = 118u64;
+export def SYS_setresgid: u64 = 119u64;
+export def SYS_getresgid: u64 = 120u64;
+export def SYS_getpgid: u64 = 121u64;
+export def SYS_setfsuid: u64 = 122u64;
+export def SYS_setfsgid: u64 = 123u64;
+export def SYS_getsid: u64 = 124u64;
+export def SYS_capget: u64 = 125u64;
+export def SYS_capset: u64 = 126u64;
+export def SYS_rt_sigpending: u64 = 127u64;
+export def SYS_rt_sigtimedwait: u64 = 128u64;
+export def SYS_rt_sigqueueinfo: u64 = 129u64;
+export def SYS_rt_sigsuspend: u64 = 130u64;
+export def SYS_sigaltstack: u64 = 131u64;
+export def SYS_utime: u64 = 132u64;
+export def SYS_mknod: u64 = 133u64;
+export def SYS_uselib: u64 = 134u64;
+export def SYS_personality: u64 = 135u64;
+export def SYS_ustat: u64 = 136u64;
+export def SYS_statfs: u64 = 137u64;
+export def SYS_fstatfs: u64 = 138u64;
+export def SYS_sysfs: u64 = 139u64;
+export def SYS_getpriority: u64 = 140u64;
+export def SYS_setpriority: u64 = 141u64;
+export def SYS_sched_setparam: u64 = 142u64;
+export def SYS_sched_getparam: u64 = 143u64;
+export def SYS_sched_setscheduler: u64 = 144u64;
+export def SYS_sched_getscheduler: u64 = 145u64;
+export def SYS_sched_get_priority_max: u64 = 146u64;
+export def SYS_sched_get_priority_min: u64 = 147u64;
+export def SYS_sched_rr_get_interval: u64 = 148u64;
+export def SYS_mlock: u64 = 149u64;
+export def SYS_munlock: u64 = 150u64;
+export def SYS_mlockall: u64 = 151u64;
+export def SYS_munlockall: u64 = 152u64;
+export def SYS_vhangup: u64 = 153u64;
+export def SYS_modify_ldt: u64 = 154u64;
+export def SYS_pivot_root: u64 = 155u64;
+export def SYS__sysctl: u64 = 156u64;
+export def SYS_prctl: u64 = 157u64;
+export def SYS_arch_prctl: u64 = 158u64;
+export def SYS_adjtimex: u64 = 159u64;
+export def SYS_setrlimit: u64 = 160u64;
+export def SYS_chroot: u64 = 161u64;
+export def SYS_sync: u64 = 162u64;
+export def SYS_acct: u64 = 163u64;
+export def SYS_settimeofday: u64 = 164u64;
+export def SYS_mount: u64 = 165u64;
+export def SYS_umount2: u64 = 166u64;
+export def SYS_swapon: u64 = 167u64;
+export def SYS_swapoff: u64 = 168u64;
+export def SYS_reboot: u64 = 169u64;
+export def SYS_sethostname: u64 = 170u64;
+export def SYS_setdomainname: u64 = 171u64;
+export def SYS_iopl: u64 = 172u64;
+export def SYS_ioperm: u64 = 173u64;
+export def SYS_create_module: u64 = 174u64;
+export def SYS_init_module: u64 = 175u64;
+export def SYS_delete_module: u64 = 176u64;
+export def SYS_get_kernel_syms: u64 = 177u64;
+export def SYS_query_module: u64 = 178u64;
+export def SYS_quotactl: u64 = 179u64;
+export def SYS_nfsservctl: u64 = 180u64;
+export def SYS_getpmsg: u64 = 181u64;
+export def SYS_putpmsg: u64 = 182u64;
+export def SYS_afs_syscall: u64 = 183u64;
+export def SYS_tuxcall: u64 = 184u64;
+export def SYS_security: u64 = 185u64;
+export def SYS_gettid: u64 = 186u64;
+export def SYS_readahead: u64 = 187u64;
+export def SYS_setxattr: u64 = 188u64;
+export def SYS_lsetxattr: u64 = 189u64;
+export def SYS_fsetxattr: u64 = 190u64;
+export def SYS_getxattr: u64 = 191u64;
+export def SYS_lgetxattr: u64 = 192u64;
+export def SYS_fgetxattr: u64 = 193u64;
+export def SYS_listxattr: u64 = 194u64;
+export def SYS_llistxattr: u64 = 195u64;
+export def SYS_flistxattr: u64 = 196u64;
+export def SYS_removexattr: u64 = 197u64;
+export def SYS_lremovexattr: u64 = 198u64;
+export def SYS_fremovexattr: u64 = 199u64;
+export def SYS_tkill: u64 = 200u64;
+export def SYS_time: u64 = 201u64;
+export def SYS_futex: u64 = 202u64;
+export def SYS_sched_setaffinity: u64 = 203u64;
+export def SYS_sched_getaffinity: u64 = 204u64;
+export def SYS_set_thread_area: u64 = 205u64;
+export def SYS_io_setup: u64 = 206u64;
+export def SYS_io_destroy: u64 = 207u64;
+export def SYS_io_getevents: u64 = 208u64;
