commit da2aa867b2ecfd62b8f7cdf5f24e703026369617
parent bc4828649ae99fe6586c61fa000598a7a7a8b53e
Author: Bor Grošelj Simić <>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:43:24 +0200
fnmatch: new module
Signed-off-by: Bor Grošelj Simić <>
4 files changed, 576 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fnmatch/+test.ha b/fnmatch/+test.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+// TODO: remove this after the forward references fix
+export type flags = enum uint {
+ PATHNAME = 1u << 0,
+ NOESCAPE = 1u << 1,
+ PERIOD = 1u << 2,
+type testcase = (str, str, bool, []flags);
+const testcases: [_]testcase = [
+ // homegrown tests
+ ("a", "a", true, []),
+ ("b", "b", true, []),
+ ("ε", "ε", true, []),
+ ("\0", "\0", true, []),
+ ("abcde", "abcde", true, []),
+ ("aaa", "bbb", false, []),
+ ("わたし", "わたし", true, []),
+ ("わした", "わたし", false, []),
+ ("わaし", "わたし", false, []),
+ ("ab*cde", "abcde", true, []),
+ ("g*a", "gordana", true, []),
+ ("ab*cde*foo*bar", "abcdefooba", false, []),
+ ("*", "foo", true, []),
+ ("aa*", "aafoo", true, []),
+ ("bb*", "foo", false, []),
+ ("*cc", "foocc", true, []),
+ ("*dd", "foo", false, []),
+ ("ra**ra", "rarara", true, []),
+ ("x*yy*x", "xxyyyyyxxx", true, []),
+ ("*", "*", true, []),
+ ("*", "", true, []),
+ ("****", "a", true, []),
+ ("**a**", "a", true, []),
+ ("****", "", true, []),
+ ("*", "わたし", true, []),
+ ("?", "ε", true, []),
+ ("?", "\0", true, []),
+ ("?", "*", true, []),
+ ("?", "", false, []),
+ ("??", "a", false, []),
+ ("??", "abc", false, []),
+ ("?aa", "bbb", false, []),
+ ("わ?し", "わたし", true, []),
+ ("???", "わたし", true, []),
+ ("**?**", "", false, []),
+ ("*?*?*?*?", "abcd", true, []),
+ ("*?*?*?*?", "abc", false, []),
+ ("[b]", "b", true, []),
+ ("a[b]c", "abc", true, []),
+ ("a[b]c", "axc", false, []),
+ ("[a-c]", "b", true, []),
+ ("[a-z]", "a", true, []),
+ ("[c-a]", "b", false, []),
+ ("x[a-c]y", "xay", true, []),
+ ("x[a-c]y", "xby", true, []),
+ ("x[a-c]y", "xcy", true, []),
+ ("x[a-c]y", "xzy", false, []),
+ ("x[a-c]y", "xy", false, []),
+ ("[a-c]*[a-c]", "axxxb", true, []),
+ ("わ[た]し", "わたし", true, []),
+ ("[-]", "-", true, []),
+ ("[.]", ".", true, []),
+ ("[:ias]", ":", true, []),
+ ("[-]", "a", false, []),
+ ("[-ac]", "a", true, []),
+ ("[-ac]", "-", true, []),
+ ("[-ac]", "b", false, []),
+ ("[ac-]", "a", true, []),
+ ("[ac-]", "-", true, []),
+ ("[ac-]", "b", false, []),
+ ("[.a.]", "a", false, []),
+ ("[[:alnum:]]", "7", true, []),
+ ("[[alpha:]]", "a]", true, []),
+ ("[[alpha:]]", ":]", true, []),
+ ("[[:alpha:]]", "a", true, []),
+ ("[[:blank:]]", " ", true, []),
+ ("[[:alnum:]]a", "a]a", false, []),
+ ("[[:alnum:][[:digit:]]", "a", true, []),
+ ("[!b]", "b", false, []),
+ ("a[!b]c", "abc", false, []),
+ ("a[!b]c", "axc", true, []),
+ ("[!a-c]", "b", false, []),
+ ("[!c-a]", "b", true, []),
+ ("x[!a-c]y", "xay", false, []),
+ ("x[!a-c]y", "xby", false, []),
+ ("x[!a-c]y", "xcy", false, []),
+ ("x[!a-c]y", "xzy", true, []),
+ ("x[!a-c]y", "xy", false, []),
+ ("[!a-c]*[!a-c]", "axxxb", false, []),
+ ("わ[!た]し", "わたし", false, []),
+ ("[!-]", "-", false, []),
+ ("[!-]", "a", true, []),
+ ("[!-ac]", "a", false, []),
+ ("[!-ac]", "-", false, []),
+ ("[!-ac]", "b", true, []),
+ ("[![:alnum:]]", "a", false, []),
+ ("[![:alnum:]]a", "a]a", false, []),
+ ("[![:alnum:][:digit:]]", "a", false, []),
+ (".", ".", true, [flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("*", ".", false, [flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("?", ".", false, [flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("[.]", ".", false, [flags::PERIOD]),
+ (".*", ".asdf", true, [flags::PERIOD]),
+ (".*", "asdf", false, [flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("\\", "\\", true, [flags::NOESCAPE]),
+ ("\\*", "\\asdf", true, [flags::NOESCAPE]),
+ // adapted from musl tests
+ ("*.c", "foo.c", true, []),
+ ("*.c", ".c", true, []),
+ ("*.a", "foo.c", false, []),
+ ("*.c", ".foo.c", true, []),
+ ("a\\*.c", "ax.c", false, []),
