commit 9e60065c8e93c6dd7b99322768ec0f9216fc93f7
parent b5d53a781b5512014e3d21f076e89b1208e2aeca
Author: Armin Preiml <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 19:53:32 +0100
asn1: decoder
Signed-off-by: Armin Preiml <>
2 files changed, 1141 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoding/asn1/+test/decoder_test.ha b/encoding/asn1/+test/decoder_test.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
+// (c) Hare authors <>
+use bufio;
+use bytes;
+use errors;
+use io;
+use memio;
+use os;
+use strings;
+use time::date;
+use types;
+// XXX: would be nice to just declare this as mem: memio::stream
+let mem: nullable *memio::stream = null;
+let rbuf: [os::BUFSZ]u8 = [0...];
+fn d(i: []u8) decoder = {
+ let buf = memio::fixed(i);
+ let h = match (mem) {
+ case null =>
+ let h = alloc(buf);
+ mem = h;
+ yield h;
+ case let m: *memio::stream =>
+ *m = buf;
+ yield m;
+ };
+ return derdecoder(h);
+@fini fn freetdec() void = {
+ match (mem) {
+ case null =>
+ yield;
+ case let m: *memio::stream =>
+ free(m);
+ mem = null;
+ };
+@test fn parsetag() void = {
+ assert((next(&d([0x02, 0x01]))!).class == class::UNIVERSAL);
+ assert((next(&d([0x02, 0x01]))!).tagid == 0x02);
+ assert((next(&d([0x1e, 0x01]))!).tagid == 0x1e);
+ assert((next(&d([0x1f, 0x7f, 0x01]))!).tagid == 0x7f);
+ assert((next(&d([0x1f, 0x81, 0x00, 0x01]))!).tagid == 0x80);
+ assert((next(&d([0x1f, 0x8f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x01]))!).tagid
+ == types::U32_MAX);
+ assert(next(&d([0x1f, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x01])) is invalid);
+@test fn parselen() void = {
+ assert(dsz(next(&d([0x02, 0x1]))!) == 1);
+ assert(dsz(next(&d([0x02, 0x7f]))!) == 127);
+ assert(dsz(next(&d([0x02, 0x81, 0x80]))!) == 128);
+ // must use minimal amount of bytes for length encoding
+ assert(next(&d([0x02, 0x81, 0x01, 0x01])) is invalid);
+ assert(next(&d([0x02, 0x81, 0x7f])) is invalid);
+ assert(next(&d([0x02, 0x82, 0x00, 0xff])) is invalid);
+ // indefinite form is not allowed in DER
+ assert(next(&d([0x02, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00])) is invalid);
+@test fn emptydata() void = {
+ assert(read_bool(&d([])) is badformat);
+ assert(open_set(&d([])) is badformat);
+@test fn seq() void = {
+ let dat: [_]u8 = [
+ 0x30, 0x0a, // seq
+ 0x01, 0x01, 0xff, // bool true
+ 0x30, 0x05, // seq
+ 0x30, 0x03, // seq
+ 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, // bool false
+ ];
+ let dc = &d(dat);
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ assert(read_bool(dc)! == true);
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ assert(read_bool(dc)! == false);
+ close_seq(dc)!;
+ close_seq(dc)!;
+ close_seq(dc)!;
+ finish(dc)!;
+ let dc = &d(dat);
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ assert(open_seq(dc) is invalid);
+ let dc = &d(dat);
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ assert(close_seq(dc) is badformat);
+ let dat: [_]u8 = [
+ 0x30, 0x07, // seq
+ 0x0c, 0x05, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0xc3, 0x96, // utf8 string
+ ];
+ let dc = &d(dat);
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ let r = strreader(dc, utag::UTF8_STRING)!;
+ let s = io::drain(&r)!;
+ defer free(s);
+ assert(bytes::equal([0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0xc3, 0x96], s));
+ let dc = &d(dat);
+ let buf: [4]u8 = [0...];
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ let r = strreader(dc, utag::UTF8_STRING)!;
+ assert(io::read(&r, buf)! == 3);
+ assert(close_seq(dc) is badformat);
+ // check unclosed
+ let dc = &d(dat);
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ assert(finish(dc) is invalid);
+ let dc = &d(dat);
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ let r = strreader(dc, utag::UTF8_STRING)!;
+ let s = io::drain(&r)!;
+ assert(finish(dc) is invalid);
+@test fn invalid_seq() void = {
+ let dat: [_]u8 = [
+ 0x30, 0x03, // seq containing data of size 3
+ 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, // int 0x010203 overflows seq
