commit 6a7563fc01cea51f96914a72db7c7a01544bcdeb
parent 5bfc6935a53af99880e9220f990b458b29177c90
Author: Alexey Yerin <>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2023 21:33:01 +0300
sort: Implement powersort for large arrays
Signed-off-by: Alexey Yerin <>
3 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/gen-stdlib b/scripts/gen-stdlib
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ sort() {
gensrcs_sort \
- gen_ssa sort strings types
+ gen_ssa sort math strings types
strconv() {
diff --git a/sort/sort.ha b/sort/sort.ha
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
// (c) 2021 Drew DeVault <>
// (c) 2021 Steven Guikal <>
+use math;
+use types;
+use rt;
// Sorts a slice of items in place. This function provides a stable sort -
// relative order of equal elements is preserved.
@@ -12,9 +16,7 @@ export fn sort(items: []opaque, itemsz: size, cmp: *cmpfunc) void = {
insort(items, itemsz, cmp);
- // TODO: Timsort
- insort(items, itemsz, cmp);
+ powersort(items, itemsz, cmp);
// Sorts a slice of strings in place. Sorting is done with respect to Unicode
@@ -79,3 +81,169 @@ fn insort(items: []opaque, itemsz: size, cmp: *cmpfunc) void = {
+// Based on paper "Nearly-Optimal Mergesorts: Fast, Practical Sorting Methods
+// That Optimally Adapt to Existing Runs"; J. Ian Munro, Sebastian Wild
+def MINRUN: size = 24; // FIXME: needs tuning
+def EMPTY: size = -1z;
+// A run of non-decreasing elements on the interval [start; end).
+type run = struct {
+ start: size, // Set to EMPTY when a run is merged
+ end: size,
+fn powersort(items: []opaque, itemsz: size, cmp: *cmpfunc) void = {
+ // npowers = floor(log2(n)) + 1
+ const npowers = math::bit_size_u64(len(items)) + 1;
+ const runs: []run = alloc([run { start = EMPTY, ... }...], npowers + 1);
+ defer free(runs);
+ let top = 0u8;
+ const aux: []u8 = alloc([0...], len(items) * itemsz);
+ defer free(aux);
+ let a = run {
+ start = 0z,
+ end = extend(items, itemsz, cmp, 0),
+ };
+ const length = a.end - a.start;
+ if (length < MINRUN) {
+ a.end = if (a.start + MINRUN < len(items))
+ a.start + MINRUN else len(items);
+ insort(cut(items, itemsz, a.start, a.end), itemsz, cmp);
+ };
+ for (a.end < len(items)) {
+ let b = run {
+ start = a.end,
+ end = extend(items, itemsz, cmp, a.end),
+ };
+ const length = b.end - b.start;
+ if (length < MINRUN) {
+ b.end = if (b.start + MINRUN < len(items))
+ b.start + MINRUN else len(items);
+ insort(cut(items, itemsz, b.start, b.end), itemsz, cmp);
+ };
+ const k = node_power(0, len(items), a.start, b.start, b.end);
+ assert(k != top);
+ for (let i = top; i > k; i -= 1) {
+ if (runs[i].start == EMPTY) continue;
+ merge(items, itemsz, cmp, aux,
+ runs[i].start, runs[i].end, a.end);
+ a.start = runs[i].start;
+ runs[i].start = EMPTY;
+ };
+ runs[k] = a;
+ top = k;
+ a = b;
+ };
+ assert(a.end == len(items));
+ for (let i = top; i > 0; i -= 1) {
+ if (runs[i].start == EMPTY) continue;
+ merge(items, itemsz, cmp, aux,
+ runs[i].start, runs[i].end, len(items));
+ };
+// Returns 'end' such that [start; end) in 'items' is non-decreasing
+// a[0] ≤ a[1] ≤ ... ≤ a[n - 1] - kept as-is
+// a[1] > a[1] > ... > a[n - 1] - reversed
+// Note: reversing a sequence with equal elements will move their relative
+// locations, which is undesirable for a stable sort.