+ ("a[xy].c", "ax.c", true, []),
+ ("a[!y].c", "ax.c", true, []),
+ ("-O[01]", "-O1", true, []),
+ ("[[?*\\]", "\\", true, []),
+ ("[]?*\\]", "]", true, []),
+ ("[!]a-]", "b", true, []),
+ ("[]-_]", "^", true, []),
+ ("[!]-_]", "X", true, []),
+ ("??", "-", false, []),
+ ("[*]/b", "a/b", false, []),
+ ("[*]/b", "*/b", true, []),
+ ("[?]/b", "a/b", false, []),
+ ("[?]/b", "?/b", true, []),
+ ("[[a]/b", "a/b", true, []),
+ ("[[a]/b", "[/b", true, []),
+ ("\\*/b", "a/b", false, []),
+ ("\\*/b", "*/b", true, []),
+ ("\\?/b", "a/b", false, []),
+ ("\\?/b", "?/b", true, []),
+ ("[/b", "[/b", false, []),
+ ("\\[/b", "[/b", true, []),
+ ("??""/b", "aa/b", true, []),
+ ("???b", "aa/b", true, []),
+ ("a[/]b", "a/b", true, []),
+ ("*[/]b", "a", false, []),
+ ("[![:d-d]", "b", false, []),
+ ("[[:d-d]", "[", false, []),
+ ("[![:d-d]", "[", false, []),
+ ("[a-z]/[a-z]", "a/b", true, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("a[/]b", "a/b", false, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("*", "a/b", false, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("*[/]b", "a/b", false, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("*[b]", "a/b", false, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("a[a/z]*.c", "a/x.c", false, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("a/*.c", "a/x.c", true, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("a*.c", "a/x.c", false, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("*/foo", "/foo", true, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("*.c", ".foo.c", false, [flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("*.c", "foo.c", true, [flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("a\\*.c", "a*.c", false, [flags::NOESCAPE]),
+ ("???b", "aa/b", false, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("?a/b", ".a/b", false, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("a/?b", "a/.b", false, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("*a/b", ".a/b", false, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("a/*b", "a/.b", false, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("[.]a/b", ".a/b", false, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("a/[.]b", "a/.b", false, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("*/?", "a/b", true, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("?/*", "a/b", true, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ (".*/?", ".a/b", true, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("*/.?", "a/.b", true, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("*/*", "a/.b", false, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("*?*/*", "a/.b", true, [flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("*[.]/b", "a./b", true, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("*[[:alpha:]]/*[[:alnum:]]", "a/b", true, [flags::PATHNAME]),
+ ("a?b", "a.b", true, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("a*b", "a.b", true, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+ ("a[.]b", "a.b", true, [flags::PATHNAME, flags::PERIOD]),
+@test fn fnmatch() void = {
+ for (let i = 0z; i < len(testcases); i += 1) {
+ let tc = testcases[i];
+ assert(fnmatch(tc.0, tc.1, tc.3...) == tc.2);
+ };
diff --git a/fnmatch/fnmatch.ha b/fnmatch/fnmatch.ha
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+use ascii;
+use errors;
+use strings;
+use sort;
+// A set of flags that alter the matching behavior of [[fnmatch::fnmatch]]
+export type flags = enum uint {
+ // If this flag is set, slashes in the string will only be matched by
+ // literal slashes in the pattern
+ PATHNAME = 1u << 0,
+ // If this flag is set, backslash will be treated as an ordinary
+ // character
+ NOESCAPE = 1u << 1,
+ // If this flag is set, a '.' at the beginning of the string can only
+ // be matched by a literal '.' in the pattern. If
+ // [[fnmatch::flags::PATHNAME]] is set simultaneously, this behavior also
+ // apply to any periods immediately following a slash.