+export def SYS_io_submit: u64 = 209u64;
+export def SYS_io_cancel: u64 = 210u64;
+export def SYS_get_thread_area: u64 = 211u64;
+export def SYS_lookup_dcookie: u64 = 212u64;
+export def SYS_epoll_create: u64 = 213u64;
+export def SYS_epoll_ctl_old: u64 = 214u64;
+export def SYS_epoll_wait_old: u64 = 215u64;
+export def SYS_remap_file_pages: u64 = 216u64;
+export def SYS_getdents64: u64 = 217u64;
+export def SYS_set_tid_address: u64 = 218u64;
+export def SYS_restart_syscall: u64 = 219u64;
+export def SYS_semtimedop: u64 = 220u64;
+export def SYS_fadvise64: u64 = 221u64;
+export def SYS_timer_create: u64 = 222u64;
+export def SYS_timer_settime: u64 = 223u64;
+export def SYS_timer_gettime: u64 = 224u64;
+export def SYS_timer_getoverrun: u64 = 225u64;
+export def SYS_timer_delete: u64 = 226u64;
+export def SYS_clock_settime: u64 = 227u64;
+export def SYS_clock_gettime: u64 = 228u64;
+export def SYS_clock_getres: u64 = 229u64;
+export def SYS_clock_nanosleep: u64 = 230u64;
+export def SYS_exit_group: u64 = 231u64;
+export def SYS_epoll_wait: u64 = 232u64;
+export def SYS_epoll_ctl: u64 = 233u64;
+export def SYS_tgkill: u64 = 234u64;
+export def SYS_utimes: u64 = 235u64;
+export def SYS_vserver: u64 = 236u64;
+export def SYS_mbind: u64 = 237u64;
+export def SYS_set_mempolicy: u64 = 238u64;
+export def SYS_get_mempolicy: u64 = 239u64;
+export def SYS_mq_open: u64 = 240u64;
+export def SYS_mq_unlink: u64 = 241u64;
+export def SYS_mq_timedsend: u64 = 242u64;
+export def SYS_mq_timedreceive: u64 = 243u64;
+export def SYS_mq_notify: u64 = 244u64;
+export def SYS_mq_getsetattr: u64 = 245u64;
+export def SYS_kexec_load: u64 = 246u64;
+export def SYS_waitid: u64 = 247u64;
+export def SYS_add_key: u64 = 248u64;
+export def SYS_request_key: u64 = 249u64;
+export def SYS_keyctl: u64 = 250u64;
+export def SYS_ioprio_set: u64 = 251u64;
+export def SYS_ioprio_get: u64 = 252u64;
+export def SYS_inotify_init: u64 = 253u64;
+export def SYS_inotify_add_watch: u64 = 254u64;
+export def SYS_inotify_rm_watch: u64 = 255u64;
+export def SYS_migrate_pages: u64 = 256u64;
+export def SYS_openat: u64 = 257u64;
+export def SYS_mkdirat: u64 = 258u64;
+export def SYS_mknodat: u64 = 259u64;
+export def SYS_fchownat: u64 = 260u64;
+export def SYS_futimesat: u64 = 261u64;
+export def SYS_newfstatat: u64 = 262u64;
+export def SYS_unlinkat: u64 = 263u64;
+export def SYS_renameat: u64 = 264u64;
+export def SYS_linkat: u64 = 265u64;
+export def SYS_symlinkat: u64 = 266u64;
+export def SYS_readlinkat: u64 = 267u64;
+export def SYS_fchmodat: u64 = 268u64;
+export def SYS_faccessat: u64 = 269u64;
+export def SYS_pselect6: u64 = 270u64;
+export def SYS_ppoll: u64 = 271u64;
+export def SYS_unshare: u64 = 272u64;
+export def SYS_set_robust_list: u64 = 273u64;
+export def SYS_get_robust_list: u64 = 274u64;
+export def SYS_splice: u64 = 275u64;
+export def SYS_tee: u64 = 276u64;
+export def SYS_sync_file_range: u64 = 277u64;
+export def SYS_vmsplice: u64 = 278u64;
+export def SYS_move_pages: u64 = 279u64;
+export def SYS_utimensat: u64 = 280u64;
+export def SYS_epoll_pwait: u64 = 281u64;
+export def SYS_signalfd: u64 = 282u64;
+export def SYS_timerfd_create: u64 = 283u64;
+export def SYS_eventfd: u64 = 284u64;
+export def SYS_fallocate: u64 = 285u64;
+export def SYS_timerfd_settime: u64 = 286u64;
+export def SYS_timerfd_gettime: u64 = 287u64;
+export def SYS_accept4: u64 = 288u64;
+export def SYS_signalfd4: u64 = 289u64;
+export def SYS_eventfd2: u64 = 290u64;
+export def SYS_epoll_create1: u64 = 291u64;
+export def SYS_dup3: u64 = 292u64;
+export def SYS_pipe2: u64 = 293u64;
+export def SYS_inotify_init1: u64 = 294u64;
+export def SYS_preadv: u64 = 295u64;
+export def SYS_pwritev: u64 = 296u64;