+ ];
+ let dc = &d(dat);
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ let buf: [3]u8 = [0...];
+ assert(read_int(dc, buf) is invalid);
+@test fn read_implicit() void = {
+ let dat: [_]u8 = [
+ 0x30, 0x06, // seq
+ 0x85, 0x01, 0xff, // IMPLICIT bool true
+ 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, // bool false
+ ];
+ let dc = &d(dat);
+ open_seq(dc)!;
+ expect_implicit(dc, class::CONTEXT, 5)!;
+ assert(read_bool(dc)! == true);
+ assert(read_u16(dc) is badformat);
+@test fn read_bool() void = {
+ assert(read_bool(&d([0x01, 0x01, 0xff]))!);
+ assert(read_bool(&d([0x01, 0x01, 0x00]))! == false);
+ assert(read_bool(&d([0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00])) is invalid);
+ // X.690, ch. 11.1
+ assert(read_bool(&d([0x01, 0x01, 0x01])) is invalid);
+ // invalid class
+ assert(read_bool(&d([0x81, 0x01, 0x01])) is badformat);
+ // must be primitive
+ assert(read_bool(&d([0x21, 0x01, 0x01])) is invalid);
+ // invalid tag
+ assert(read_bool(&d([0x02, 0x01, 0x01])) is badformat);
+@test fn read_null() void = {
+ read_null(&d([0x05, 0x00]))!;
+ read_null(&d([0x05, 0x01, 0x00])) is invalid;
+ read_null(&d([0x85, 0x00])) is invalid;
+ read_null(&d([0x01, 0x00])) is invalid;
+@test fn read_int() void = {
+ let buf: [8]u8 = [0...];
+ assert(read_int(&d([0x02, 0x01, 0x01]), buf)! == 1);
+ assert(buf[0] == 0x01);
+ assert(read_int(&d([0x02, 0x01, 0x00]), buf)! == 1);
+ assert(buf[0] == 0x00);
+ assert(read_int(&d([0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02]), buf)! == 2);
+ assert(buf[0] == 0x01);
+ assert(buf[1] == 0x02);
+ // must have at least one byte
+ assert(read_int(&d([0x02, 0x00]), buf) is invalid);
+ // non minimal
+ assert(read_int(&d([0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01]), buf) is invalid);
+ assert(read_int(&d([0x02, 0x02, 0xff, 0x81]), buf) is invalid);
+ assert(read_u8(&d([0x02, 0x01, 0x00]))! == 0);
+ assert(read_u8(&d([0x02, 0x01, 0x01]))! == 1);
+ assert(read_u8(&d([0x02, 0x01, 0x7f]))! == 0x7f);
+ assert(read_u8(&d([0x02, 0x01, 0x80])) is invalid);
+ assert(read_u8(&d([0x02, 0x01, 0x81])) is invalid);
+ assert(read_u8(&d([0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x80]))! == 0x80);
+ assert(read_u8(&d([0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0xff]))! == 0xff);
+ assert(read_u16(&d([0x02, 0x01, 0x00]))! == 0);
+ assert(read_u16(&d([0x02, 0x02, 0x0f, 0xff]))! == 0xfff);
+ assert(read_u16(&d([0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff]))! == 0xffff);
+ assert(read_u16(&d([0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff])) is invalid);
+ assert(read_u32(&d([0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff]))! == 0xffff);
+ let maxu64: [_]u8 = [
+ 0x02, 0x09, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
+ ];
+ assert(read_u64(&d(maxu64))! == 0xffffffffffffffff);
+ maxu64[2] = 0x01;
+ assert(read_u64(&d(maxu64)) is invalid);
+@test fn read_bitstr() void = {
+ let buf: [8]u8 = [0...];
+ let bs = read_bitstr(&d([0x03, 0x01, 0x00]), buf)!;
+ assert(len(bs.0) == 0 && bs.1 == 0);
+ assert(bitstr_isset(bs, 0)! == false);
+ let bs = read_bitstr(&d([0x03, 0x02, 0x00, 0xff]), buf)!;
+ assert(bytes::equal(bs.0, [0xff]) && bs.1 == 0);
+ assert(bitstr_isset(bs, 0)!);
+ assert(bitstr_isset(bs, 7)!);
+ let bs = read_bitstr(&d([0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0xab, 0xc0]), buf)!;
+ assert(bytes::equal(bs.0, [0xab, 0xc0]) && bs.1 == 4);
+ assert(bitstr_isset(bs, 0)!);
+ assert(bitstr_isset(bs, 1)! == false);
+ assert(bitstr_isset(bs, 8)!);
+ assert(bitstr_isset(bs, 9)!);
+ assert(!bitstr_isset(bs, 11)!);
+ assert(bitstr_isset(bs, 12) is invalid);
+ // unused bits must be zero
+ assert(read_bitstr(&d([0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0xab, 0xc1]), buf) is invalid);
+ assert(read_bitstr(&d([0x03, 0x03, 0x07, 0xab, 0x40]), buf) is invalid);
+@test fn read_oid() void = {
+ assert(read_oid(&d([0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03]))! == oid::ID_AT_COMMON_NAME);
