commit 5c0d392f2678b91416aaf3f330dc769e0d5d3086
parent 469f041b43a7c6996b39dd6b916699b2d933af91
Author: Eyal Sawady <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 21:59:54 -0400
compress::flate: new module
3 files changed, 458 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compress/flate/inflate.ha b/compress/flate/inflate.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+use bufio;
+use bytes;
+use endian;
+use errors;
+use fmt;
+use io;
+def BUFSIZE: size = 1 << 16;
+def MAXBITS: size = 15;
+def MAXCODES: size = 288;
+const fixed_len: huffman = huffman {
+ counts = [0...],
+ symbols = [0...],
+const fixed_dist: huffman = huffman {
+ counts = [0...],
+ symbols = [0...],
+type huffman = struct {
+ counts: [MAXBITS]u16,
+ symbols: [MAXCODES]u16,
+type inflate_err = enum u8 {
+ EOF,
+ LEN,
+type decompressor = struct {
+ stream: io::stream,
+ in: *io::stream,
+ bitbuf: u32,
+ cnt: u32,
+ final: bool,
+ state: *fn(d: *decompressor) (void | io::EOF | io::error),
+ left: size,
+ hl: huffman,
+ hd: huffman,
+ // History ring buffer
+ hist: []u8,
+ head: size,
+ // Output buffer
+ buf: []u8,
+ bufstart: []u8,
+@init fn init_fixed() void = {
+ // See section 3.2.6 of RFC 1951
+ let lens: [288]u16 = [0...];
+ let i = 0z;
+ for (i < 144; i += 1) {
+ lens[i] = 8;
+ };
+ for (i < 256; i += 1) {
+ lens[i] = 9;
+ };
+ for (i < 280; i += 1) {
+ lens[i] = 7;
+ };
+ for (i < 288; i += 1) {
+ lens[i] = 8;
+ };
+ construct(&fixed_len, lens[..]) as void;
+ let dists: [30]u16 = [5...];
+ construct(&fixed_dist, dists[..]) as void;
+// Creates a stream which decompresses Deflate (RFC 1951) data.
+export fn inflate(s: *io::stream) *io::stream = alloc(decompressor {
+ stream = io::stream {
+ reader = &read,
+ closer = &close,
+ ...
+ },
+ in = s,
+ bitbuf = 0,
+ cnt = 0,
+ final = false,
+ state = &uncompressed_read,
+ left = 0,
+ hist = [],
+ head = 0,
+ buf = [],
+ bufstart = [],
+}): *io::stream;
+// Read [want] bits from the decompressor
+fn bits(d: *decompressor, want: u32) (u32 | io::error) = {
+ assert(want <= 32);
+ let val = d.bitbuf;
+ for (d.cnt < want) {
+ let buf: [_]u8 = [0];
+ match (io::read(, buf)?) {
+ io::EOF => return wraperror(inflate_err::EOF),
+ z: size => if (z < 1) {
+ continue; // Short read, retry
+ },
+ };
+ val |= buf[0] << d.cnt;
+ d.cnt += 8;
+ };
+ d.bitbuf = val >> want;
+ d.cnt -= want;
+ assert(d.cnt <= 7);
+ return val & (1 << want) - 1;
+fn put(d: *decompressor, b: u8...) void = {
+ assert(len(d.buf) == 0 || d.buf: *[*]u8 == d.bufstart: *[*]u8);
+ assert(len(d.hist) <= BUFSIZE);
+ if (len(d.buf) == 0) {
+ d.bufstart = d.bufstart[..0];
+ };
+ append(d.bufstart, ...b);
+ d.buf = d.bufstart;
+ let n = BUFSIZE - len(d.hist);
+ if (n > len(b)) {
+ n = len(b);
+ };
+ append(d.hist, ...b[..n]);
+ b = b[n..];
+ d.head += n;
+ for (let s = b; len(s) != 0) {
+ assert(len(d.buf) == BUFSIZE);
+ const toput = if (d.head + len(s) > len(d.hist))