+ PERIOD = 1u << 2,
+type bracket = void;
+type star = void;
+type question = void;
+type end = void;
+type token = (rune | bracket | star | question | end);
+// Check whether the [[string]] matches the [[pattern]] which is a shell
+// wildcard pattern with the following matching rules:
+// - '?' matches any single character
+// - '*' matches any string, including the empty string
+// - '[' and ']' enclose a bracket expression. Matching rules for bracket
+// expressions are identical to those of bracket subexpressions in regular
+// expressions, except that '!' takes the role of '^' when placed right after
+// the opening '['.
+// - '\' escapes the following character, e. g. "\*" only matches literal '*'
+// and has no special meaning
+// - all other characters only match themselves
+// A set of flags that alter the matching behavior may be passed to
+// [[fnmatch::fnmatch]]. For an explanation of their meaning, see [
+// [fnmatch::flags]].
+export fn fnmatch(pattern: str, string: str, flag: flags...) bool = {
+ let fl: flags = 0;
+ for (let i = 0z; i < len(flag); i += 1) {
+ fl |= flag[i];
+ };
+ if (fl & flags::PATHNAME != 0) {
+ return match (fnmatch_pathname(pattern, string, fl)) {
+ b: bool => b,
+ * => false,
+ };
+ } else {
+ return match (fnmatch_internal(pattern, string, fl)) {
+ b: bool => b,
+ * => false,
+ };
+ };
+// Split the pattern and the string on every '/' and process each part
+// separately
+fn fnmatch_pathname(
+ pattern: str,
+ string: str,
+ fl: flags,
+) (bool | errors::unsupported | errors::invalid) = {
+ let tok = strings::tokenize(string, "/");
+ let p_iter = strings::iter(pattern);
+ let start = p_iter;
+ for (true) :outer {
+ start = p_iter;
+ for (true) match (pat_next(&p_iter, fl)?) {
+ end => break :outer,
+ r: rune => if (r == '/') break,
+ bracket => match_bracket(&p_iter, '\0')?,
+ (question | star) => void,
+ };
+ let s = match (strings::next_token(&tok)) {
+ void => return false,
+ s: str => s,
+ };
+ strings::prev(&p_iter);
+ let p = cut_tail(strings::iter_str(&start), &p_iter);
+ strings::next(&p_iter);
+ if (!fnmatch_internal(p, s, fl)?) {
+ return false;
+ };
+ };
+ let s = match(strings::next_token(&tok)) {
+ void => return false,
+ s: str => s,
+ };
+ let p = strings::iter_str(&start);
+ return fnmatch_internal(p, s, fl)? && strings::next_token(&tok) is void;
+// Core fnmatch function, implementing the "Sea of stars" algorithm that is also
+// used in Musl libc. First we make sure the parts before the first star and
+// after the last star produce exact matches and then proceed to greedily match
+// everything in between. Because of the greedy property this algorithm does not
+// have exponential corner cases.
+export fn fnmatch_internal(
+ pattern: str,
+ string: str,
+ fl: flags,
+) (bool | errors::invalid | errors::unsupported) = {
+ if (fl & flags::PERIOD != 0) {
+ if (strings::has_prefix(string, ".")