+ assert(bytes::equal([0x55, 0x04, 0x03],
+ read_rawoid(&d([0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03]))!));
+let datbuf: [64]u8 = [0...];
+fn newdatetime(s: str, tag: utag) []u8 = {
+ let datetime = strings::toutf8(s);
+ let datsz = len(datetime): u8;
+ datbuf[..2] = [tag, datsz];
+ datbuf[2..2 + datsz] = datetime;
+ return datbuf[..2 + datsz];
+@test fn read_utctime() void = {
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("231030133710Z", utag::UTC_TIME);
+ let dt = read_utctime(&d(derdatetime), 2046)!;
+ let fbuf: [24]u8 = [0...];
+ assert(date::bsformat(fbuf, date::RFC3339, &dt)!
+ == "2023-10-30T13:37:10+0000");
+ let dt = read_utctime(&d(derdatetime), 2020)!;
+ assert(date::bsformat(fbuf, date::RFC3339, &dt)!
+ == "1923-10-30T13:37:10+0000");
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("2310301337100", utag::UTC_TIME);
+ assert(read_utctime(&d(derdatetime), 2020) is error);
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("231030133710", utag::UTC_TIME);
+ assert(read_utctime(&d(derdatetime), 2020) is error);
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("231030133a10Z", utag::UTC_TIME);
+ assert(read_utctime(&d(derdatetime), 2020) is error);
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("231330133710Z", utag::UTC_TIME);
+ assert(read_utctime(&d(derdatetime), 2020) is error);
+@test fn read_gtime() void = {
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("20231030133710Z", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ let dt = read_gtime(&d(derdatetime))!;
+ let fbuf: [32]u8 = [0...];
+ assert(date::bsformat(fbuf, date::RFC3339, &dt)!
+ == "2023-10-30T13:37:10+0000");
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("20231030133710.1Z", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ let dt = read_gtime(&d(derdatetime))!;
+ assert(date::bsformat(fbuf, date::STAMP_NANO, &dt)!
+ == "2023-10-30 13:37:10.100000000");
+ // must end with Z
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("20231030133710", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ assert(read_gtime(&d(derdatetime)) is error);
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("202310301337100", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ assert(read_gtime(&d(derdatetime)) is error);
+ // seconds must always be present
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("202310301337", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ assert(read_gtime(&d(derdatetime)) is error);
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("202310301337Z", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ assert(read_gtime(&d(derdatetime)) is error);
+ // fractional seconds must not end with 0. must be ommitted if 0
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("20231030133710.", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ assert(read_gtime(&d(derdatetime)) is error);
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("20231030133710.Z", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ assert(read_gtime(&d(derdatetime)) is error);
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("20231030133710.0", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ assert(read_gtime(&d(derdatetime)) is error);
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("20231030133710.0Z", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ assert(read_gtime(&d(derdatetime)) is error);
+ let derdatetime = newdatetime("20231030133710.10Z", utag::GENERALIZED_TIME);
+ assert(read_gtime(&d(derdatetime)) is error);
+ // TODO midnight is YYYYMMDD000000Z
diff --git a/encoding/asn1/decoder.ha b/encoding/asn1/decoder.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
+// (c) Hare authors <>
+use bufio;
+use bytes;
+use errors;
+use io;
+use math::{bit_size_u8};
+use os;
+use strings;
+use time::date;
+use types;
+def TAGMASK: u8 = 0x1f;
+def MAX_CONS_DEPTH: size = 32;
+// Each DER entry starts with an header that describes the content.