+ len(d.hist) - d.head else len(s);
+ d.hist[d.head..d.head + toput] = s[..toput];
+ d.head = (d.head + toput) % BUFSIZE;
+ s = s[toput..];
+ };
+fn copy(d: *decompressor, back: size, n: size) (void | io::error) = {
+ if (len(d.hist) < back) {
+ return wraperror(inflate_err::DISTANCE);
+ };
+ for (let i = 0z; i < n; i += 1) {
+ put(d, d.hist[(d.head - back + BUFSIZE) % BUFSIZE]);
+ };
+fn decode(d: *decompressor, h: huffman) (u16 | io::error) = {
+ let code = 0u32, index = 0u32, first = 0u32;
+ for (let i = 1z; i < MAXBITS; i += 1) {
+ code |= bits(d, 1)?;
+ if (code < first + h.counts[i]) {
+ return h.symbols[index + (code - first)];
+ };
+ index += h.counts[i];
+ first += h.counts[i];
+ first <<= 1;
+ code <<= 1;
+ };
+ return wraperror(inflate_err::CODE);
+fn construct(h: *huffman, lens: []u16) (void | io::error) = {
+ h.counts = [0...];
+ for (let i = 0z; i < len(lens); i += 1) {
+ h.counts[lens[i]] += 1;
+ };
+ if (h.counts[0] == len(lens)) return;
+ for (let left = 1z, i = 1z; i < MAXBITS; i += 1) {
+ left <<= 1;
+ left -= h.counts[i];
+ if (left < 0) return wraperror(inflate_err::HUFFMAN);
+ };
+ let offs: [MAXBITS + 1]u16 = [0...];
+ for (let i = 1z; i < MAXBITS; i += 1) {
+ offs[i + 1] = offs[i] + h.counts[i];
+ };
+ for (let i = 0u16; i < len(lens); i += 1) if (lens[i] != 0) {
+ let off = offs[lens[i]];
+ offs[lens[i]] += 1;
+ h.symbols[off] = i;
+ };
+fn compressed_read(d: *decompressor) (void | io::EOF | io::error) = {
+ static const lbases: [_]u32 = [
+ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43,
+ 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258,
+ ];
+ static const lexts: [_]u32 = [
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0,
+ ];
+ static const dbases: [_]u32 = [
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257,
+ 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289,
+ 16385, 24577,
+ ];
+ static const dexts: [_]u32 = [
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9,
+ 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13,
+ ];
+ let c = decode(d, d.hl)?;
+ if (c < 256) {
+ put(d, c: u8);
+ return;
+ };
+ if (c == 256) {
+ d.left = 0;
+ return;
+ };
+ const n = lbases[c - 257] + bits(d, lexts[c - 257])?;
+ c = decode(d, d.hd)?;
+ const back = dbases[c] + bits(d, dexts[c])?;
+ copy(d, back, n)?;
+fn uncompressed_read(d: *decompressor) (void | io::EOF | io::error) = {
+ static let _buf: [1024]u8 = [0...];
+ let buf = if (len(_buf) > d.left: size) _buf[..d.left] else _buf[..];
+ let z = match (io::read(, buf)?) {
+ z: size => {
+ d.left -= z;
+ z;
+ },
+ io::EOF => return wraperror(inflate_err::EOF),
+ };
+ put(d, buf[..z]...);
+fn opaque_strerror(
+ data: *errors::opaque_data
+) const str = switch (*(data: *inflate_err)) {
+ inflate_err::EOF => "Unexpected EOF",
+ inflate_err::BTYPE => "Invalid block type",
+ inflate_err::LEN => "Invalid block length",
+ inflate_err::DISTANCE => "Invalid distance",