+export def SYS_rt_tgsigqueueinfo: u64 = 297u64;
+export def SYS_perf_event_open: u64 = 298u64;
+export def SYS_recvmmsg: u64 = 299u64;
+export def SYS_fanotify_init: u64 = 300u64;
+export def SYS_fanotify_mark: u64 = 301u64;
+export def SYS_prlimit64: u64 = 302u64;
+export def SYS_name_to_handle_at: u64 = 303u64;
+export def SYS_open_by_handle_at: u64 = 304u64;
+export def SYS_clock_adjtime: u64 = 305u64;
+export def SYS_syncfs: u64 = 306u64;
+export def SYS_sendmmsg: u64 = 307u64;
+export def SYS_setns: u64 = 308u64;
+export def SYS_getcpu: u64 = 309u64;
+export def SYS_process_vm_readv: u64 = 310u64;
+export def SYS_process_vm_writev: u64 = 311u64;
+export def SYS_kcmp: u64 = 312u64;
+export def SYS_finit_module: u64 = 313u64;
+export def SYS_sched_setattr: u64 = 314u64;
+export def SYS_sched_getattr: u64 = 315u64;
+export def SYS_renameat2: u64 = 316u64;
+export def SYS_seccomp: u64 = 317u64;
+export def SYS_getrandom: u64 = 318u64;
+export def SYS_memfd_create: u64 = 319u64;
+export def SYS_kexec_file_load: u64 = 320u64;
+export def SYS_bpf: u64 = 321u64;
+export def SYS_execveat: u64 = 322u64;
+export def SYS_userfaultfd: u64 = 323u64;
+export def SYS_membarrier: u64 = 324u64;
+export def SYS_mlock2: u64 = 325u64;
+export def SYS_copy_file_range: u64 = 326u64;
+export def SYS_preadv2: u64 = 327u64;
+export def SYS_pwritev2: u64 = 328u64;
+export def SYS_pkey_mprotect: u64 = 329u64;
+export def SYS_pkey_alloc: u64 = 330u64;
+export def SYS_pkey_free: u64 = 331u64;
+export def SYS_statx: u64 = 332u64;
+export def SYS_io_pgetevents: u64 = 333u64;
+export def SYS_rseq: u64 = 334u64;
+export def SYS_pidfd_send_signal: u64 = 424u64;
+export def SYS_io_uring_setup: u64 = 425u64;
+export def SYS_io_uring_enter: u64 = 426u64;
+export def SYS_io_uring_register: u64 = 427u64;
+export def SYS_open_tree: u64 = 428u64;
+export def SYS_move_mount: u64 = 429u64;
+export def SYS_fsopen: u64 = 430u64;
+export def SYS_fsconfig: u64 = 431u64;
+export def SYS_fsmount: u64 = 432u64;
+export def SYS_fspick: u64 = 433u64;
diff --git a/rt/+linux/syscalls.ha b/rt/+linux/syscalls.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+fn syscall0(u64) u64;
+fn syscall1(u64, u64) u64;
+fn syscall2(u64, u64, u64) u64;
+fn syscall3(u64, u64, u64, u64) u64;
+fn syscall4(u64, u64, u64, u64, u64) u64;
+fn syscall5(u64, u64, u64, u64, u64, u64) u64;
+fn syscall6(u64, u64, u64, u64, u64, u64, u64) u64;
+export fn write(fd: int, buf: *const void, count: size) size =
+ syscall3(SYS_write, fd: u64, buf: uintptr: u64, count: u64): size;
+export fn getpid() int = syscall0(SYS_getpid): int;
+export @noreturn fn exit(status: int) void = syscall1(SYS_exit, status: u64);
+export fn kill(pid: int, signal: int) int =
+ syscall2(SYS_kill, pid: u64, signal: u64): int;
+export def SIGHUP: int = 1;
+export def SIGINT: int = 2;
+export def SIGQUIT: int = 3;
+export def SIGILL: int = 4;
+export def SIGTRAP: int = 5;
+export def SIGABRT: int = 6;
+export def SIGBUS: int = 7;
+export def SIGFPE: int = 8;
+export def SIGKILL: int = 9;
+export def SIGUSR1: int = 10;
+export def SIGSEGV: int = 11;
+export def SIGUSR2: int = 12;
+export def SIGPIPE: int = 13;
+export def SIGALRM: int = 14;
+export def SIGTERM: int = 15;
+export def SIGSTKFLT: int = 16;
+export def SIGCHLD: int = 17;
+export def SIGCONT: int = 18;
+export def SIGSTOP: int = 19;
+export def SIGTSTP: int = 20;
+export def SIGTTIN: int = 21;
+export def SIGTTOU: int = 22;
+export def SIGURG: int = 23;
+export def SIGXCPU: int = 24;
+export def SIGXFSZ: int = 25;
+export def SIGVTALRM: int = 26;
+export def SIGPROF: int = 27;
+export def SIGWINCH: int = 28;
+export def SIGIO: int = 29;
+export def SIGPOLL: int = 29;
+export def SIGPWR: int = 30;
+export def SIGSYS: int = 31;