+export type head = struct {
+ // Tells whether the data is constructed and encapsulates multiple
+ // other data fields; or primitive and the value follows.
+ cons: bool,
+ // Class info
+ class: class,
+ // Tag id of the data
+ tagid: u32,
+ // Start position in stream
+ start: size,
+ // Start position of data in stream
+ data: size,
+ // End position in stream
+ end: size,
+ implicit: bool,
+fn head_endpos(d: head) size = d.end;
+// Size of current element (header size + data size)
+export fn sz(d: head) size = d.end - d.start;
+// Size of the encoded data.
+export fn dsz(d: head) size = d.end -;
+export type decoder = struct {
+ src: io::handle,
+ pos: size,
+ cstack: [MAX_CONS_DEPTH]head,
+ cstackp: size,
+ next: (void | head),
+ cur: (void | head),
+ unbuf: [3]u8,
+ unbufn: u8,
+ implicit: bool,
+// Creates a new DER decoder that reads from 'src'. The decoder will do a lot of
+// short reads, hence a buffered stream is recommended.
+// Each entry must be read to the end, before the next one is attended to.
+// [[finish]] must be called at the end to make sure everything is read.
+export fn derdecoder(src: io::handle) decoder = {
+ return decoder {
+ src = src,
+ pos = 0,
+ cstackp = 0,
+ cur = void,
+ next = void,
+ implicit = false,
+ ...
+ };
+export fn finish(d: *decoder) (void | error) = {
+ if (d.cstackp != 0 || is head) return invalid;
+ match (d.cur) {
+ case void =>
+ return;
+ case let h: head =>
+ if (h.end != d.pos) return invalid;
+ };
+// Returns last opened cons or void if none is open.
+fn curcons(d: *decoder) (void | head) = {
+ if (d.cstackp == 0) {
+ return;
+ };
+ return d.cstack[d.cstackp-1];
+// Peeks the header of the next data field. Fails with [[badformat]] if no data
+// follows.
+export fn peek(d: *decoder) (head | error) = {
+ match (trypeek(d)?) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ return badformat;
+ case let h: head =>
+ return h;
+ };
+// Tries to peek the header of the next data and returns EOF, if none exists.
+export fn trypeek(d: *decoder) (head | error | io::EOF) = {
+ if (!( is void)) {
+ return head;
+ };
+ if (is_endofcons(d)) return io::EOF;
+ match (parse_header(d)?) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ const unreaddata = d.unbufn > 0;
+ if (d.cstackp != 0 || unreaddata) {
+ return badformat;
+ };
+ return io::EOF;
+ case let dh: head =>
+ = dh;
+ return dh;
+ };
+// Cons is open and end is reached.
+fn is_endofcons(d: *decoder) bool = {
+ match (curcons(d)) {
+ case void =>
+ return false;
+ case let cur: head =>
+ return d.pos == head_endpos(cur);
+ };
+// Returns the next data element or [[badformat]] on EOF.
+fn next(d: *decoder) (head | error) = {
+ match (trynext(d)?) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ return badformat;
+ case let dh: head =>
+ return dh;
+ };
+fn trynext(d: *decoder) (head | error | io::EOF) = {
+ if ( is head) {
+ let dh = head;
+ d.cur = dh;
+ = void;
+ dh.implicit = d.implicit;
+ d.implicit = false;
+ return dh;
+ };
+ if (is_endofcons(d)) return io::EOF;
+ let dh = match (parse_header(d)?) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ return io::EOF;
+ case let dh: head =>
+ yield dh;
+ };
+ d.cur = dh;
+ dh.implicit = d.implicit;
+ d.implicit = false;
+ return dh;
+fn parse_header(d: *decoder) (head | error | io::EOF) = {
+ const consend = match (curcons(d)) {
+ case void =>
+ yield types::SIZE_MAX;
+ case let h: head =>
+ yield h.end;
+ };
+ if (d.pos == consend) return invalid;
+ const epos = d.pos;
+ const id = match (tryscan_byte(d)?) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ d.cur = void;
+ return io::EOF;
+ case let id: u8 =>
+ yield id;
+ };
+ const class = ((id & 0xc0) >> 6): class;
+ let tagid: u32 = id & TAGMASK;
+ if (tagid == TAGMASK) {
+ tagid = parse_longtag(d, consend - d.pos)?;
+ };
+ const l = parse_len(d, consend - d.pos)?;
+ const hl = d.pos - epos;
+ const end = epos + hl + l;
+ if (end > consend) return invalid;
+ return head {
+ class = class,
+ cons = ((id >> 5) & 1) == 1,
+ tagid = tagid,
+ start = epos,
+ data = epos + hl,
+ end = end,
+ implicit = d.implicit,
+ ...