+ inflate_err::CODE => "Invalid Huffman code",
+ inflate_err::HUFFMAN => "Oversubscribed Huffman code",
+ inflate_err::TABLE => "Invalid dynamic Huffman code table",
+fn wraperror(err: inflate_err) errors::opaque = {
+ static assert(size(inflate_err) <= size(error::opaque_data));
+ let wrapped = errors::opaque { strerror = &opaque_strerror, ... };
+ let myptr = & *inflate_err;
+ *myptr = err;
+ return wrapped;
+fn dynamic(d: *decompressor) (void | io::EOF | io::error) = {
+ const hlit = bits(d, 5)? + 257;
+ const hdist = bits(d, 5)? + 1;
+ const hclen = bits(d, 4)? + 4;
+ if (hlit > 286 || hdist > 30) return wraperror(inflate_err::TABLE);
+ let codes: [19]u16 = [0...];
+ static const order = [
+ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1,
+ 15,
+ ];
+ for (let i = 0z; i < hclen; i += 1) {
+ codes[order[i]] = bits(d, 3)?: u16;
+ };
+ let hcl = huffman {
+ counts = [0...],
+ symbols = [0...],
+ };
+ construct(&hcl, codes[..])?;
+ let lens: []u16 = [];
+ defer free(lens);
+ for (len(lens) < hlit + hdist) {
+ let c = decode(d, hcl)?;
+ if (c < 16) {
+ append(lens, c);
+ continue;
+ };
+ let n = 0u16;
+ let times = switch (c) {
+ 16 => {
+ if (len(lens) == 0) {
+ return wraperror(inflate_err::TABLE);
+ };
+ n = lens[len(lens) - 1];
+ 3 + bits(d, 2)?;
+ },
+ 17 => 3 + bits(d, 3)?,
+ 18 => 11 + bits(d, 7)?,
+ * => abort(),
+ };
+ for (times > 0; times -= 1) {
+ append(lens, n);
+ };
+ };
+ if (len(lens) < 256 || lens[256] == 0) {
+ return wraperror(inflate_err::TABLE);
+ };
+ construct(&d.hl, lens[..hlit])?;
+ construct(&d.hd, lens[hlit..hlit + hdist])?;
+ d.state = &compressed_read;
+ d.left = 1;
+fn next(d: *decompressor) (void | io::EOF | io::error) = {
+ if ( {
+ return io::EOF;
+ };
+ if (bits(d, 1)? == 1) {
+ = true;
+ };
+ return switch (bits(d, 2)?) {
+ 0b00 => {
+ // Skip to next byte boundary
+ d.cnt = 0;
+ d.bitbuf = 0;
+ let buf: [4]u8 = [0...];
+ for (let n = 0z; n < 4) {
+ match (io::read(, buf[n..])?) {
+ io::EOF => return wraperror(inflate_err::EOF),
+ z: size => n += z,
+ };
+ };
+ const length = endian::legetu16(buf[..2]);
+ if (length != ~endian::legetu16(buf[2..])) {
+ return wraperror(inflate_err::LEN);
+ };
+ d.state = &uncompressed_read;
+ d.left = length;
+ },
+ 0b01 => {
+ d.hl = fixed_len;
+ d.hd = fixed_dist;
+ d.state = &compressed_read;
+ d.left = 1;
+ },
+ 0b10 => dynamic(d),
+ 0b11 => wraperror(inflate_err::BTYPE),
+ * => abort(),
+ };
+fn read(s: *io::stream, buf: []u8) (size | io::EOF | io::error) = {
+ const s = s: *decompressor;
+ let n = 0z;
+ let a = buf;
+ for (n < len(buf)) {
+ if (len(s.buf) == 0) {
+ if (s.left == 0) match (next(s)?) {
+ void => void,
+ io::EOF => return if (n == 0) io::EOF else n,
+ };
+ match (s.state(s)?) {
+ void => void,
+ io::EOF => return if (n == 0) io::EOF else n,
+ };
+ };
+ const toread =
+ if (len(s.buf) > len(buf)) len(buf) else len(s.buf);
+ buf[..toread] = s.buf[..toread];