+ && !strings::has_prefix(pattern, ".")) {
+ return false;
+ };
+ };
+ let p = strings::iter(pattern);
+ let s = strings::iter(string);
+ // match up to the first *
+ for (true) {
+ let copy = s;
+ let rn = strings::next(©);
+ let t = match (pat_next(&p, fl)?) {
+ star => break,
+ end => return rn is void,
+ question => rn is rune,
+ bracket => rn is rune && match_bracket(&p, rn: rune)?,
+ r: rune => rn is rune && rn: rune == r,
+ };
+ if (!t) {
+ return false;
+ };
+ s = copy;
+ };
+ // find the tail of the pattern
+ let p_copy = p, p_last = (p, 0z);
+ let cnt = 0z;
+ for (true; cnt += 1) {
+ match (pat_next(&p, fl)?) {
+ end => break,
+ star => p_last = (p, cnt + 1),
+ bracket => match_bracket(&p, '\0')?,
+ (question | rune) => void,
+ };
+ };
+ p = p_last.0;
+ cnt = cnt - p_last.1;
+ let s_copy = s;
+ s = strings::riter(string);
+ for (let i = 0z; i < cnt; i += 1) {
+ strings::prev(&s);
+ };
+ // match the tail
+ let s_last = s;
+ for (true) {
+ let rn = strings::next(&s);
+ let matches = match (pat_next(&p, fl)?) {
+ end => if (rn is void) break else return false,
+ question => rn is rune,
+ bracket => rn is rune && match_bracket(&p, rn: rune)?,
+ r: rune => rn is rune && rn: rune == r,
+ star => abort(),
+ };
+ if (!matches) {
+ return false;
+ };
+ };
+ // match the "sea of stars" in the middle
+ s_copy = strings::iter(cut_tail(strings::iter_str(&s_copy), &s_last));
+ p_copy = strings::iter(cut_tail(strings::iter_str(&p_copy), &p_last.0));
+ for (true) :outer {
+ p = p_copy;
+ if (len(strings::iter_str(&p)) == 0) {
+ return true;
+ };
+ s = s_copy;
+ for (true) :inner {
+ let copy = s;
+ let rn = strings::next(©);
+ let matched = match (pat_next(&p, fl)?) {
+ end => abort(),
+ question => rn is rune,
+ bracket => rn is rune && match_bracket(&p, rn: rune)?,
+ r: rune => rn is rune && r == rn: rune,
+ star => {
+ p_copy = p;
+ s_copy = s;
+ continue :outer;
+ },
+ };
+ if (!matched) {
+ break :inner;
+ };
+ s = copy;
+ };
+ match (strings::next(&s_copy)) {
+ void => return false,
+ rune => void,
+ };
+ };
+ abort();
+fn match_bracket(
+ it: *strings::iterator,
+ c: rune,
+) (bool | errors::invalid | errors::unsupported) = {
+ let old = *it;
+ let first = advance_or_err(it)?;
+ let inv = false;
+ if (first == '^') {
+ return errors::invalid;
+ };
+ if (first == '!') {
+ inv = true;
+ first = advance_or_err(it)?;
+ };
+ let found = (first == c);
+ let last: (rune | void) = first;
+ if (first == ']') {
+ first = advance_or_err(it)?;
+ };
+ for (let r = first; true; r = advance_or_err(it)?) {
+ switch (r) {
+ ']' => break,
+ '-' => {
+ let end = advance_or_err(it)?;
+ if (end == ']') {
+ // '-' at the end matches itself
+ strings::push(it, ']');
+ last = '-';
+ found ||= (c == '-');
+ continue;
+ };
+ if (last is void) {
+ return errors::invalid;
+ };
+ let l = last: rune;
+ found ||= (l: u32 <= c: u32 && c: u32 <= end: u32);
+ last = void; // forbid 'a-f-n'
+ },
+ '[' => {
+ let next_rune = advance_or_err(it)?;
+ switch (next_rune) { // TODO localization
+ '=', '.' => return errors::unsupported,
+ ':' => {
+ let t = match_ctype(it, c)?;
+ found ||= t;
+ },
+ * => {
+ strings::push(it, next_rune);
+ found ||= (c == '[');
+ },
+ };
+ last = '[';
+ },
+ * => {
+ found ||= (c == r);
+ last = r;
+ },
+ };
+ };
+ let cnt = len(strings::iter_str(&old)) - len(strings::iter_str(it));
+ if (last is rune && first == last: rune && cnt >= 4) {
+ switch (first) {
+ '=', '.', ':' => return errors::invalid,
+ * => void,
+ };
+ };
+ return found ^^ inv;
+fn match_ctype(it: *strings::iterator, c: rune) (bool | errors::invalid) = {
+ let s = strings::iter_str(it);
+ let i = 0z;
+ for (let r = '\0'; r != ':'; i+= 1) {
+ r = advance_or_err(it)?;
+ if (!ascii::isascii(r)) {
+ return errors::invalid;
+ };
+ };
+ if (advance_or_err(it)? != ']') {
+ return errors::invalid;
+ };
+ let name = strings::sub(s, 0, i - 1);
+ return match (ctype_name_to_func(name)) {
+ null => return errors::invalid,
+ f: *fn(c: rune) bool => f(c),
+ };
+type funcmap = (str, *fn(c: rune) bool);
+fn cmp(a: const *void, b: const *void) int = {
+ return ascii::strcmp((a: *funcmap).0, *(b: const *str)): int;
+fn ctype_name_to_func(name: str) nullable *fn(c: rune) bool = {
+ const map: [_]funcmap = [
+ ("alnum", &ascii::isalnum), ("alpha", &ascii::isalpha),
+ ("blank", &ascii::isblank), ("cntrl", &ascii::iscntrl),
+ ("digit", &ascii::isdigit), ("graph", &ascii::isgraph),
+ ("lower", &ascii::islower), ("print", &ascii::isprint),
+ ("punct", &ascii::ispunct), ("space", &ascii::isspace),
+ ("upper", &ascii::isupper), ("xdigit",&ascii::isxdigit),
+ ];
+ return match (sort::search(map, size(funcmap), &name, &cmp)) {
+ null => null: nullable *fn(c: rune) bool,
+ p: *void => (p: *funcmap).1,
+ };
+fn pat_next(pat: *strings::iterator, fl: flags) (token | errors::invalid) = {
+ let r = match (strings::next(pat)) {
+ void => return end,
+ r: rune => r,
+ };
+ return switch (r) {
+ '*' => star,
+ '?' => question,
+ '[' => bracket,
+ // TODO: remove ? (harec bug workaround)
+ '\\' => if (fl & flags::NOESCAPE == 0) advance_or_err(pat)?