+ };
+fn tryscan_byte(d: *decoder) (u8 | io::EOF | error) = {
+ let buf: [1]u8 = [0...];
+ match (io::readall(d.src, buf)?) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ return io::EOF;
+ case size =>
+ d.pos += 1;
+ return buf[0];
+ };
+fn scan_byte(d: *decoder) (u8 | error) = {
+ match (tryscan_byte(d)?) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ return truncated;
+ case let b: u8 =>
+ return b;
+ };
+// Reads data of current entry and advances pointer. Data must have been opened
+// using [[next]] or [[trynext]]. EOF is returned on end of data.
+fn dataread(d: *decoder, buf: []u8) (size | io::EOF | io::error) = {
+ let cur = match (d.cur) {
+ case void =>
+ abort("primitive must be opened with [[next]] or [[trynext]]");
+ case let dh: head =>
+ yield dh;
+ };
+ const dataleft = head_endpos(cur) - d.pos + d.unbufn;
+ if (dataleft == 0) {
+ return io::EOF;
+ };
+ let n = 0z;
+ if (d.unbufn > 0) {
+ const max = if (d.unbufn > len(buf)) len(buf): u8 else d.unbufn;
+ buf[..max] = d.unbuf[..max];
+ d.unbufn -= max;
+ n += max;
+ };
+ const max = if (dataleft < len(buf) - n) dataleft else len(buf) - n;
+ match (io::read(d.src, buf[n..n + max])?) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ // there should be data left
+ return wrap_err(truncated);
+ case let sz: size =>
+ d.pos += sz;
+ return n + sz;
+ };
+// unread incomplete utf8 runes.
+fn dataunread(d: *decoder, buf: []u8) void = {
+ assert(len(buf) + d.unbufn <= len(d.unbuf));
+ d.unbuf[d.unbufn..d.unbufn + len(buf)] = buf;
+ d.unbufn += len(buf): u8;
+fn dataeof(d: *decoder) bool = {
+ match (d.cur) {
+ case void =>
+ return true;
+ case let h: head =>
+ return d.pos + d.unbufn == head_endpos(h);
+ };
+fn parse_longtag(p: *decoder, max: size) (u32 | error) = {
+ // XXX: u32 too much?
+ let tag: u32 = 0;
+ let maxbits = size(u32) * 8;
+ let nbits = 0z;
+ for (let i = 0z; i < max; i += 1) {
+ let b = scan_byte(p)?;
+ const part = b & 0x7f;
+ nbits += if (tag == 0) bit_size_u8(part) else 7;
+ if (nbits > maxbits) {
+ // overflows u32
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ tag = (tag << 7) + part;
+ if (tag == 0) {
+ // first tag part must not be 0
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ if ((b >> 7) == 0) {
+ return tag;
+ };
+ };
+ return invalid; // max has been reached
+fn parse_len(p: *decoder, max: size) (size | error) = {
+ if (max == 0) return invalid;
+ const b = scan_byte(p)?;
+ if (b == 0xff) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ if (b >> 7 == 0) {
+ // short form
+ return b: size;
+ };
+ let l = 0z;
+ const n = b & 0x7f;
+ if (n == 0) {
+ // Indefinite encoding is not supported in DER.
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ if (n > size(size)) {
+ // would cause a size overflow
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ if (n + 1 > max) return invalid;
+ for (let i = 0z; i < n; i += 1) {
+ const b = scan_byte(p)?;
+ l = (l << 8) + b;
+ if (l == 0) {
+ // Leading zeroes means minimum number of bytes for
+ // length encoding has not been used.
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ };
+ if (l <= 0x7f) {
+ // Could've used short form.
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ return l;
+// Expects an IMPLICIT defined data field having class 'c' and tag 'tag'.
+// If the requirements meet, a read function (read_{*} or {*}reader) must
+// follow, that defines and reads the actual data as its stored.
+export fn expect_implicit(d: *decoder, c: class, tag: u32) (void | error) = {
+ let h = peek(d)?;
+ expect_tag(h, c, tag)?;
+ d.implicit = true;
+// Opens an EXPLICIT encoded field of given class 'c' and 'tag'. The user must
+// call [[close_explicit]] after containing data has been read.