+ s.buf = s.buf[toread..];
+ buf = buf[toread..];
+ n += toread;
+ };
+ return n;
+fn close(s: *io::stream) void = {
+ const s = s: *decompressor;
+ free(s.bufstart);
+ free(s.hist);
+// Further testing is done in compress::zlib
+@test fn inflate() void = {
+ const in: []u8 = [
+ // Non-final block, uncompressed
+ 0b00000000,
+ // 4 bytes long
+ 0b00000100,
+ 0b00000000,
+ // ~LEN
+ 0b11111011,
+ 0b11111111,
+ // Data
+ 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF,
+ // Final block, uncompressed
+ 0b00000001,
+ // 2 bytes long
+ 0b00000010,
+ 0b00000000,
+ // ~LEN
+ 0b11111101,
+ 0b11111111,
+ // Data
+ 0x42, 0x69,
+ ];
+ let expected: []u8 = [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0x42, 0x69];
+ let ins = bufio::fixed(in, io::mode::READ);
+ let outs = bufio::dynamic(io::mode::WRITE);
+ let s = inflate(ins);
+ defer io::close(s);
+ match (io::copy(outs, s)) {
+ size => void,
+ e: io::error => {
+ fmt::errorln(io::strerror(e));
+ abort();
+ },
+ };
+ let out = bufio::finish(outs);
+ defer free(out);
+ assert(bytes::equal(expected, out));
diff --git a/scripts/gen-stdlib b/scripts/gen-stdlib
@@ -125,6 +125,12 @@ bytes() {
gen_ssa bytes types
+compress_flate() {
+ gen_srcs compress::flate \
+ inflate.ha
+ gen_ssa compress::flate bufio bytes endian errors io fmt
crypto_math() {
gen_srcs crypto::math \
@@ -607,6 +613,7 @@ printf '# This file is generated by the gen-stdlib script, do not edit it by han
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ hare_stdlib_deps+=$(stdlib_bufio)
@@ -255,6 +258,16 @@ $(HARECACHE)/bytes/bytes.ssa: $(stdlib_bytes_srcs) $(stdlib_rt) $(stdlib_types)
-t$(HARECACHE)/bytes/ $(stdlib_bytes_srcs)
+# compress::flate
+stdlib_compress_flate_srcs= \
+ $(STDLIB)/compress/flate/inflate.ha
+$(HARECACHE)/compress/flate/compress_flate.ssa: $(stdlib_compress_flate_srcs) $(stdlib_rt) $(stdlib_bufio) $(stdlib_bytes) $(stdlib_endian) $(stdlib_errors) $(stdlib_io) $(stdlib_fmt)
+ @printf 'HAREC \t$@\n'
+ @mkdir -p $(HARECACHE)/compress/flate
+ @HARECACHE=$(HARECACHE) $(HAREC) $(HAREFLAGS) -o $@ -Ncompress::flate \
+ -t$(HARECACHE)/compress/flate/ $(stdlib_compress_flate_srcs)
# crypto::math
stdlib_crypto_math_srcs= \
@@ -891,6 +904,9 @@ hare_testlib_deps+=$(testlib_bufio)
@@ -1068,6 +1084,16 @@ $(TESTCACHE)/bytes/bytes.ssa: $(testlib_bytes_srcs) $(testlib_rt) $(testlib_type
-t$(TESTCACHE)/bytes/ $(testlib_bytes_srcs)
+# compress::flate
+testlib_compress_flate_srcs= \
+ $(STDLIB)/compress/flate/inflate.ha
+$(TESTCACHE)/compress/flate/compress_flate.ssa: $(testlib_compress_flate_srcs) $(testlib_rt) $(testlib_bufio) $(testlib_bytes) $(testlib_endian) $(testlib_errors) $(testlib_io) $(testlib_fmt)
+ @printf 'HAREC \t$@\n'
+ @mkdir -p $(TESTCACHE)/compress/flate
+ @HARECACHE=$(TESTCACHE) $(HAREC) $(TESTHAREFLAGS) -o $@ -Ncompress::flate \
+ -t$(TESTCACHE)/compress/flate/ $(testlib_compress_flate_srcs)
# crypto::math
testlib_crypto_math_srcs= \