+fn extend(items: []opaque, itemsz: size, cmp: *cmpfunc, start: size) size = {
+ const n = len(items);
+ const items = (items: *[*]u8)[..len(items) * itemsz];
+ assert(n - start > 0, "Empty extension");
+ if (start + 1 == n) {
+ return n;
+ };
+ if (cmp(&items[start * itemsz], &items[(start + 1) * itemsz]) <= 0) {
+ let end = start + 2;
+ for (end < n && cmp(&items[(end - 1) * itemsz], &items[end * itemsz]) <= 0) {
+ end += 1;
+ };
+ return end;
+ } else {
+ let end = start + 2;
+ for (end < n && cmp(&items[(end - 1) * itemsz], &items[end * itemsz]) > 0) {
+ end += 1;
+ };
+ reverse(cut(items, itemsz, start, end), itemsz);
+ return end;
+ };
+fn reverse(items: []opaque, itemsz: size) void = {
+ const n = len(items);
+ const items = (items: *[*]u8)[..n * itemsz];
+ for (let i = 0z; i < n / 2; i += 1) {
+ swap(&items[i * itemsz], &items[(n - i - 1) * itemsz], itemsz);
+ };
+fn merge(
+ items: []opaque,
+ itemsz: size,
+ cmp: *cmpfunc,
+ aux: []u8,
+ l: size,
+ m: size,
+ r: size,
+) void = {
+ l *= itemsz;
+ m *= itemsz;
+ r *= itemsz;
+ const items = items: *[*]u8;
+ const aux = aux: *[*]u8;
+ // Placing items at the beginning results in better cache performance
+ // (probably)
+ aux[..m - l] = items[l..m];
+ let i = 0z, j = m, out = l;
+ for (i < m - l && j < r; out += itemsz) {
+ if (cmp(&aux[i], &items[j]) < 0) {
+ rt::memmove(&items[out], &aux[i], itemsz);
+ i += itemsz;
+ } else {
+ rt::memmove(&items[out], &items[j], itemsz);
+ j += itemsz;
+ };
+ };
+ if (i < m - l) {
+ const sz = (m - l) - i;
+ rt::memmove(&items[out], &aux[i], sz);
+ out += sz;
+ };
+ if (j < r) {
+ const sz = r - j;
+ rt::memmove(&items[out], &items[j], sz);
+ out += sz;
+ };
+fn cut(items: []opaque, itemsz: size, l: size, r: size) []opaque = {
+ return *(&types::slice {
+ data = &(items: *[*]u8)[l * itemsz],
+ length = r - l,
+ capacity = 0,
+ }: *[]opaque);
+fn node_power(left: size, right: size, start_a: size, start_b: size, end_b: size) u8 = {
+ const n: u64 = right - left;
+ const l: u64 = start_a + start_b - 2 * left;
+ const r: u64 = start_b + end_b - 2 * left;
+ const a = ((l << 30) / n): u32;
+ const b = ((r << 30) / n): u32;
+ return math::leading_zeros_u32(a ^ b);
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ stdlib_sort_any_srcs = \
$(STDLIB)/sort/sort.ha \
-$(HARECACHE)/sort/sort-any.ssa: $(stdlib_sort_any_srcs) $(stdlib_rt) $(stdlib_strings_$(PLATFORM)) $(stdlib_types_$(PLATFORM))
+$(HARECACHE)/sort/sort-any.ssa: $(stdlib_sort_any_srcs) $(stdlib_rt) $(stdlib_math_$(PLATFORM)) $(stdlib_strings_$(PLATFORM)) $(stdlib_types_$(PLATFORM))
@printf 'HAREC \t$@\n'
@mkdir -p $(HARECACHE)/sort
@$(stdlib_env) $(HAREC) $(HAREFLAGS) -o $@ -Nsort \
@@ -4566,7 +4566,7 @@ testlib_sort_any_srcs = \
$(STDLIB)/sort/types.ha \
-$(TESTCACHE)/sort/sort-any.ssa: $(testlib_sort_any_srcs) $(testlib_rt) $(testlib_strings_$(PLATFORM)) $(testlib_types_$(PLATFORM))
+$(TESTCACHE)/sort/sort-any.ssa: $(testlib_sort_any_srcs) $(testlib_rt) $(testlib_math_$(PLATFORM)) $(testlib_strings_$(PLATFORM)) $(testlib_types_$(PLATFORM))
@printf 'HAREC \t$@\n'
@mkdir -p $(TESTCACHE)/sort
@$(testlib_env) $(HAREC) $(TESTHAREFLAGS) -o $@ -Nsort \