+export fn open_explicit(d: *decoder, c: class, tag: u32) (void | error) =
+ open_cons(d, c, tag);
+// Closes an EXPLICIT encoded field.
+export fn close_explicit(d: *decoder) (void | badformat) = close_cons(d);
+// Opens a constructed value of given 'class' and 'tagid'. Fails if not a
+// constructed value or it has an unexpected tag.
+fn open_cons(d: *decoder, class: class, tagid: u32) (void | error) = {
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ if (!dh.cons) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ expect_tag(dh, class, tagid)?;
+ if (d.cstackp == len(d.cstack)) {
+ return badformat;
+ };
+ d.cstack[d.cstackp] = dh;
+ d.cstackp += 1;
+// Closes current constructed value. badformat is returend, if not all data has
+// been read.
+fn close_cons(d: *decoder) (void | badformat) = {
+ if (d.implicit) {
+ // a datafield marked implicit has not been read
+ return badformat;
+ };
+ match (curcons(d)) {
+ case void =>
+ abort("No constructed value open");
+ case let h: head =>
+ if (d.pos != head_endpos(h) || d.unbufn > 0) {
+ // All data must have been read before closing the seq
+ return badformat;
+ };
+ };
+ d.cstackp -= 1;
+// Opens a sequence
+export fn open_seq(d: *decoder) (void | error) =
+ open_cons(d, class::UNIVERSAL, utag::SEQUENCE: u32)?;
+// Closes current sequence. [[badformat]] is returned, if not all data has
+// been read.
+export fn close_seq(d: *decoder) (void | badformat) = close_cons(d);
+// Opens a set. Though a set must be sorted according to DER, the order will not
+// be validated.
+export fn open_set(d: *decoder) (void | error) =
+ open_cons(d, class::UNIVERSAL, utag::SET: u32)?;
+// Closes current set. [[badformat]] is returend, if not all data has been read.
+export fn close_set(d: *decoder) (void | badformat) = close_cons(d);
+fn expect_tag(h: head, class: class, tagid: u32) (void | invalid | badformat) = {
+ if (class == class::UNIVERSAL && (tagid == utag::SEQUENCE
+ || tagid == utag::SET) && !h.cons) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ if (h.implicit) {
+ return;
+ };
+ if (h.class != class || h.tagid != tagid) {
+ return badformat;
+ };
+fn expect_utag(dh: head, tag: utag) (void | invalid | badformat) =
+ expect_tag(dh, class::UNIVERSAL, tag: u32);
+fn read_bytes(d: *decoder, buf: []u8) (size | error) = {
+ match (dataread(d, buf)) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ return 0z;
+ case let n: size =>
+ if (!dataeof(d)) {
+ return badformat;
+ };
+ return n;
+ };
+fn read_nbytes(d: *decoder, buf: []u8) (size | error) = {
+ const n = read_bytes(d, buf)?;
+ if (n != len(buf)) {
+ return badformat;
+ };
+ return n;
+// Read a boolean.
+export fn read_bool(d: *decoder) (bool | error) = {
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ expect_utag(dh, utag::BOOLEAN)?;
+ if (dsz(dh) != 1) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ let b = scan_byte(d)?;
+ if (b != 0x00 && b != 0xff) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ return b == 0xff;
+fn validate_intprefix(i: []u8) (void | error) = {
+ switch (len(i)) {
+ case 0 =>
+ return invalid;
+ case 1 =>
+ return;
+ case =>
+ // An int must be encoded using the minimal number of bytes
+ // possible as defined in X.690 s8.3.2
+ if ((i[0] == 0x00 && i[1] >> 7 == 0)
+ || (i[0] == 0xff && i[1] >> 7 == 1)) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ };
+// Read an integer into 'buf'. Fails if size exceeds the buffer size. The
+// integer is stored in big endian format. Negative values are stored as a
+// twos complement. The minimum integer size is one byte.
+export fn read_int(d: *decoder, buf: []u8) (size | error) = {
+ assert(len(buf) > 0);
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ expect_utag(dh, utag::INTEGER)?;
+ const n = read_bytes(d, buf)?;
+ validate_intprefix(buf[..n])?;
+ return n;
+// Similar to [[read_int]], but fails if it's not an unsigned integer. Will
+// left trim 0 bytes.