+ else '\\': token, // TODO: remove cast (harec bug workaround)
+ * => r,
+ };
+fn advance_or_err(it: *strings::iterator) (rune | errors::invalid) = {
+ return match (strings::next(it)) {
+ r: rune => r,
+ void => errors::invalid,
+ };
+fn cut_tail(s: str, it: *strings::iterator) str = {
+ let s_len = len(s), t_len = len(strings::iter_str(it));
+ let b = strings::toutf8(s);
+ return strings::fromutf8(b[..s_len - t_len]);
diff --git a/scripts/gen-stdlib b/scripts/gen-stdlib
@@ -290,6 +290,16 @@ fmt() {
gen_ssa fmt bufio io os strconv strings types
+fnmatch() {
+ if [ $testing -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ gen_srcs fnmatch fnmatch.ha
+ else
+ gen_srcs fnmatch fnmatch.ha +test.ha
+ fi
+ gen_ssa fnmatch strings bytes sort ascii io fmt
format_elf() {
gen_srcs format::elf \
'$(ARCH).ha' \
@@ -868,6 +878,7 @@ encoding::utf8
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -162,6 +162,10 @@ hare_stdlib_deps+=$(stdlib_format_elf)
+# gen_lib fnmatch
# gen_lib fs
@@ -591,6 +595,16 @@ $(HARECACHE)/format/xml/format_xml.ssa: $(stdlib_format_xml_srcs) $(stdlib_rt) $
@HARECACHE=$(HARECACHE) $(HAREC) $(HAREFLAGS) -o $@ -Nformat::xml \
-t$(HARECACHE)/format/xml/ $(stdlib_format_xml_srcs)
+# fnmatch
+stdlib_fnmatch_srcs= \
+ $(STDLIB)/fnmatch/fnmatch.ha
+$(HARECACHE)/fnmatch/fnmatch.ssa: $(stdlib_fnmatch_srcs) $(stdlib_rt) $(stdlib_strings) $(stdlib_bytes) $(stdlib_sort) $(stdlib_ascii) $(stdlib_io) $(stdlib_fmt)
+ @printf 'HAREC \t$@\n'
+ @mkdir -p $(HARECACHE)/fnmatch
+ -t$(HARECACHE)/fnmatch/ $(stdlib_fnmatch_srcs)
# fs
stdlib_fs_srcs= \
$(STDLIB)/fs/types.ha \
@@ -1375,6 +1389,10 @@ hare_testlib_deps+=$(testlib_format_elf)
+# gen_lib fnmatch
# gen_lib fs
@@ -1812,6 +1830,17 @@ $(TESTCACHE)/format/xml/format_xml.ssa: $(testlib_format_xml_srcs) $(testlib_rt)
-t$(TESTCACHE)/format/xml/ $(testlib_format_xml_srcs)
+# fnmatch
+testlib_fnmatch_srcs= \
+ $(STDLIB)/fnmatch/fnmatch.ha \
+ $(STDLIB)/fnmatch/+test.ha
+$(TESTCACHE)/fnmatch/fnmatch.ssa: $(testlib_fnmatch_srcs) $(testlib_rt) $(testlib_strings) $(testlib_bytes) $(testlib_sort) $(testlib_ascii) $(testlib_io) $(testlib_fmt)
+ @printf 'HAREC \t$@\n'
+ @mkdir -p $(TESTCACHE)/fnmatch
+ -t$(TESTCACHE)/fnmatch/ $(testlib_fnmatch_srcs)
# fs
testlib_fs_srcs= \
$(STDLIB)/fs/types.ha \