commit b45186d80229a7f947149f5d0584f32c09a4bc19
parent a251d8176239e4c45b9cb39bb83fde28770f37df
Author: Eyal Sawady <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2021 11:45:12 -0400
hare::parse: add location tests
Signed-off-by: Eyal Sawady <>
3 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/hare/parse/+test/loc.ha b/hare/parse/+test/loc.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+use bufio;
+use encoding::utf8;
+use fmt;
+use hare::ast;
+use hare::lex;
+use io;
+use io::{mode};
+use strings;
+fn expr_testloc(srcs: str...) void = for (let i = 0z; i < len(srcs); i += 1) {
+ let buf = bufio::fixed(strings::toutf8(srcs[i]), mode::READ);
+ defer io::close(buf);
+ let lexer = lex::init(buf, "<test>");
+ let exp = match (expression(&lexer)) {
+ exp: ast::expr => exp,
+ err: error => {
+ fmt::errorln(strerror(err))!;
+ abort();
+ },
+ };
+ defer ast::expr_free(exp);
+ let runes = 0z;
+ let d = utf8::decode(srcs[i]);
+ for (true) match (utf8::next(&d)!) {
+ void => break,
+ rune => runes += 1,
+ };
+ assert(exp.start.line == 1 && exp.start.col == 1);
+ assert(exp.end.line == 1 && exp.end.col == runes);
+@test fn expr_loc() void = {
+ expr_testloc("foo", "foo[bar]", "", "foo.1");
+ expr_testloc("alloc(foo)");
+ expr_testloc("append(foo, bar)", "append(foo, bar, baz)");
+ expr_testloc("assert(foo)", "assert(foo, \"bar\")", "abort()",
+ "abort(\"foo\")");
+ expr_testloc("foo = bar");
+ expr_testloc("foo * bar");
+ expr_testloc("let foo: bar = baz", "let foo: bar = baz, quux = quuux",
+ "const foo: bar = baz", "const foo: bar = baz, quux = quuux");
+ expr_testloc("break", "break :foo");
+ expr_testloc("foo(bar)");
+ expr_testloc("foo: bar");
+ expr_testloc("[foo, bar]", "[foo, bar...]");
+ expr_testloc("foo { bar = baz, ... }", "struct { foo: bar = baz, }");
+ expr_testloc("(foo, bar)");
+ expr_testloc("null", "void", "true", "\"שלום\"");
+ expr_testloc("continue :foo");
+ expr_testloc("defer foo");
+ expr_testloc("delete(foo[bar])", "delete(foo[bar..baz])");
+ expr_testloc("for (let foo = 0; bar; baz) quux",
+ ":foo for (let bar = 0; baz; quux) quuux");
+ expr_testloc("free(foo)");
+ expr_testloc("if (foo) bar", "if (foo) bar else baz");
+ expr_testloc("len(foo)");
+ expr_testloc("{ foo; bar; }");
+ expr_testloc("match (foo) { * => bar }");
+ expr_testloc("foo?");
+ expr_testloc("return foo");
+ expr_testloc("size(int)");
+ expr_testloc("switch (foo) { * => bar }");
+ expr_testloc("foo[bar..baz]");
+ expr_testloc("&foo");
+ // We want to check the location of nested expressions, so this can't
+ // use expr_testloc
+ let buf = bufio::fixed(strings::toutf8("foo: bar: baz"), mode::READ);
+ defer io::close(buf);
+ let lexer = lex::init(buf, "<test>");
+ let exp = match (expression(&lexer)) {
+ exp: ast::expr => exp,
+ err: error => {
+ fmt::errorln(strerror(err))!;
+ abort();
+ },
+ };
+ defer ast::expr_free(exp);
+ assert(exp.start.line == 1 && exp.start.col == 1);
+ assert(exp.end.line == 1 && exp.end.col == 13);
+ let c = exp.expr as ast::cast_expr;
+ exp = *c.value;
+ assert(exp.start.line == 1 && exp.start.col == 1);
+ assert(exp.end.line == 1 && exp.end.col == 8);
+ c = exp.expr as ast::cast_expr;
+ exp = *c.value;
+ assert(exp.start.line == 1 && exp.start.col == 1);
+ assert(exp.end.line == 1 && exp.end.col == 3);
+fn type_testloc(srcs: str...) void = for (let i = 0z; i < len(srcs); i += 1) {
+ let buf = bufio::fixed(strings::toutf8(srcs[i]), mode::READ);
+ defer io::close(buf);
+ let lexer = lex::init(buf, "<test>");
+ let typ = match (_type(&lexer)) {
+ typ: ast::_type => typ,
+ err: error => {
+ fmt::errorln(strerror(err))!;
+ abort();
+ },
+ };
+ defer ast::type_free(typ);
+ let runes = 0z;
+ let d = utf8::decode(srcs[i]);
+ for (true) match (utf8::next(&d)!) {
+ void => break,
+ rune => runes += 1,
+ };
+ assert(typ.start.line == 1 && typ.start.col == 1);
+ assert(typ.end.line == 1 && typ.end.col == runes);
+@test fn type_loc() void = {
+ type_testloc("foo", "");
+ type_testloc("int");
+ type_testloc("enum { FOO = bar }");
+ type_testloc("fn(foo: bar) baz", "@noreturn fn(foo: bar) baz");
+ type_testloc("[foo]bar", "[*]foo", "[]foo", "[_]int");
+ type_testloc("*foo", "nullable *int");
+ type_testloc("struct { foo: bar }");
+ type_testloc("union { foo: bar }");
+ type_testloc("(foo | bar)");
+ type_testloc("(foo, bar)");
diff --git a/scripts/gen-stdlib b/scripts/gen-stdlib
@@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ hare_parse() {
gensrcs_hare_parse \
+test/expr.ha \
+test/ident.ha \
+ +test/loc.ha \
+test/roundtrip.ha \
+test/types.ha \
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1698,6 +1698,7 @@ testlib_hare_parse_srcs= \
$(STDLIB)/hare/parse/unit.ha \
$(STDLIB)/hare/parse/+test/expr.ha \
$(STDLIB)/hare/parse/+test/ident.ha \
+ $(STDLIB)/hare/parse/+test/loc.ha \
$(STDLIB)/hare/parse/+test/roundtrip.ha \
$(STDLIB)/hare/parse/+test/types.ha \