+export fn read_uint(d: *decoder, buf: []u8) (size | error) = {
+ let s = read_int(d, buf)?;
+ if (buf[0] & 0x80 == 0x80) {
+ return badformat;
+ };
+ if (buf[0] == 0) {
+ buf[..s-1] = buf[1..s];
+ s -= 1;
+ };
+ return s;
+fn read_ux(d: *decoder, x: u8) (u64 | error) = {
+ assert(x <= 8);
+ let b: [9]u8 = [0...];
+ const n = read_int(d, b[..x+1])?;
+ if (b[0] & 0x80 != 0) {
+ // sign bit is set
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ const s = if (b[0] == 0x00) 1u8 else 0u8;
+ if (n - s > x) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ let r = 0u64;
+ for (let i = s; i < n; i += 1) {
+ r <<= 8;
+ r += b[i];
+ };
+ return r;
+// Reads an integer that is expected to fit into u8.
+export fn read_u8(d: *decoder) (u8 | error) = read_ux(d, 1)?: u8;
+// Reads an integer that is expected to fit into u16.
+export fn read_u16(d: *decoder) (u16 | error) = read_ux(d, 2)?: u16;
+// Reads an integer that is expected to fit into u32.
+export fn read_u32(d: *decoder) (u32 | error) = read_ux(d, 4)?: u32;
+// Reads an integer that is expected to fit into u64.
+export fn read_u64(d: *decoder) (u64 | error) = read_ux(d, 8)?;
+// Reads a bitstring value. The result tuple contains the bitstring and the
+// number of unused bits in the last byte. The [[bitstr_isset]] function may be
+// used to check for set bits.
+export fn read_bitstr(d: *decoder, buf: []u8) (([]u8, u8) | error) = {
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ expect_utag(dh, utag::BITSTRING)?;
+ let unused: [1]u8 = [0...];
+ match (dataread(d, unused)?) {
+ case io::EOF =>
+ return invalid;
+ case let n: size =>
+ if (n != 1) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ };
+ const unused = unused[0];
+ if (unused > 7) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ const n = read_bytes(d, buf)?;
+ const mask = (1 << unused) - 1;
+ if (n > 0 && buf[n-1] & mask != 0) {
+ // unused bits must be zero
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ return (buf[..n], unused);
+// Checks whether bit at 'pos' is set in given bitstring. 'pos' starts from 0,
+// which is the highest order bit in the first byte.
+export fn bitstr_isset(bitstr: ([]u8, u8), pos: size) (bool | invalid) = {
+ const i = pos / 8;
+ if (i >= len(bitstr.0)) {
+ return false;
+ };
+ let b = bitstr.0[i];
+ const j = pos - i * 8;
+ if (i == len(bitstr.0) - 1 && j >= (8 - bitstr.1)) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ const mask = (1 << (7 - j));
+ return mask & b == mask;
+// Returns an [[io::reader]] for octet string data.
+// TODO add limit?
+export fn octetstrreader(d: *decoder) (bytestream | error) = {
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ expect_utag(dh, utag::OCTET_STRING)?;
+ return newbytereader(d);
+// Read an octet string into 'buf'. Fails if 'buf' is to small.
+export fn read_octetstr(d: *decoder, buf: []u8) (size | error) = {
+ assert(len(buf) > 0);
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ expect_utag(dh, utag::OCTET_STRING)?;
+ return read_bytes(d, buf);
+// Reads a null entry.
+export fn read_null(d: *decoder) (void | error) = {
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ expect_utag(dh, utag::NULL)?;
+ if (dsz(dh) != 0) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+export type bytestream = struct {
+ stream: io::stream,
+ d: *decoder,
+fn newbytereader(d: *decoder) bytestream = {
+ return bytestream {
+ stream = &bytestream_vtable,
+ d = d,
+ ...
+ };
+const bytestream_vtable: io::vtable = io::vtable {
+ reader = &bytestream_reader,
+ ...
+fn bytestream_reader(s: *io::stream, buf: []u8) (size | io::EOF | io::error) =
+ dataread((s: *bytestream).d, buf);
+// Returns an [[io::reader]] that allows to read the raw data in its encoded
+// form. Note that this reader won't do any kind of validation.
+export fn bytereader(d: *decoder, c: class, tagid: u32) (bytestream | error) = {
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ expect_tag(dh, c, tagid)?;
+ return newbytereader(d);
+// Reads an UTC time. Since the stored date only has a two digit year, 'maxyear'
+// is required to define the epoch switch. For example 'maxyear' = 2046 causes
+// all encoded years <= 46 to be after 2000 and all values > 46 will have 1900
+// as the century.
+export fn read_utctime(d: *decoder, maxyear: u16) (date::date | error) = {
+ assert(maxyear > 100);
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ expect_utag(dh, utag::UTC_TIME)?;
+ let time: [13]u8 = [0...];
+ read_nbytes(d, time[..])?;
+ if (time[len(time)-1] != 'Z') {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ let year: u16 = (time[0] - 0x30): u16 * 10 + (time[1] - 0x30): u16;
+ let cent = maxyear - (maxyear % 100);
+ if (year > maxyear % 100) {
+ cent -= 100;
+ };
+ let v = date::newvirtual();
+ v.year = (year + cent): int;
+ v.zoff = 0;
+ v.nanosecond = 0;
+ let datestr = strings::fromutf8(time[2..])!;
+ if (!(date::parse(&v, "%m%d%H%M%S%Z", datestr) is void)) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ let dt = match (date::realize(v)) {
+ case let dt: date::date =>
+ yield dt;
+ case let e: (date::insufficient | date::invalid) =>
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ return dt;
+// Reads a generalized datetime.
+export fn read_gtime(d: *decoder) (date::date | error) = {
+ let dh = next(d)?;
+ expect_utag(dh, utag::GENERALIZED_TIME)?;
+ // The date begins with the encoded datetime
+ def DATESZ = 14z;
+ // followed by optional fractional seconds separated by '.'
+ def NANOSZ = 10z;
+ def NANOSEPPOS = 14;
+ // and ends with the zone info 'Z'
+ def ZONESZ = 1z;
+ let time: [DATESZ + NANOSZ + ZONESZ]u8 = [0...];
+ let n = read_bytes(d, time[..])?;
+ // zone info and seconds must always be present
+ if (time[n-1] != 'Z' || n < DATESZ + ZONESZ) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ // validate fractional seconds
+ if (n > DATESZ + ZONESZ) {
+ // fractional seconds must not be empty
+ if (time[NANOSEPPOS] != '.' || n == DATESZ + ZONESZ + 1) {
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ // fractional seconds must not end with 0 and must be > 0
+ if (time[n-2] == '0') return invalid;
+ };
+ // right pad fractional seconds to make them valid nanoseconds
+ time[n-1..] = ['0'...];
+ time[NANOSEPPOS] = '.';
+ match (date::from_str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%N", strings::fromutf8(time)!)) {
+ case let d: date::date =>
+ return d;
+ case let e: date::error =>
+ return invalid;
+ };
+// Skips an element and returns the size of the data that has been skipped.
+// Returns an error, if the skipped data is invalid.
+export fn skip(d: *decoder, tag: utag, max: size) (size | error) = {
+ static let buf: [os::BUFSZ]u8 = [0...];
+ let s = 0z;
+ switch (tag) {
+ case utag::BOOLEAN =>
+ read_bool(d)?;
+ return 1z;
+ case utag::INTEGER =>
+ let br = bytereader(d, class::UNIVERSAL, utag::INTEGER)?;
+ let n = match (io::read(&br, buf)?) {
+ case let n: size =>
+ yield n;
+ case io::EOF =>
+ return invalid;
+ };
+ validate_intprefix(buf[..n])?;
+ n += streamskip(&br, max, buf)?;
+ return n;
+ case utag::NULL =>
+ read_null(d)?;
+ return 0z;
+ case utag::OCTET_STRING =>
+ let r = octetstrreader(d)?;
+ return streamskip(&r, max, buf)?;
+ case utag::BITSTRING =>
+ assert(max <= len(buf));
+ let buf = buf[..max];
+ let p = read_bitstr(d, buf)?;
+ bytes::zero(p.0);
+ return len(p.0) + 1;
+ case =>
+ abort("skip for given utag not implemented");
+ };
+fn streamskip(r: io::handle, max: size, buf: []u8) (size | error) = {
+ defer bytes::zero(buf);
+ let buf = if (max < len(buf)) buf[..max] else buf[..];
+ let s = 0z;
+ for (true) {
+ match (io::read(r, buf)?) {
+ case let n: size =>
+ s += n;
+ case io::EOF =>
+ return s;
+ };
+ if (s > max) {
+ return badformat;
+ };
+ };